@ Hoi!
If you are going to try and be pedantic maybe you should check your facts first, hoist is the correct term :
2 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Feb 2008
You say Jean-Charles de Menezes was illegal and quote some random blog as proof.
I say he was legal and quote the IPCC 'Stockwell One' report.
"Evidence emerged during the course of the criminal trial into the Health and Safety charge that Mr de Menezes was lawfully in the country on 22 July 2005."
http://www.ipcc.gov.uk/stockwell_one.pdf : page 24 footnote 4
Just because the Home Office initially said they had no record of his 'indefinite leave to remain' visa does not necessarily mean it was faked.
I went to get my indefinite leave visa transfered to a new passport, in person at the Home Office, and they could find no record of me existing, let alone any record of the various visas I had been issued with in the 10 yrs I was in the UK even though the proof was in front of them in my old passport. Its only took them a few months to sort out their mistake.