Re: Phone makers PLEASE take note
You can get plain vanilla Android if you ignore brand names and buy a Chinese phone on eBay. My current one is a Cubot Max 2.
494 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Feb 2008
What did we do? Find services to run the Green Party conference online, quickly eliminate unsuitable ones, get a demonstration from two of them, picked one to go with and then set up a completely online conference in one week.
Unlike the consultants quoted in the article, it was not a case of creating new software or installing existing software on our machines. We just chose which software as a service offer to use. Nor did we try to integrate it with our existing software. We didn't try to set up single sign on. Instead we sent emails to members with a link to where they could register on
There were inevitable user experience problems as there had been no time to train anyone except the speakers and the digital support volunteers. But still 350 people took part on Saturday. We can an online video conferenced help desk all day, sorting out user problems as they occurred.
The big company mindset and rules prevents rapid adaptation to changes in the environment. Expect both the biggest and smallest to collapse over the next year.
The Sinclair QL was the business machine of choice for a while in Kenya. It was small enough to bring in a suitcase, avoiding the 160% duty and sales tax after President Moi had declared the only purpose of computers was to put secretaries out of work.
I wrote a 24 hour pedal kart timekeeping program on a QL - multitasking 4 68008 machine code programmes with a BASIC one for reporting.
Although I do like the way they have called out Government advertisements for not being truthful. The Dept. responsible claimed the adverts had been checked by Clear Channel - but they only check that it is legal and decent. They don't judge whether it is honest and truthful.
According to past Register reports, there won't be any use of millimetre wavebands in 5G for a couple of years. So any measurements at the moment are of 5G masts working at frequencies close to 4G.
We don't yet know the possible biological effects of millimetre wave exposure. But as their range is so short, that won't be a factor except in conference centres and some malls where the 5G transmitters have been set up for high bandwidth communication.
They pretended to be economists. They volunteered to help the stand of a small institute at a Climate Change summit in Bonn. They gave passable speeches at a conference. One had taken the name of the CEO of a bank - but didn't look at all like his picture. Rather like in a spy novel, they had taken some pains to appear to be serious campaigning economists who had worked in the financial sector. They were so convincing I recorded videos of them for use in publicity.
They walked off at the end of the conference with the takings from the stall and the contact list.
Onlye later did the MD of the instituted find out that they weren't who they said they were. She tracked them down, spoke to one of them and got the money back. But they hadn't taken enough money to be worth charging with fraud.
They live very well as conmen targeting small organisations who aren't able to spend time doing extensive checks on people's background.
Richard Stallman came to give a talk to a free and open software day in Belfast in the 1990s. Even then, his messianic lecturing manner put off many of the people from companies who were thinking of opening up their software. Luckily his effect was diluted by practical Irish speakers, so things went forward.
He is stuck in the attitudes developed when he first started campaigning for free software, decades ago. Since then we have learned a lot more about sexuality, mental health and society. Anyone who is still learning changes their attitudes and assumptions in the face of change. RMS has not changed with the times. So it is time to retire and hand over the leadership.
In two town centre streets, you have to walk bicycles between 1000 and 1800. Outside those hours you can ride down those streets.
Everywhere else there are cycle lanes and 20 mph limits to reduce injuries from motor vehicles.
Has Hemel Hempsted done that?
Oxford tried to ban busking and begging in a PSPO. So Mark Thomas came to town and built a beggar trap.