Can you blame them
With all the crap you cover can you blame them for mistaking a supposed IT publication for something else?
161 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Feb 2008
There is a vast amount of information that is not commonly disseminated, unclassifed, and could provide an advantage to a foreign government.
To classify something is a very serious matter with tremendous restrictions on the information. For the most part it is sufficent to make it export controlled and need to know only. It is very much a crime to violate export control laws.
A choice between paper and plastic is a false choice. Most shopping centres near me only offer plastic and the staff are (un)trained to put even to most trivial item in a bag. The choice here is between sitting idle and letting nitiwits use plastic one time use bags or giving them an econimic penalty to remember to bring a cloth bag with em.
Sorry about the title, I do respect your reporting but... Your hand waved analysis has neglected some options that a determined inventive fellow could employ.
1) Anti-personnel grenades, the sort you might find in a MLRS or ATACMS (steel rain) rocket, are light, easily deployed when the target area is reached, and very very very nasty to flesh. I'm sure there are some you can pick up from the former USSR.
2) Rocket launched guided gliders can lift significantly heavier payloads than your model aircraft example. Rocket motors are available to the hobby market (would need a lot though, maybe not feasible) and failing that even the stone age inhabitants of Gaza have figured out the chemistry.
I’m not saying that such an avenue of attack would be very effective (more than once at least) but it is not nearly as silly as you suggest.
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Just because you can’t think of a way to make it work does not mean it’s not realistic.
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Ash - Army of Darkness
- Its a trick; get an axe.
- This is my BOOM! stick.
- Clatu! Verata! Negemmem...
- Name's Ash... house-wares.
- Lady I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the store.
Bill and Teds Excelent Adventure
- Iron Maiden? Excelelnt!
- You killed Ted you midevil dickweed!
- Sounds good Mr. The Kid
Ghost Busters
- Yes its true, this man has no dick.