Polishing the Turd Part II: Return of the Polisher
So I guess Windows 7 will be even less 'finished' than Vista?
24 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Feb 2008
You don't know the law properly.
I'm not even going to apologise for the shouting above. Get a fecking clue people, read the fecking laws before you go off on one
I previously worked in a solicitors, and they had TVs everywhere, hooked up to DVD players. They didn't have any licenses in their branches, however, because they *didn't watch them for the broadcasts*, they watched them for training DVDs.
It's perfectly acceptable. You write to the licensing people and say "i have a telly. i don't have it hooked up to the arial and use it only for xbox/whatever. deal with it."
..I've done this. I don't watch telly so I wouldn't pay the license.....
....but I use the BBC News site, listen to Radio 2 and 4, etc. So I pay the license, because they're covered by it.
It's also worth pointing out that the license fee doesn't only go to the BBC. Yeah they get the majority, but they're not the only people in on it.
"£939! Who are they trying to kid? There are far better spec'ed 12" laptops from big name companies for way less than that."
You do realise this is an ULTRAPORTABLE, like the MacBook Air... Not the same as any old crap from PC World.
And for an ULTRAPORTABLE, it's a fair price.
Running Vista on it, however, is a stretch.
Paris, because she can't run Vista either.
...does it undoubtedly require an accelerometer?
yeah, handy on the iPhone because it's the only way for it to tell which way it's pointing, but in this, like other slidey phones, it doesn't need one, just like in other, similar models.
too subtle? the screen flips when you slide it. duh.
paris, because i'd slide her.