Re: Greasy
Yes it is. And yes, these people are idiots.
The complaints are not about the telesales call, they are about the repeated sales call when they have asked us to remove all records of them from our systems.
If you're not on TPS and you have told us that we can't keep a record of you on our internal suppression lists then don't be surprised if you get called again in a few months when we refresh our call lists. We're not the ones being unreasonable, you are.
In answer to the question from another poster further down, yes there is such a thing as full delete we scrubbed the records clean, detailed backups were kept for a week and then were aggregated so that no personal data remained if someone wanted full delete.
In answer to the other posters who don't quite understand how telesales calls work.
Get as angry as you like, our droids will brush it off because they're professionals (they get thousands of "No" a week and make money on the small percentages that say 'yes'. do you really think you make much difference in their lives?). You are the one that has to carry that anger around with you. Your kids are the ones who have to watch daddy shouting down the phone at a stranger whilst the family is about to sit down for dinner; real great example for them you set, father of the year.
If the sales company is breaking the rules (not necessarily laws, most of the codes they sign are voluntary & unenforced) then complain, but don't take it out on the 'droid'. Take it out on the guys like me who design the systems. It's our job to put a system in place so the rules are followed and the sales agents can just call & make their percentages as quickly as possible.
Oh and if you can't work within the system and can't or won't understand why we need to keep a record of you to suppress future calls, then I will call you an idiot, but not to your face because I too am a professional.