Dominos are without a doubt the worst pizza
Obviously you have never eaten little cessars.
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
Great so you Brits will now have less resources dedicated to catching real criminals. Well with all the CCTV cams i guess you have to gives those cops some real work to do.
Whats going on with your legal system??
Its nice to know that Americas legal system aint the only one going down the drain.
I'm waiting for they day that they implant chips in our heads; and the moment we do some thing wrong cops show up.
psychiatric drugs can cause weight gain to the point of being obese. I guess its their fault to right?? or would you rather them go off their meds ??
Medicine proscribed for folks who had strokes can cause weight gain. But hey thats there fault to.
Yep every one that is fat became fat by choice. No matter what the medical reason is. Gland problem , you chose to be fat. Insulin problem tough you choose to be fat. Even if you are only eating 2200 calories and still are fat its cause you chose to be fat.
Any body that makes blanket statements is a moron. Alot of people posting here have blind hate for fat people. they wont even acknowledge the fact there medical reasons for some people being fat
in California simply pointing a weapon that is classified as an assault weapon is a separate assault charge assault with an assault weapon. Now the proxy part comes into play cause he caused the cops to point an assault weapon at the family. Personally i think they made that charge up to screw him
No It just another chance to rip on the US. before you short your mouth off read.
as Anonymous Coward has pointed out this is less restrictive than what Europe does to some countries. The moment the US does it, its omg the big bad evil US.
To the guy thaty says the US dollar needs to collapse you have do idea what that will do to the rest of the world. Just more rabid American hating with out thought
THats bold face lie. As person that has had 3 gens of his family in construction I can tell you thats a lie. IF thats true why do carpenters shave slow periods?? I'm not talking about the rainy season either.
What I see is a an influx of illegals that are scared to report unsafe working conditions and used like slave labor
Constructions is also one of the few jobs in America that you can have a checkered past and still make decent money. You want to tell me there is a shortage of Americans willing to do construction jobs come out here and i'll show lots of them that are .
Call me when they sue packet 8 or comcast voip . Both are large companies, that do no use the disputed patents .
Look at this way. In the US the cable companies have done every thing they to bar telcos from entering the market. You the telcos would love to sticK it to the cable companies for revenge, yet they have not gone after them cause the cable companies did develop their own technology .
I'm no fan of the telcos since my company does compete with them. But the fact is other viop providers do not use those patents. This will not be the death of VIOP
for all you folks out there that think the patten system is broke, or that this means that viop will be killed . Vonage is the the only viop provider out there being sued for patten infringement. Comacast state side is not being suied and they have a larger customer base than vonage . I work for the number 3 viop provider state side to My company is not being sued .
SO why is it that only vonage is being sued ??
every one is saying how bad these judges are. Few questions. One if they couldn't print it out did they go to the court. But the most important thing is HOW COME THEY DIDNT PRINT IT OUT>. Until you can answer that question nothing else matters. There is no legit reason why they couldn't of print it out. If the computer crashed they should of back up. cant print its a law office there should be more than one printer, but if not go out and buy one.
For those that said they judge let the client die to spite the lawyers can you please tell me a legit reason why they could not make they dead line ??
Well in my state they do have people from the weights and scales dept that do over see price tagging. If you ever walk into a store in California and see the county seal with the following disclaimer. It means that they have been taken to task.
please note the history behind the salton sea. It was created when a massive flood , flood a salt mine. Now the salt ratio has increased. hs nothing to do with man kind, it has to do with the lack of rain in a desert. The death of the salton sea has nothing to d with mans interaction.
"I did not hear either the Miranda as required by law when a person is being restrained and or arrested by any police officer or legal law enforcement person"
Watching to much TV. The police only have to read you your rights when question and you are not free to leave, or feel like you are not free to leave or if you dont answer thier questions you will go to jail.
See once they have you in custody and question you then they have to read you your rights.
when I worked for intel they ran a program the low level formatted the drive, , formatted the drive. then filled the entire drive. Once it did that it formatted the drive , filled the drive up again then start low level formatting it again This process repeated it self 12 times. I was told yo could not getting anything from that drive once its was nuked .
But I do know that I for one will fight to keep the "turn off your mobile phone before take-offs/landings" rule on airplanes.
Do you know airplanes are shielded and tested to make sure that it can not be affect by radio waves/microwaves . THat is why some airliners allow the use of cell phones.
THe real reason for the ban was pushed by the cell phone companies. On the ground you light up one tower, when you fly over you light up multiple towers
"at least here in Texas... 25mph over the limit is a felony.."
Use to be in Cali doing 100 mph on the freeway would get both you and the car hooked and impounded. Now cops write 100+ tickets so often its now just a ticket. I've have had friends that got a warning for doing 100 in a 75.
"Nicole [...] Richie was nabbed last December driving the wrong way down a motorway. She subsequently coughed to a "driving under the influence of drink and drugs" rap, and was sentenced to four days' jail."
you think she got of cause she is rich ?? truth is its takes a 3 duis to get six months in jail.
whats does that say??? wecarte more about protectingprofit then lifesr