Can we
Can we make one that works on politicians ?? people pushing national ID cards.
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
Once he gets out of jail and they can prove that is spending the money which he claimed not to have, he can go back to jail for money laundry. Now if they cant prove the money laundry they can do some thing much more nastier. If makes alot of big purchase , the Gov can say prove the money you use is legit or we will take it. Oh by the way in that situation they get to keep the items till you can prove such Under an upheld theory th at the money it self has committed a crime. Since money is not a person it does not have any real rights
to fix these issues you need to clean house at management levels and higher people like engineers and science people. I dont me replace every one with a engineer ir science geek just the people in management that are responsible for math and science. Let the people that know what industry needs be in charge and dump the idiots. I know its foreign
concept and it shows through out or society on both sides of the pond. Some thing seriously needs to be done to insure that we dont get people going to college that would know a verb from an adjective.
Well the helecopters are here and I see the black suburbans .
When vista was first designed it got rid of lot of hacks , but the the AV complained that it would not hook into the kernel. SO making the kernel more secure meant AV soft didnt work, well at least norton but thats crap any ways.
you could make vista more secure but then alot of crappy apps would break.
If I was MS is would say hey you got three years to stop crappy coding cause the next release of the OS wont let you do that.
OK whats with the UK's gov obsession with data bases ?? In 2020 I'm expecting every person in the UK to be chipped , bar coded ans have GPS tracking device implanted up their ass.
hell but the US wont be to much better. They will monitor all TV's , you net will be filtered and monitored along with your phone. The moment you say any thing bad about the gov you will be taken out and publicly executed in the town square .
Yes thats my coat. The lead lined one with the tin foil fedora on the rack.
you had to go after them for ID theft because they were lying about who they are. But that was a California law that it was ID theft not sure about the rest of the nation.
Calfornia is unique in the fact that they are apply ID theft to any one that use a some elses ID to commit a crime. Even credit card fraud.
"what I really want, and would be happy to buy (if it existed), would be an RSA based, time-coded, single transaction authorization device, that worked via bluetooth or USB, that could cryptographically sign transactions,"
AMex blue card. You get a special card reader and every trans action use a uniuqe
number that is not your CC number . that unique number is whats use to buy stuff with. Its all based on the chip embedded in the CC. I don't see to many people use it here in the states .
The issue is not weather or not they wanted to work OT for free, but to get the job reclassifed so that they could get OT.
Some thing that you folks across the pond don't know. Alot of IT jobs in the states are in a classification that makes them exempt from paying OT. You get some crap called flex time . that means if you work four ours of OT you dont have to show up for four hours. Of course you don't get paid for those four hours you don't show up.
or is this done on purpose. Its like they want you to get so use to it that its not new worthy any more. you will just expect as the cost of being a UK citizen I know i sound like a conspiracy nut , but come on how many case have been published of data loss. At some point even a half wit would say some thing got to change..
"Who leaves a bloody laptop sitting in a car overnight???
"Oh, sorry boss that new laptop you gave me with all those bank account details on it, well it got stolen last night. Yeah my car got broken into and i'd left it sitting on the front seat. Well i thought it would be safe seeing as its outside my house and all."
Is someone looking into this "junior officers" bank account. Notice any large unaccounted for transfers yet? And even if he is clean, anyone that stupid deserves to be taken out back and shot - rid the world of one more imbecile!
Or not.. "
You think thats bad there has been a few high profile incidents of FBI agents leaving fully automatic weapons in their car, driving car home, and said car gets stolen or the guns get ripped off from the trunk.
"It's because some idiot decided that, because fire doors should always be closed after use, they should not have any way to latch them open during use."
Ahem the door are closed to prevent the spread of fire. that idiot would be the fire Marshall. Oh and there is no latches to to prevent people from leaving it open.
But hey if you know some thing I dont know I'd like to hear it.