wow way late
States side the courts invalided their patents and fined them
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
utilities put line on over head poles cause its faster and cheaper to initially install and to do maintenance. Now under ground cable;es are better protected fro the weather ,but when you have to do maintenance on them the cost is more You have to dig up, pull the lines, rebury the lines repave . Now in must cities they are requiring lines to be berried.
IN my state a warrant would be issued for that high of an amount.Also tow order would be issued ,so the next time some ran the plates it would get yank. They would of sold that car at auction here. That excuse of well its to high end to sale does not fly. You mean to tell me they could not a sell an 80 £ for 5-7000 £.
um no. THe issues here is if she was willing violate the rules to suite her own needs what else is she willing to do ?? Its her word against his and she has an interest in the test saying he was cheating and you see nothing wrong here ??
It is an issue of integrity. As a DA would you want to call her as a witness knowing that she is willing to bend the rules when it suites her ?? But fine lets promote her any way. OH and the fact that she used out date chemicals thats no biggie either . THe fact that she has questionable ethics and uses out date stuff.makes her no different then any one else. Yep let pin a medal on her
A third choice is urgently needed -- install the patch, but put up a less-intrusive "reboot when convenient" message and leave it entirely to the user. No nagging in the meantime, and certainly no rebooting if the user doesn't manage to say no soon enough.
There ios a third option. You can set it to install the updates when you hit the shut down button
Cats would get in and kill the bunnies. When I found the offending cat owner i asked if she could please keep her cat out of my yard. Her response was like cant you put your rabbits up (whats implied is that her cat has a right to be in my yard). I was like ok and my response was to answer the problem with a .22. Week later she came asking were is her cat at. God bless America guns an a nuisances permit issued by the county :)
PS a gun is not an answer to every thing so I dont want to her yank bashing coments
Now if only someone will produce a VOIP product (computer to computer) with stream encryption. Something like what the NSA and CIA uses at present.
I work for a VIOP company. ANY thing that inspects /filter packets on our system will cause jitter/lag/dropped calls so I'm no sure how they could tap a one our phone calls if it is made between two of our customers, well atleast do it and not cause call quality issues. Granted I'm just a lowly tech
THe rules in the US is as long as you are not in the cab of the motor home. Passengers can drink..
In most states in the US you can sleep it off in the car provided you can prove you had no intent on driving the car. This is archived by not being in the driver seat and not being in direct possession of the keys. SO the keys needs to been in the trunk or out side of the car.
Affpower doctors allegedly issued prescriptions for pharmaceuticals "even when a customer’s answers to the health questionnaire suggested that the ordered drug could pose a danger to the customer
so the fact that questionnaire said that the drug they order could cause them health issue is not a c rime ?? the fact that doctor prescribed a drugs that could have deadly interactions with another drug is not crime ??
we are not talking about just price cutting
"Your basic taxes should cover this. By opening a casino to fund the roads you will just ensure that money from your taxes is no longer allocated to this sort of thing."
Actually No. In Californian money collected from gas tax was thrown into the general fund. About two years we passed allowed a law that said gas tax could only be used for roads , the end result was that STATE ROADS began to get fixed. now city and county roads , well they were put on a lower priority because things like aging bridges and free ways with pot holes that would rip a truck apart started to get fixed. freeways like 680 got repaved and widen. The roads are getting better. Is were it needs to be no.
first off in the US military you can not be filmed wearing your uniform with out permission. Even if you are retired that still can bring legal actions against you.
"The question has to be asked, is the issue the army have because it was gay or because it was pornographic.
Both are legal acts in the US presumably so whats the beef?"
Not in the US military. When yo sign up you do give up certain rights. that's why you are referred to as property of uncle sam
being filmed while having sex is no no. Thats why there was a charge of having sex for money while being filmed. HE would of gotten booted for hetro porn
'n the U.S., is there a civil law construct similar to the equal protection clause governing criminal prosecutions?
Nope. There is no such thing for criminal trials. thats why you have people who commit the same crimes and one gets far less time or the charges are greatly reduced. You can pick and choose
"Baptist , Methodist or Jehovah Witness suicide bomber."to the folks that say when is the last time you've seen a baptist, methodist suicide bomber, its true you dont.
THey just blow up abortion clinics, Shoot Dr's. The WTC attacks the largest act of terrorism was done by white folks . Hmm have you forgotten about the Olympic bomber . THey first two days they were convinced it was Muslim radicals.
THe danger is focusing on one group of people allows another to do harm.