* Posts by Andy Baird

63 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Feb 2008


Astronomers back call for review of bonkers rule that means satellite swarms fly without environment checks

Andy Baird

Here's my cynical take:

The astronomers haven't a chance. 1) It's already too late, 2) the money behind companies like Starlink is too big to compete against with a petition to the FCC, and 3) as has been pointed out here, the FCC has no jurisdiction over European and Asian companies who are working on their own LEO comsat constellations.

My more cynical take:

Earth-based astronomy is walking dead. Get used to it. Funding more and bigger terrestrial telescopes is a waste of money. Put your instruments in orbit, or better still, on Lunar Farside, where they'll be shielded from terrestrial light and RF pollution.

My really cynical take: the problem of too many comsats in LEO will solve itself. Once there are 15,000+ birds in orbit under control of multiple companies/countries, it's only a matter of time before a cascading collision destroys most of them. Remember the old nuclear chain-reaction demo with mousetraps and ping-pong balls? Yeah, like that.

LG's $1,000 TV-in-a-briefcase is unlikely to travel much further than the garden

Andy Baird

Re: 13 kg - too heavy

"looking for a portable monitor that will be transportable in air plane baggage"

There's a number of 15"–16" portable monitors on the market that are basically laptop screens without the laptop. I have a Vinpok 16" display (no longer sold) that's about half an inch thick, weighs less than a kilogram, and connects to my MacBook with a single USB-C cable that both powers it and sends video and audio to it. It comes in handy occasionally when I want a second display.

Search Amazon for "portable display" and you'll find a bunch of choices, most costing less than US $100. What you won't find is a 27" portable monitor of this description. That's what makes this LG device unique (at least as far as I know).

Andy Baird

Re: take on the go to your next tailgate, camping trip, or wherever

"I know what a tailgate is on a lorry or pickup, but what is it in this context?"

Shorthand for "tailgate party," an American expression for the practice--common at sporting events--of friends who attended the event having a small get-together before or afterward, with food laid out on the tailgate of a pickup or station wagon (= estate car).

Andy Baird

A possible use

LG is pitching to the wrong audience.

"Anonymous Coward" mentioned trade shows. My guess is that that's the most likely use case for this thing. Laptop screens are too small to be really good as booth displays, and projectors are too cumbersome to set up (screen, etc.) and not bright enough for a well-lit exhibit hall. This device would be much more eye-catching.

The family camping scenario seems stupid for a number of reasons. If your kids are so brain-damaged that they absolutely MUST have entertainment on a screen (heaven forbid they should have to look at the trees!), then buy each kid a cheap tablet and load it with whatever dreck they fancy. That's going to be a fraction of the cost of this thing, and then there won't be any arguments about what to watch.

Or do what people do with pets: put them in a kennel while you enjoy your vacation.

It is now safe to turn off your brain: Google CEO asked Bard to plan his dad's 80th birthday

Andy Baird

Re: Asked it to respond as if it were the planet Pluto

It would be hard to beat SF author John Scalzi's short story "Pluto Tells All," included in his collection "Miniatures: The Very Short Fiction of John Scalzi". Highly recommended.

The most bizarre online replacement items in your delivered shopping?

Andy Baird

Yes, there are differences. Dogs are primarily meat eaters, but can use other food sources. Cats are obligate carnivores; their digestive systems are more specialized and require nutrients such as taurine that dogs can make on their own.

When I was a child, we had a cat that we fed on dog food. (My parents didn't know any better.) It died at age six, probably from malnutrition. Cats normally live 15-20 years.

Andy Baird

Re: ...or you could opt out of receiving substitutions altogether.

I've been using Walmart (USA) curbside pickup for groceries exclusively since the beginning of the pandemic, and I've found the process to be very well implemented. With regard to substitutions: when I place an order, I'm given a choice between no substitutions, allowing any necessary substitutions, and choosing item by item whether to allow substitution.

In the latter case, I can choose not to allow substitution of that item; to let them pick the best match (which they're usually pretty good at); to choose one of several suggested similar items; or to choose something different using a search function.

In short, I can allow or disallow substitutions globally or individually. This system has worked well for me. I'd guess that over the past three years I've gotten on average at least 90% of what I requested in each Walmart order. Their curbside pickup service has been a lifesaver (perhaps literally), as it has allowed me to completely avoid going into the store and risking illness. (I'm in a very vulnerable category.)

Putin to staffers: Throw out your iPhones, or 'give it to the kids'

Andy Baird

I can think of another reason Putin wants his lackeys not to use iPhones: to make it easier to eavesdrop on them. While Apple's iOS security isn't perfect, it's arguably stronger than any of the alternatives, as witness the recent Android VoLTE kerfuffle. Ex-FSB wonk Putin would surely love to be able to know exactly what his underlings are talking about, lest any of them try to plot a coup against the increasingly unpopular autocrat. Forcing them to switch to less secure phones would make that a lot easier.

Space dust reveals Earth-killer asteroids tough to destroy

Andy Baird

Phil nailed it. A nuclear blast in space creates no shockwave.

When we asked how you crashed the system we wanted an explanation not a demonstration

Andy Baird

What I really want to know is—what was the "ambiguous message" that caused the intern to panic?

Voice assistants failed because they serve their makers more than they help users

Andy Baird

Re: This is a bad take

Thank you, mjgardner, for pointing out the major flaw in this article: it lumps Siri in with Alexa and Google. These services are based on completely different business models. Siri is not a "data harvesting nightmare". Siri's users are not its product. Those statements apply to Amazon and Google, whose assistants exist solely to collect data about users. Of course they don't serve users' needs well; that's not what they were built for.

The recent headlines about how Alexa is a "colossal failure" because it "never managed to create an ongoing revenue stream" are typical. You'll never see a headline like that about Siri, because Siri was never intended to create a revenue stream or harvest user data. Its purpose is to make Apple devices more useful for their owners, so that they'll want to buy more Apple devices. To the extent that it succeeds, it helps Apple's bottom line, but the same could be said about anything the company does to improve its devices and make them more desirable.

It's a mistake to tar these three assistant services with the same brush. The writer should know better.

US Air Force reveals B-21 Raider stealth bomber that'll fly the unfriendly skies

Andy Baird

Re: So they finally understood the Horten Ho 229

"V1 flew without killing it#s pilot. However, it was just a glider."

V1 was a pulse jet powered unmanned cruise missile (although a few piloted test vehicles were built):


"V2 flew and crashed, killing it's pilot."

V2 was an umanned ballistic missile. It was never piloted:


"V3 never flew."

True--because V3 was never intended to! It was an unsuccessful long-range cannon buried in the Pas-de-Calais cliffs:


You're correct about stealth.

Insteon's vanishing act explained: Smart home biz insolvent, sells off assets

Andy Baird

CEO job prospects

I hope Rob Lilleness's vanishing act is widely publicized. Company fail to make enough money to stay afloat? It happens. Need to file for bankruptcy or equivalent and shut down services? Give your users some warning, for heaven's sake. But pretend you have nothing to do with the whole fiasco? Unforgivable. I hope the word gets around. This guy deserves to be unemployed for a long, long time. After the way he's acted, I wouldn't hire Rob Lilleness as a janitor.

Weed dispensary software company's ambitions pruned after Spotify trademark clash

Andy Baird

Re: Well then

"I did hear that to 'bogart' is said to be cannabis slang for taking more than your share. I wonder if it is really the case."

Yes, it is, or at least was in the Sixties. See Fraternity of Man's 1969 hit "Don't Bogart That Joint":


Fatal Attraction: Lovely collection, really, but it does not belong anywhere near magnetic storage media

Andy Baird

Plodigy strikes again

Reminds me of the time when I was at a Macworld trade show and strolled past the Prodigy booth--at the time, the only consumer service worse than AOL. I was amused to see them handing out Prodigy floppies (standard fare in those bygone days)... along with Prodigy fridge magnets! As I watched the swag drop into people's goodie bags, I wondered whether any of them would be able to sign on when they got home.

Behold, the Ultimately Large Telescope: A revived proposal for a 100-metre liquid-mirror star scanner on the Moon

Andy Baird

Lunar astronomy is the way to go

I don't have an opinion about this particular proposal, but it's clear that optical astronomy on Earth is pretty much doomed. In the next decade or two we'll have about fifty thousand small comsats of the Starlink type in low earth orbit, making almost any kind of optical astronomy a lost cause. It doesn't matter how much antireflective coating they have; that many birds flying around will completely mess up visual observation. They may even make radio astronomy impossible.

That means any and all plans for Earth-based giant telescopes ought to be scrapped now, before any more money is wasted. The only practical places to do optical astronomy will be in orbit (Earth or Lagrange), or on the Moon. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, but the Moon offers a ready source of materials, so it's probably the best bet in the long run.

What a time to be alive: Floating Apple store bobs up in Singapore

Andy Baird

"Floating"? Really?

I'm seeing a lot of "Floating Apple Store" headlines lately. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that structure is solidly anchored to bedrock. Could El Reg's headline writers confirm or deny, please?

In case you need more proof the world's gone mad: Behold, Apple's $699 Mac Pro wheels

Andy Baird

I've been using Apple products since 1984. I *like* Apple as a company. But the pricing of these $699 wheels (and the $199 legs, and the $999 stand) is just embarrassing. It makes Apple a laughingstock and fully merits sneering comments about the "Apple Tax."

French pensioner ejected from fighter jet after accidentally grabbing bang seat* handle

Andy Baird

Not as funny as it sounds

I remember a 1980 incident at an open house/airshow at Willow Grove Naval Air Station in the US many years ago. A 7-year-old was allowed to sit in the cockpit of a (parked) jet fighter. Unfortunately, the ground crew had not safetied the ejection seat system. When the boy grabbed the wrong handle, he was ejected through the canopy. He did not survive.


I cannae do it, captain, I'm giving it all she's got, but she just cannae take another dose of bullsh!t

Andy Baird

"microspectroscopy sounds like an easy win, low-hanging fruit for a device maker looking for the next must-have feature."

Already been done--look up Scio, a small, affordable IR spectrometer with associated iOS app that's designed for exactly this purpose (food assessment). I have one, though I haven't really done much with it.

LOHAN's Plucky Playmonaut touches down at Spaceport America

Andy Baird

Good eats in TorC

Truth or Consequences is a sleepy little town that's graced by a restaurant worthy of a big city: Café BellaLuca at 303 Jones Street is absolutely my favorite in the whole state. The menu is Italian-inspired, but with creative twists. In the five or six years I've been eating there, I've never had a bad meal. I highly recommend it.

HP’s ENORMO-SLAB: The Slate 21 MONSTER tablet

Andy Baird

How is this a tablet?

It has no battery. It can't be used handheld. So what justifies the "tablet" monicker? If you had called it a "good inexpensive all-in-one computer," I'd have no beef. But this device is no more a tablet than my 27" iMac.

Surface 2 and iPad Air: Prepare to meet YOUR DOOM under a 'Landfill Android' AVALANCHE

Andy Baird

"There can be only one winner"

Of course. That's why we're all driving Chevrolets, and all the other carmakers went out of business long ago. Right?

'WTF! MORONS!' Yahoo! Groups! redesign! traumatises! users!

Andy Baird

Yes, Yahoo Groups still matter

Sneer if you like, but there are hundreds of active Yahoo groups devoted to special interests and hobbies, and the recent "Neo" UI makeover has affected all of them. For the past ten years I've been moderating a 5,000+ member group devoted to RVing (lifewithalazydazerv), so I've seen the effects of the malignant "Neo"-plasm at first hand.

It isn't that the "Neo" UI is bad per se--it's actually a improvement in some ways, although it's far too reliant on "mystery meat" navigation. I'm still stumbling upon undocumented, invisible functions, and I mean basic functions like changing the group's banner photo.

The real problem is that the rollout (staggered over the past week) has been unbelievably buggy. Yahoo has been slowly patching bugs, but I still have a list as long as my arm of things that don't work as they should.

For example, all existing folders whose names contained an ampersand ("Repairs & Maintenance") simply disappeared. Embedded links that end in a stroke or slash (http://www.andybaird.com/travels/) are truncated, resulting in 404 errors when clicked. Linefeeds and returns are stripped, so that posts show up as one long block of text instead of several paragraphs.

Basic punctuations such as apostrophes show up OK on the group's website, but are converted to HTML entities (&39;) in the emailed digests, making them nearly unreadable. The website's formatting is badly screwed up when viewed on an iPad, and Android tablet users report that it doesn't work at all on that platform. And so on, ad nauseam.

Mind you, this is after a week of Yahoo's fix-it efforts. When the "Neo" UI was first rolled out, it was completely unusable. Now it's in about the same state as a 1957 Renault Dauphine that's been rusting in a barnyard for forty years.

It's painfully obvious that little or no testing was done by Yahoo prior to rollout, because anybody who looked at the initial version for as much as than sixty seconds would have seen half a dozen problems with it. The fact that initially, it didn't work at all on iPhones/iPods Touch/iPads, and still doesn't work on Android phones and tablets, is astonishing, given Marissa Mayer's repeated statements that Yahoo needs to focus on mobile devices.

If this is the new Yahoo, then Mayer has failed dismally.

Foxconn's revenue down on slowing iPad, iPhone sales

Andy Baird

Let's think about this

I know people have short memories, but it's getting ridiculous. Consider the news we've seen from Hon Hai/Foxconn in the last quarter: they made big investments in infrastructure, building plants I'm Brazil and elsewhere. Pressured by Apple, they implemented new worker safety measures. And they gave workers a substantial raise, in response to complaints that they were underpaying. All these things cost money... lots of money.

So their revenue is down after they spent a bunch of money. That seems pretty straightforward, no? Well, no. Because whatever the facts, the tech journos' spin is that Apple (only one of Hon Hai's many big customers) is doomed. Apple is always doomed. Apple has been doomed for the past 38 years. Apple has been doomed as it rose to become the largest tech company in the world, as it went from zero revenue in mobile devices to two thirds of the entire mobile industry's profits in less than five years, as its iPad and MacBook Air products wiped out the netbook market, as it topped consumer satisfaction surveys for ten years in a row... aaahhh, what's the use? No matter how spectacularly it succeeds, everybody knows Apple is doomed.

Likewise, we get the headline "Foxconn's revenue down on slowing iPad, iPhone sales", even though buried in the article is the admission that "Cupertino didn't sell as many iPhones and iPads as investors were hoping for... despite the fact that overall sales had increased by double digits from the previous year's quarter." Let's parse that again: far from slowing, iPhone and iPad sales INCREASED SUBSTANTIALLY. But greedy investors had been hoping for even more... ergo Apple is doomed.

What is it about Apple that makes tech writers lose any semblance of common sense?

iPads in education: Not actually evil, but pretty close

Andy Baird


This writer (and many of the commenters) makes the underlying assumption that if a computing device--whether desktop PC, laptop or tablet--is used in the classroom, then it must be used to teach computer programming. The iPad can't be programmed, these people assert, so it has no place in a school. (Never mind that there are several ways to write iPad apps on an iPad, and even more ways to use an iPad to code in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other useful languages.)

In short, the only legitimate educational use for a computer-based device is to teach computer programming, according to these folks. Most of the complaints asserted here derive from that logic, which is pretty silly when you think about it for more than half a second.

A tablet is a tool for presenting educational content. So is a book, but nobody's advocating banning those from classrooms. Nobody whinges about that fact that you can't rewrite a book's contents using only the book... but put a microprocessor into a book, and suddenly "presenting content" is somehow not good enough to justify its existence.

A few here have suggested that ereaders would be more cost-effective than tablets in a classroom setting. That argument sounds reasonable, and in some cases it may even be valid. But a tablet is hugely more versatile than an E-ink-based reader. It offers color, it can show video, it can access the web, and there's a world of educational software available for it. None of these are true for ereaders. (Yes, I know you can load a web page on a Kindle. Ever tried it? I have. The experience ranks with listening to music-on-hold with a mobile phone.)

The writer does raise some legitimate drawbacks of tablets: cost, risk of theft, and vulnerability to breakage. A sturdy "kid-proof" case can reduce the latter, but the relatively high cost and risk of theft remain. Those could be legitimate reasons to choose not to deploy tablets in classrooms, especially in the lower grades.

But let's weigh the benefits and drawbacks realistically... not with a bogus "can it be used to teach programming" criterion. I know this hurts IT professionals to hear, but learning to program a computer is not an essential life skill. iPads can be very effective tools for teaching the skills that are essential, such as reading, writing and 'rithmetic.

Just bought an Apple product? Need support NOW? Drop an F-BOMB

Andy Baird

It pays to be nice

The tactic described here may or may not work. But I'd like to offer a counterexample. Some years back, I was having trouble with my 2007-vintage 24" iMac. First the Pioneer-built optical drive went wonky. Then a year later the Samsung-built screen developed odd shadows (probably a backlighting issue). Apple fixed these problems under my AppleCare extended warranty. But when the replacement screen began to show the same problem, I called them up again.

Now, I worked in tech support for many years, so I know what it's like to be on the receiving end of a support call. So when I need to make that call myself, I go out of my way to be calm, patient, and cheerful. I describe the problem succinctly, and when the support person asks me to go through a diagnostic sequence, I follow directions--I don't snap "I already tried that, dammit!" even if it's true. And as I run through the sequence, I give a running description of exactly what I'm seeing on the screen, so the support person can stay oriented.

Here's my point. After running through some basic tests, the support guy I was talking to said, "You know, I don't usually do this, but... you've had several problems with this machine. And I see from your file that you've been unusually helpful and cooperative in previous calls. I think we owe you a new iMac." I ended up getting a brand new 27" 2010 iMac--a major step up from my old 24" 2007 model--for free.

The moral is that if you're particularly nasty or particularly nice on a support call, Apple is likely to note that in their record of your call... and being nice can pay off big-time. Just something to think about before you start cussing out the voice-menu system.

Lytro light field camera

Andy Baird

Requires Flash to view images?

Dead on arrival.

The iPad 3 would make me so horny...

Andy Baird

Blame your tools. not your ipad

"I do a lot of production work on tablet-based magazines and books. The problem is that vast quantities of iPad content is rasterised and paged."

Yup, that's the problem all right: your production method sucks. Sending magazines in the form of giant, dumb bitmaps was a stupid strategy from the start--your text is fuzzy, it isn't selectable, page turns are sluggish, and worst of all, the downloads are humongous. Who wants to download a half gigabyte issue of every magazine they subscribe to, every month?

But you took the easy, lazy way out, figuring that you could get away with selling your subscribers a series of big screenshots of text, that somehow they wouldn't notice. Well, you were wrong, and now the suckiness of your production method (all hail Adobe!) has become blatantly obvious. Your reaction? "Boo hoo, it's all Apple's fault!" Yeah, right. Get a life, mister.

Official: The smartphones that suck much more than others

Andy Baird

Headline FAIL

So let me get this straight--a product makes it so easy to access the internet that owners actually put it to use... and in Leach's opinion that means the product "sucks" and deserves to be "shamed"? Sounds like AT&T's whining circa 2008: "Of course our network is bogged down--we never expected that iPhone owners would actually *use* the internet features we advertised!" Uh huh.

Amazon ups Kindle Fire production...

Andy Baird


"many Fire purchasers will be buying into the Amazon brand not Android, so the notion that Fire's Android won't be quite the same as, say, Samsung's Android isn't going to hinder sales."

Agreed, if you're talking about sales of the Kindle Fire tablet. But Apple has a point: the already fragmented Android market is about to become even more so. Remember, the Fire uses an OS forked from Android 2.2 ("Froyo"). Buyers won't care, because there's little or nothing about the Fire's user experience that hints at Android--it's an Amazon tablet all the way. But for developers, this makes things even more complicated than they are.

Amazon's promotional muscle and willingness to sell hardware below cost make it likely that the Fire will become the most popular 7" tablet. Where does this leave developers? Which version of Android will they target? Google would like it to be Android 3.x ("Honeycomb") and 4.x ("Ice Cream Sandwich")... but developers will flock to the best-selling hardware, since that's where they stand a chance of making some money. If the most popular hardware is Kindle Fire running a heavily customized version of Android 2.2, Google's development roadmap may become more or less irrelevant--it'll be Amazon calling the shots, by virtue of its dominant installed base.

Admittedly this is speculation, at least for now. But clearly the introduction of a tablet running a de-Googleized version of Android 2.2 with Amazon's massive sales potential behind it is not good news for competing Android tablet makers, or for Google.

iPhone 5 a no-show at Apple's 'Let's talk iPhone' event

Andy Baird

Siri on iPhone 4

"I expect that Siri could easily run on an iPhone 4, but damned if they'll let that happen."

It runs on an iPhone 4 right now. An earlier version of Siri has been available in the App Store for well over a year. I have it on my iPhone 4, and it works fine. I just gave it the same task Tim Cook used in his demo today, saying "Find me a Greek restaurant near here." It came up with a dozen, listing them in order of closeness, then mapped their locations and offered to call any one of them for me.

Siri is currently missing from the App Store, and when I launched my older copy today, it said "I've been replaced! The new Siri is even smarter and better looking than me, and waiting for you on the iPhone 4S. I'll be leaving for home Oct. 15th." I don't know what that last sentence means--this version will stop working? The new version will appear in the App Store? We'll have to wait and see.

Granted, it's *possible* that Apple will forbid the new Siri from running on older phones, but I'd be surprised if they did, since the old version has been doing just that for more than a year. In case it wasn't obvious, Siri's intelligence is all at the server end, not on your phone. Like Dragon Dictation for iOS, the Siri app just records your voice and passes it on; all the heavy lifting is done elsewhere. That means Siri doesn't need a lot of horsepower in the phone.

Seven lessons from the HP Touchpad fire sale

Andy Baird

Price point FAIL

"Anonymous Coward" nailed it: Jon Collins's price point argument conveniently overlooks the fact that HP lost a minimum of $100 on every TouchPad they blew out last week (based on the device's estimated $200-$250 BOM).

Meanwhile, tablet makers such as Samsung and Motorola who want to make a profit are finding it extremely difficult to match Apple's iPad pricing without adopting quality-cutting strategies such as cheap resistive touchscreens, smaller displays, reduced amounts of RAM and flashRAM storage, and so on. Apple's huge purchases of LCDs, flashRAM and other components have made them more than price-competitive, as has been reported here at The Reg and elsewhere. (And the same situation is developing in the so-called "Ultrabook" field, as manufacturers despair of matching Apple's MacBook Air pricing--also reported here in recent weeks.)

In short, arguing that because Touchpads flew off the shelves when sold at a huge loss, Apple's pricing is too high is like saying that if BMW sedans sold for $999, they'd overwhelm the market. It's pointless, because you can't build a BMW to sell for that price and make a profit, just as at present you can't build an iPad-quality tablet to sell for $99 and make a profit.

Hungry boffins turn 3D printer into snack maker

Andy Baird


Looks like the work of the well-kbown CandyFab 4000/6000 series 3D sugar printers:


And see CandyFab wiki here:


Canada? The computer vendor says no

Andy Baird

Having trouble with the logic here

So let me get this straight, Trevor: you say you'd rather pay $2,000 for an Android tablet with 6-hour battery life and a USB connector than $500 for an iPad with 10-hour battery life, and an AC charger and USB charging cable included.

Seems like a pretty steep price for maintaining your membership in the Apple Haters Club. ;-)

Motorola uncloaks 10.1-inch Xoom fondleslab

Andy Baird

So is that pronounced "exhume"?

... as in "dig up a corpse"? Should be a big hit with the fast-growing zombie market.

Europe's broadband bird goes up tonight

Andy Baird

It ain't the satellite

"Satellite broadband still suffers from a second or two of latency, long enough for the signal to get to geostationary orbit and back."

Let's do the math. A satellite in Clarke orbit is 36,000 km up, so the ground-to-space-to-ground distance is 72,000 km. Radio waves travel 300,000 km per second. That gives a 240 millisecond delay due to transit time. Yet you're right about there being one to two seconds of latency in a satellite broadband connection. I see it in the HughesNet connection I'm using now.

Bottom line: the problem is NOT the transmission time to and from the satellite. It's not an inevitable result of the laws of physics, as most people assume. The great majority of the delay is happening earthside, probably in the network operations center. It's an annoyance that the network operators could improve... if they cared to make the effort.

Blu-ray barely better than DVD

Andy Baird

Depends on the source

A friend and recently I did a small comparison (one TV, two movies) and noted something that I haven't seen discussed here: modern computer-animated films REALLY benefit from Blu-Ray. Movies shot on film stock, not so much.

The movies we viewed were "House of Flying Daggers" and "Kung Fu Panda." When viewed from six feet away on a 40" screen, "House of Flying Daggers" showed very little difference between the DVD and Blu-Ray versions. My friend and I concluded that the grain of the film stock pretty much negated the enhanced resolution of the Blu-Ray disc.

"Kung Fu Panda" was a different story: the Blu-Ray version was dramatically better. I believe that's because computer-generated movies *have no grain*, so Blu-Ray transfers take maximum advantage of the subtle background details that are lost in DVD transfers. But live-action films start out degraded by film grain, so high-res Blu-Ray versions tend to show more grain, rather than more meaningful image detail.

Bottom line: at least from our little test, it appears that high-def TVs and Blu-Ray discs may be of more benefit to animation buffs than to lovers of live-action films.

Apple’s iPad lead will face pressure from Google and Nokia

Andy Baird

NOOKcolor description

"Like its mono cousin, the device does have... a smaller second screen for navigation."

Say what?? I looked at the product page on B&N's website, and I certainly don't see any secondary screen in the photos or description.

Apple to buy Sony? Good one!

Andy Baird

Maybe parts of Sony, though

I agree with the major point here: Sony as a consumer electronics company has nothing Apple wants. It's a once-great giant that is now stumbling badly--a liability rather than an asset.

However, as a media company, Sony might have some allure. I'm thinking that it would do Apple no harm to own Sony Pictures, for example. That would give Apple access to a huge library of Columbia/Tristar films. Likewise, Sony has some assets in the music business that might be worthwhile.

Would Sony sell off these divisions? Who knows? I'm just suggesting that while it would make no sense for Apple to buy Sony as a whole, Jobs might see value in Sony's media assets, if they became available at the right price.

iPhones, MacBooks sicken Chinese women

Andy Baird

iPhones or fakes?

According to ABC's report, "they had been exposed to n-hexane while gluing and polishing logos on Apple laptops and iPhones."

What nobody seems to have picked up on is that iPhones have never had glued-on logos. The logo is molded or etched in. In other words, these phones were fakes.

That doesn't make life any easier for the affected workers, but it does make all the folks who took this as an opportunity to have a hearty sneer at Apple look rather dim.

Is US prudishness ruining the internet?

Andy Baird

Apple is not the internet

I agree with most of the writer's comments about Anglo-Saxon prudery and corporate "nannying" of web-based social networks, but I'm puzzled by her bringing up Apple's banning of iBoobs. That's an iPhone app, not a website. Say what you will about Apple's management of its App Store--and I personally think it's been too restrictive in many cases--the App Store is a private Apple sales venue, not the internet. Apple has neither the power nor the will to censor the internet, so this case doesn't really fit the article's stated theme, "IS US PRUDISHNESS RUINING THE INTERNET?"

Video calling impresses Brits, if it's Apple video calling

Andy Baird

So let's see...

... many years ago, the writer of this piece was unable to successfully market a clunky version of video calling. And in a brilliant leap of illogic, he deduces that therefore Apple will fail now with its "one click and you're on" FaceTime implementation. After all, if *he* couldn't do it then, why should Apple succeed now? Sure, makes perfect sense.

Apple reels as Steve Jobs Flashturbates

Andy Baird

Get your facts straight!

"During the three years that Flash has been blocked from the iPhone..."

Whoa, there! Let's look at the record.

When the iPhone was introduced, Adobe didn't have a workable version of Flash to run on it. Apple couldn't have put Flash on the iPhone if it had wanted to.

When the iPhone 3G was introduced a year later, Adobe still didn't have a version of Flash for mobile devices.

When the iPhone 3GS came out a year after that, Adobe *still* didn't have a version of Flash for mobile devices.

Now, three years and four iPhones later, Adobe *still* has no shipping "Flash Mobile" product. They have a buggy beta version which, according to those who've tested it and/or seen it demoed, dramatically shortens battery life, crashes a lot, and doesn't work at all with many Flash-based websites.

So before you rewrite history and blame Evil Apple, bear in mind that it's ADOBE that has yet to deliver a usable version of Flash for mobiles.

Microsoft bares Steve Jobs' Flash rant claptrap

Andy Baird


"Steve Jobs' credibility took another hit"? Perhaps, but I'd say Microsoft's credibility took an even bigger one. More than a decade after Cocoa's introduction, they still haven't gotten their act together. But then, given that Microsoft has lost half its value in that decade, perhaps that's not surprising.

Mini Desktop PCs

Andy Baird

Mislabeled lead illustration

Your illo labels the Viewsonic's height as a diminutive 135mm... but the photo that accompanies the review makes it clear that the product is 190mm high by 135mm deep.

Apple details iPad's 'breakthrough' mobile contract

Andy Baird

Syncing is easy, but standalone use...?

"the iPad is a computer add-on not a stand-alone device."

And that's a significant drawback, given the huge potential market of people who don't have a computer (viz., that survey on broadband connections reported last month).

Yes, there's been a lot of ignorant criticism here, so it's worth repeating: an iPad will be fully backed up every time you plug it into your Mac or PC, just as iPods Touch and iPhones are now. If you get a new or refurbed iPad, plugging it in will automatically restore all your data. The only action required of the user is to push a USB plug into a socket.

However, bluest.one is quite right in pointing out that this requires you to have a computer in addition to your iPad--either that, or a subscription to MobileMe.

Look at Kindle for a contrast: no computer is ever needed, and all your books are backed up on Amazon's servers. I'd be willing to bet that many Kindles have been sold to people who wanted an ereader but didn't want to have to connect it to a computer.

If Apple wants to address the new markets that the iPad can open up, the company needs to make the iPad and its cousins fully independent of computers, so they can sell them to people who don't want the hassle of a computer in the first place.

Patchy Windows patching leaves users insecure

Andy Baird

Secunia makes me insecure

Am I the only one who sees this idea as opening a huge security hole? If Secunia got its way and all apps used its patching mechanism, then black-hat hackers would have one-stop shopping: instead of having to crack hundreds of apps, all they'd have to do is crack Secunia's patcher, and they'd have access to EVERYTHING!

Secunia's "one patcher for everyone" scheme sounds like a monumentally dumb idea to me.

Amazon Kindle DX

Andy Baird

Dead on arrival

That's the phrase that best describes the $489 Kindle DX. A nice piece of kit it was, until last Wednesday's announcement of the $499 iPad. Let's see... on the one hand we have a device with a glacially slow b&w display and no applications--the original one-trick pony--while on the other hand we have a device with brilliant color display, eminently suitable for games and video, with a blazing-fast processor that runs 140,000 useful and entertaining applications, including a fairly robust business suite (iWork Mobile)... at the same price. The result is a foregone conclusion: even with price cuts (and you can bet they're coming), it's hard to see the DX surviving for long.

The standard small-screen Kindle has a better chance, if Amazon can get the price down quickly enough. At $99, even a one-trick pony would be marketable; Apple is unlikely to enter that market segment anytime soon. And I'm betting that we'll see low-end ebook readers at the $99 price point by next Christmas--if not from Amazon, then from the dozens of others now jumping on the bandwagon.

NASA's Spirit rover stuck for good

Andy Baird

Improving by degrees

Note to typesetter: the HTML entity ° makes a standard "degree" symbol. It's a lot more elegant (not to mention browser-compatible) than superscripting the letter O.
