* Posts by Paul

5 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Feb 2008

Defra drafts proper pet practice for the daft



"...pet owners who don't know a dog's arse from whatever it has in lieu of an elbow".

Dogs have 2 elbows at the front...

Remember never to shake the hand of those who do not know their arses from their elbows...

Reding tells Euro MPs to back telecoms reforms


Hard to Understand?

"But Reding said she found it harder to understand why the Parliament had watered down proposals on data breach notification"

That would probably be pressure from the UK Euro-MPs

Mines the one with the lost CDs in the pocket...

MS products just too cool to comprehend, say MS geeks


eroom's Law

As the power of the processor rises exponentially, the memory and processing requirement of Windows also rises exponentially - effectively cancelling out progress. Well done MS.

The penguin of all evil? Because I have realised why people love Linux so much. Tins and labels, tins and labels...

Microsoft says ‘hasta la vista XP’ - well, kinda


And Microsoft says...

We got it it wrong again - never mind hey!

No picture - 'cos you don't have one of Bill G or Steve B with a knob on their heads!

Microhoo! or YahSoft!? The! people! must! decide!


How about

More Bollocks from Microsoft? MBM?

May not be catchy... Just honest!

I'll get me coat. P.