* Posts by Tim

2 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Feb 2008

Microsoft and Yahoo! resume mating ritual

IT Angle

Mating Ritual?

Seems more like a re-run of Night of the Living Dead...

But then that is more entertaining than their content...

I always remember the KISS phase: Keep It Simple Stupid...

Which is all they have to do with an internet search...

But then they might have to use their services to understand that...

Which is really too much to ask in this day and age...

And if you dont believe that then just read those executive emails regarding Blista.

Perhaps we should expect a nuclear explosion as these gas giants collapse...

So guys: put your heads between you knees and kiss your arses goodbye.

Microsoft dishes out six critical updates


The only workable system in the shop!

Dear Coxes Orange-Pippin,

Thank you for letting me know about Vista:Tiger.

I have just been down to PC Wonk and bought a new Vista:Tiger laptop.

The salesman did assure me that it was the only workable operating system that is pre-installed on the machines they sell... Needless to say I am very impressed with Vista:Tiger and will recommend it to all my friends.

However, I am very surprised that naughty Mr Jobs should have borrowed from many wonderful ideas from Vista:Tiger...

Yours Delighted

Granny Smith