Just following the examples
If the government refuses to take basic security measures, how can you expect industry to? I mean this web site is loaded with examples of various British give entities just lose data .
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
"So, let's see if I understand this? Carrying a broken snappy-snaps camera is an imprisonable offence, but the right to carry around fully-automatic machine guns is protected by the constitution?
Stooopid Americans.
You know if you are going to bash a country on its laws at least no the laws.
You can only have a fully automatic weapon i 13 states. A you must ask permission from the state and federal government.
Oh yeah the permit application for the federal gov is around $1200 . Then you have the Fees from the state which is around $600 to $1200 depending on the sate.
Yep in the wrong state you will be doing life.
In California some breaks into your house to have reasonable believe they intend to do you harm before you can use force. Some states say you have a duty to retreat . There are states like Florida and Texas that basically say once they step on to your property with the intent to comet a crime you can light em up like the 4th of July.
They wont censor any thing. Live feeds will be a 12 sec delay and every time the cam catches some thing naughty they will change cams. Then they can claim it s not censored cause it was never filmed.
Funny how you can play around with definition of words when it suits your needs.
If the facts don't support your position then get rid of the facts
Until you know what the exact exploit you cant blame windows. Remember the article about abunch of Apache severs that were compromised ??
SO right after the back to blame MS is stupid till you know the facts.
My point is if it was an Linux or UNIX server people here would hold back blame till they knew the exploit.
I smell DOJ anti trust investigation.
This is like when standard oil told small store owns carry our product only or we will set up a competing shop next door, and sell every thing you do for half price
SHerman anti trust act
The Act provides: "Every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, is declared to be illegal".[2] The Act also provides: "Every person who shall monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons, to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, shall be deemed guilty of a felony [. . . ]"[3] The Act put responsibility upon government attorneys and district courts to pursue and investigate trusts, companies and organizations suspected of violating the Act. The Clayton Act (1914) extended the right to sue under the antitrust laws to "any person who shall be injured in his business or property by reason of anything forbidden in the antitrust laws."[4]. Under the Clayton Act, private parties may sue in U.S. district court and should they prevail, they may be awarded treble damages and the cost of suit, including reasonable attorney's fees. [5]
Are not allowed in the US because some privacy groups say it shows to much, then they hooked up a with a fringe medical nu t group that says all those X-rays cause cancer.
Funny I dont see these same privacy group complaining about being randomly stripped searched.
Also I'm surprised the TSA bowed to these nuts
"Im suprised no one in the US researched this? But they do have a thing for the saki over there. "\
Simple. It one way to get rid of politicians. I also believe cocaine should be free to politicians too.
Wait before you say do you really want drunken high people running this country, look at congress and then look at out prez, The fast these people can off them self's the better
"Thumb Down
Couples like this are very selfish in their desire to have kids, they don't think about what it will be like for a young child growing up with a transexual parent..
Kids can be very cruel, and as soon as other schoolkids get wind of the situation, this child is in for a very unpleasant schooling.
I know 7 kids of trans people. Doing fine at school.
To : Trish thank you for saying what I wanted to say.
Nice to see another trans person on the board.
Ps silicon valley seems to be liter with trans people in high tech jobs
"Were the network/copying slowdowns logged as crashes? This is one of the most widely reported bugs, entirely microsoft's fault and likely is excluded from those stats."
A slow down is not a crash. SO why would they be on that list. IF the list was about stuff that impacts the OS usibilty , fine then count slow downs.
Please explain how a slow down is the same as a crash.
Were I live ATT and comcast are in a race to see who can lay the most fiber. Due to real completion both companies are upgrading there networks.
Funny thing is when the ATT came back togather the gov told them the had to layer fiber to all new homes . ATT said well since we are laying fiber lets offer cable TV. In response comcast said lets do phone service. This real competition.
Before ATT deiced to do cable , comcast only upgrade stuff when it was to old to be supported or when it burned up
T His can get very interesting . If tech savvy promise their customer some thing, and bell Canada stops them, I smell law suit. Nice or should I say said, to know the that they are screwing every one including re sellers. If they cant provide to their own, what business does bell Canada have reselling.
why should crags list re reimburse this guy ?? What did they do wrong. THey did not except money for this ad. Would you apply the same logic to a real news paper that put out free ads ??
If I was a printer and some paid me to make copies of an ad that said a sex offender lives at this address but it was false would I be responsible ?
"But, you can't have Politicians, especially prominent Democrats, having their records checked by non Party controlled persons."
Load of BS . What was accessed was not public records. Sorry even politicians have some level of expectation of privacy.
Obama was mentioned cause he was the first person they found out out about. They didn't say much about Hillary either
It made news because the system in place to prevent this abuse did not work. It would of been news if McCain was the first it still would of made the news
"emotionally loaded, logic-free media and "legalize now" pharmaceuticals and the effect on short term memory."
Please turn of fox news now.
I live in Los Angeles. The next closest big city is San Fransisco or Las Vegas
Er the next largest city would be San Jose not SF :)
Oh and for that train thing. There are now trying to get funding to build a high speed train that will go from Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose ( the largest city in northern California. But in population and land wise) and to Los Angelels