Re: Turning it off
Ok, so you've made a great big zip file with your source and your binaries of the NSA tools. You've taken them home in a single lump for convenience. As a result this single archive, which probably runs to hundreds of meg if not gigabytes, matches a known signature. So you are stating that it's ok for Kaspersky to upload this file to their servers without asking? Does it do this for ALL files that match signatures or just those that match NSA signatures?
My point was that just because they identify binaries that match signatures, it gives them no right to upload unrelated items. Or upload anything without asking. Makes no difference if it's in an archive or as separate files on the file system.
PS. I have no view on Russia vs US. However I do have a dim view of all anti-virus software companies and refuse to use them. Their software is only marginally better than the viruses themselves: you can pay them in dollars and don't have to fish around for bitcoin