Only three comments? Oh that's gross. Well, not really, if it were gross there'd be 144 comments. meh ... move along, quite obviously no story here.
1445 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Feb 2008
I downloaded and installed the first Windows 8 Consumer Preview. I installed it on a rather old computer that is this very minute running Windows 7 very successfully. That was, obviously, a few months ago.
Week before last I downloaded the latest Windows 8 Consumer Preview because I'd couldn't find the first installation disk I'd created and I wanted to try i8 again after a period to see what the changes amounted to. Well young Jedi, guess what? That same computer that is running Windows 7 as we speak, and ran Windows 8 a couple of months ago will not even install the latest Windows 8 Consumer Preview.
Seems there's a little thing called PAE, and the machine on which I tried the second download of the consumer preview doesn't have it and the installation fails for that reason. It does however, run Windows 7 beautifully. You see I have a system image I restore when I'm done playing.
BUT ... I found my first Windows 8 Consumer Preview complete with the original key and it did install on the old PC without PAE that runs 7 so well.
Funny thing how what we often know we know we don't really know huh?
Name one, and be specific complete with cost versus benefit analysis that includes a summation by year of avoided costs and a payback period.
The problem you're going to have, one of them, is quite often new products are introduced before any calculated payback period completes. Small gains you see .... small gains.
Oppressive, obsessive, obnoxious overachieving supervisors, managers and vice presidents who have reached the very top of their Peter Principle position. They can't let the person work by constantly probing and asking/demanding the work be done in the shortest amount of time with the least resources.
Sounds like SOP to me.
... for updates", make yourself some kind of note and recheck one a week or so to see if it's fixed. Or, since MS has trustworthy computing just check back next patch Tuesday. Meh ... a non problem. Hide the updates if they offend you. Revert to a state that was running right then hide the offending updates. Oh yeah, sorry ... got dozen or hundreds of boxes to administer? Oh well, keep on carping and whining; that always helps. Makes IT look like the good guys too.
... want to come off as Sheldon Cooper with ovaries and live in a basement? Yeah, yeah, I know. But IT does keep our toys working and like Doctors, who even cares if the fix comes from a woman or a man. Just do your thing, fix the toys and let me get out of this dungeon.