why is...
a 30-year old IT consultant wearing a t-shirt any way?
4 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Feb 2008
Saudi Arabia officially warned Britain of an imminent terrorist attack on London just weeks ahead of the 7 July bombings after calls from one of al-Qaeda's most wanted operatives were traced to an active cell in the United Kingdom.
Senior Saudi security sources have confirmed they are investigating whether calls from Kareem al-Majati, last year named as one of al-Qaeda's chiefs in the Gulf kingdom, were made directly to the British ringleader of the 7 July bomb plotters.
One senior Saudi security official told The Observer that calls to Britain intercepted from a mobile phone belonging to Majati earlier this year revealed that an active terror group was at work in the UK and planning an attack.
He also said that calls from Majati's lieutenant and al-Qaeda's logistics expert, Younes al-Hayari, who was killed in a separate shoot-out just four days before the 7 July bombings, have also been traced to Britain.
From The Observer, 7th August 2005
Paris Hilton: Thats Hot!!
Stephen Hawking: (in robot voice for full effect) Actually, Hawking radiation has a blackbody radiation with a temperature T given by: kT = hbar g / 2 pi c = hbar c = (4 pi r s) blah blah blah...
Paris Hilton: Thats Hot
etc etc etc til the end of time (whatever that might be ha ha ha)
This is not a bumper sticker issue where something is either right or wrong. A recently interviewed CIA operative commenting on waterboarding considered it "necessary" despite the fact he found it "deeply troubling". This guy was at the cutting edge of the debate on "torture", and surprise surprise, acknowledges that it is not a simple black and white issue. Why does everyone buy into W's with us or against us mentality?
I find it troubling that 20 year old males are happy to live within a country whose societal beliefs they find personally unacceptable.