circuit city, good guys, comp usa
they are owned by the same guy. He thought he could just buy a bushinesses and it would run its self.
THe people at good guys get pissed when you ask for help
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
"I agree that if we paid the job more, required a formal education and trained them to handle situations (psy-ops) better, then maybe this type of thing wouldn't happen as"
well lets see out here in California it take two years of college to gets (POST) cert which is need to come a cop (except for the CHP and you still need two years of college) and the starting pay is about 60k. problem is when cops look at a neighbor and write ever one off that lives in it, saying only bad people live there.
The car thing does not work because the principles of a gas engine does not change. Now the PC hardware does. There are compaqs out there right now running XP, that if i were to try and load the retail version of XP on it i would fail. You need to get the XP from compaq. How various pc makers implement there hard ware can change drastically. They have bios allocate a non standard memory range for add on cards.
Realistically the PC has way more possible combinations then the mac does . Not every scenario can be played out. for testing in addition to PC maker doing screwy things you have to worry about add on cards not playing fair with each other. You don't have people building thier on macs, that eliminates alot of incompatibles
it does not matter in which media you convey the harassment. If some is inciting harm or violence on the web the police can go after you. If i say I'm going to kick your ass on line , the police can go after you.
Also you have to look at the fact the lady has been convicted of stalking
words can do a lot. You say nothing i say here can hurt you ?? what if i went online found you on a chat room and tell people there that you like to diddle little boys. put up a web site that says you diddle little boys.
lastly should we stop her from merely expressing that she wants harm to come to the lady, or do we wait till she acts on it
Sounds like some has been drinking the special cool aide again or is a friend/relative.
If you think that’s harsh here in California she could have been convicted of terrorist threats, intimidation, and harassment. Each one of those counts carries maximum sentence of five years. If she got convicted of stalking in California she could be sentence up to 25 years.
as a former best buy employer i can tell you this. Its all about the profit margin. If a customer were to come and not buy all the aceseries, or the extended warningly plan, we would tell them the computer is not in stock. This came from the the sups
Other depts in the store did the same thing too...
Whoa hold on, what the preivous poste was saying is that to many parents have adbocated thier duty to protect thier kids.
you want a simple and effective way to p[roctect your kids from online preditors??
Dont let them have a computer in thier own room.
Have it out in the open were you can see what thier are doing. buy soft ware to block sites. Yes actualy monitor what your kids do.
If you are depending on the cops to ask my space to violate federal law to protect your kids then we got a problem. Yes that what this issue comes down to,
I've seen to many kids in the public system that are introuble cause momy wont deal with timmy. Coulimbine any one ??
whoa whoa in America you can not be executed for attempted murder.
You can only be executed for 1st degree murder, special circumstances
if you hire a hit man and the hit man kills some one
if you are involved in a crime and some dies as result of that crime.
In a few states rape of a child
I saw alot of video issues on an IBM T40 do to flexing. It was do to a bad design of a different kind, and what I mean is they didnt design it from the stand point of how the user would inter act with the unit. What cause the board flexing was how users picked up the T40. They would pick it up by the palm rest, thus causing the board to flex. The later models had a re enforced frame so not to alow board flexing when picked up by the palm rest.
Some times you do have to design stuf as what would happen if no one who used a laptop before touches it, or when people do stupid things. I know you cant plan for certian things, but board flexing should be one, since laptops are often moved aroundwhile on.
lol hah.
blue ray was added so that Sony could say look more people have blue ray players than HD DVD players. Now they are hoping all of those magical PS3 owners will go out and buy blue ray disc movies creating a demand. It aint happen folks.
Posted Thursday 5th April 2007 13:41 GMT
If you're not happy in a job, just leave. Get another one - and try to make a bit more effort in the next one to get on with people. Union representatives, tribunals, discrimination, blah blah blah. Grow up.
SO you are saying that if some is calling me racial slurs I should leave ??
No punishment for them. Were do you draw the line. When the person says they are going to hurt me . Maybe its not me. But hey let me get a job at your your place of work and I'll make it impossible for you to work.
What happened in the states was apple deiced it could make more money selling directly. It was major event. Local partners sued apple. They were told over night nope, you cant sell apples any more. They said this all to but a few select retailers. The mom and pop stores that sold only apples got screwed.
"If we routinely lie-detected all possible suspects and then concentrated on those that had 'problemmatic' readings we would get a lot further with crime detection than we do now."
By Mike Stephens
Um ok so what about the guy that is a pathological liar ?? What happens when he passes the test and some poor joe slob is so nervous he fails the test? What accuracy do you want %90 %80 %70
the reason why its reject is cause its hard to create an identical controlled variables. Unlike DNA which is done the same way, every time you do a lie detector test its done slightly differently. there is to much of the human variably involved in the equation.
"and some innocents get caught"
I refuse to subscribe to the theory its better to grind a few innocent up to protect society.
Oh and RFID can easily be tricked