Good in combination with another extension
IDCAC works really well when you combine it with Cookie AutoDelete. IDCAC accepts all the cookies, then at the end of your visit to the website, Cookie AutoDelete removes them again.
36 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Feb 2008
For a start the OnePlus One doesn't have a band 20 radio, so can't use 800Mhz, and then the Three 'In Touch' app doesn't allow you to use it as it believes a Cyanogenmod phone is rooted, even when it isn't. not sure what it looks for, but whatever it is, it's wrong. Looks like I could be a bit stuffed.
I think you're thinking of psychotherapists, not psychologists. I'm loving this whole thread of people taking the piss out of a discipline when they don't actually know what the discipline even covers. Anyone would think you're all psychologists (or is it psychiatrists, or sociologists, or psychotherapists or...yawn, bored now).
to write something like 'Somerset Council writes reasonably balanced review' would it? You could even have written 'Somerset Council praises Southwest One' - all are perfectly valid. Unfortunately the 'review' is so bland and missing any degree of statistical analysis as to be completely worthless.
...will go over the heads of any children below a certain age anyway. My children (7 & 9) listen to the News Quiz, and a joke like that they wouldn't understand. They don't really know who Tories are.
Seriously though - I'd much rather the use of swearing was kept to allusion rather than just blurting it out - I know Radio 4 audiences are expected to be able to handle a certain amount of foul language, but it does make it difficult when I want to introduce my kids to some good comedy. Apart from anything it gets bloody annoying when one of the sprogs keeps saying '''oooh, did you hear the man on the radio? He just said a swear word..." Very tedious.
Now I can't be certain, but I have a feeling that someone, somewhere is making a few pennies profit from Apple products. I have a sneaking suspicion that if Apple were to move their manufacturing plants to countries with good records on human rights and better working conditions they may make slightly less profit - still profit though. Perhaps if Apple were to lead the way in this - after all there's more than enough mark up in an Apple product to allow them to do it - others would follow. At least then you'd know that when you pay over the odds for a product at least there's some good coming out of it, and you'd feel slightly less cheated.
I can't imagine anything less likely than Microsoft using Java applets for you to read your Hotmail emails in a browser. Perhaps you're confusing Java with JavaScript? Think of the differences between Java and JavaScript as being the same as the differences between jam and jamboree, or microscope and Microsoft.
I can appreciate prices change reasonably quickly, but seeing as the roundup only came out this morning (16th November), TMobile have it at 80 quid bar a penny, which is 15 quid off. I realise you think £230 is 'budget', so probably drop fivers without noticing, but all the same! be a y'know, mat, that you could, like, just put things on and they'd charge? The idea being that rather than having to carefully plug in a single unit to a single dock and have loads of wallwarts, you'd have one mat, and just throw many things on it without fiddling about. So they've magically come up with a single use item (you could almost call it a dock) which requires careful placement. And they charge 50 squiddlies? Has someone has lost the plot, or am I missing something?
...isn't it sailing a bit close to the wind with regard to their deal with Apple Corp? I thought the deal was that Apple could use the word Apple as long as it had no connection with music (and I presume that Apple Corp didn't go into the designer computer market). Seems Apple are getting more and more embroiled in music - but I guess they did invent it, so fair's fair.
Nothing new on the power management side of things - I have a k-100d and it ate rechargeables for breakfast and alkalines for lunch. They seem to set the voltage drop point too high, or there isn't enough calibration. Either way I found using Eneloops has cured that problem completely - can't recommend them highly enough if you have a Pentax DSLR.
Erm, I'm not a legal bod - doesn't this sentence make the covenant not worth the pixels it's projected upon?:
"Microsoft reserves the right to update (including discontinue) the foregoing covenant"
So at any point in the future they can remove the covenant and sue the pants off you? Or have I got it wrong?
"Like everyone else on the planet, I've pirated loads of stuff". Now *that's* bollocks... I haven't. I don't need to, I use Linux. I also buy music CDs and film DVDs. I think the last thing I 'pirated' was the top 40 recorded off the radio (had Annie Nigtingale on afterwards playing The Smiths and The Cure - shows how long ago.)
"Even if The Pirate Bay was taken down something else would surely replace it." Hmm, that's true, so might as well let <insert favourite criminal group> act with impunity, because if we take them down, another <insert favourite criminal group> will surely replace it? Apathy rules, but it can't be arsed to do anything about it...
I really don't care whether this happened to someone famous or not, pushing someone over next to the edge of a stage is stupid beyond belief. Perhaps I'm getting old, but I've never found deliberate actions which could lead to someone else's serious injury or death particularly funny.
"A matter of minutes can decide whether or not I make a sale." You need to have a chat with the guy who's galled by the fact he can't annoy everyone on the train for the full 15 minutes. I bet you'd get on really well...
So before 3G came along you were skint and constantly missing your targets eh? I love the way that you didn't realise until you were told about only getting 128 kbBbbbBBbs - shows what a difference it makes.
I was thinking of the flash based player, seeing as I run Linux, it's the *only* version available to me. Yeah, so they also use P2P, so go for the Bitorrent stolen music/pr0n/software guys instead before the BBC. Oh, that would be a bit too tricky - at least they know where the BBC is (are?).
The BBC *is* paying for it's usage. It hosts the streams on a server/servers with a connection to the internet. It has to pay for the bandwidth/throughput the servers use. Unless of course it got it's hosting package from someone like Tiscali, who offered them an 'unlimited' allowance for 3.5p a year? I don't have to pay Tiscali if one of their poor uninformed suckers looks at my website, but they use up my allowance on my host. Why should the BBC be any different?
Couldn't work out how long they'd been open for, and granted, most were for 'userland' stuff like Office, but that was after about a minute of looking. I'd say that the very fact *1* security flaw has been exploited in a Linux deployment is newsworthy says it all...
OK, so some people use P2P to download or whatever, but compare that to the vast majority of you whinging people out there who are disgusted that you might get nicked for stealing music. If - as a few of you seem to feel - all the music is crap, why are you listening to it? If it's good enough to listen to, it's good enough to buy. Yeah, record companies are a bunch of pigopolists, but they always have been. If you want to find good quality music, go to gigs, find your own bands. Don't put up with what you're fed by those record companies. Small bands will distribute their music by themselves on CD's or un-restricted mp3's (or OGG's or whatever). If you do this, then there'll be no need for big record companies, and bands will succeed on their own merits, not based on some massive PR exercise. I don't agree with what the government are thinking of doing, but if you don't 'share' (ah, what a lovely cuddly term) music, there will be no need for this unworkable idea. Flame on. If you're downloading music that you've been told to listen to by a record company PR machine, you've only got yourself to blame.