911 failure
I also forget to say some viop companies do annual and quarterly billing . SO if you move between billing cycles how would they know.
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
""Send him to Gitmo.
This will have two possible answers:
Can someone be broken by the interrogation methods used? If not, it isn't working and should be dropped.
How resistant are Seals to interrogation techniques. If they don't crumble, you can more fully brief them and make their operational efficiency higher.
And if he does break, the judge gets their answers."
to be blunt that's a dumb ass response. Seals are trained to resit interrogation,. you are not talking about the average member of the public.
"why do yanks always insist on looking at what the rest of the world is doing, then doing it completely differently in a much worse way? (i'm not thinking of any specific standards where they have gone for the worst standard apparently just because the rest of the world went for the other one... because there are too many examples of that to start getting specific!)"
I do belive sales tax has been around longer than VAT.
The VAT was invented by a French economist in 1954.
Us Sales taxes started as we know it in 1930's 34 out 50 states had sales tax before VAT
Nice try though.
yes to its tax money not other states. If I I'm in California and I refers some to drive across state lines to Nevada to buy some thing , should the store in to pay Ca sales tax because I referred them to that store ?? you are suppose to pay the tax to the sate you live in.
Look st this one the way the law is written If I live in California and I'm visiting New york, California is suppose to get the sales tax not New York. under New York's new law California would be denied its tax money.
"MS can develop there own pissy games when SONY can really move forward. It has been said that GTA4 was held back due to 360 limitations, i.e. DVD and consoles with no hard disk. Any multi-platform games must be limited by the lowest common denominator. i.e. 360's.
I smell fan boi. Its the other way around but hey dont let facts get in the way of a good rant.
Wait wasm't one of your air ports that wants to finger print every one that enters it. Weater you are local are domestic. It seems alot of you are forgetting that your goverment is on the exact same road.
How is that ID card thing going ? how is that extreem porn law going ??
Must be a good day no CD's were lost.
"They get other luxuries such as satellite/cable tv and not just the basic packages either and that when a TV is a luxury to some people"
Excuse me , you ever talk to some that works at a prion or was incarcerated.
I dont how this myth exist. In the US prisoners are limited to what they can watch. Nothing with porn, violence or news. In alot of jails and prisons the TV is only in the common area and its a privilege.
"I was recently shopping for a new MP3 player, and you visit all the high street shops and chains only too discover that the same model of ipod costs the same in any shop. I think the price fixing accusation is valid. If you are capable of providing the same product for cheaper you should be allowed to do so, the competition is heathly and natural for any business"
Since every one likes using son as an example lets continue.
Here in the States sony has an MSR. Any company that sells below MSR will find thier sony shipments slow, and a huge lag time between other retailers when new products ship.
why not just come out and say "ethnic minorities steal cars. FACT."
So do white people..
">> concerns the system might end up guiding drivers away from areas populated by
>> ethnic minorities"
if this was true then it would steer you clear of malls too. Malls are like auto dealerships for car thieves .
"... they should know that legal papers have to be "served" by a court-appointed individual who must hand them over in person and inform you of the fact."
Even if they are still that dumb , you might think that they would have legal take a look at it.
Were do I sign up to be a stupid CEO with a fat pay check
Taxes are suppose to be paid in the state were the transaction took places. This has been interpreted as were the product is coming from and were ever the company has a physical presence at.
Two things can happen. Other sates could sue NY or they could refuse to abide by court rulings that has to due with money judgments. Oops you want us to collect child support for you ?? Toss off.
"3 years
only ?"
"The charge of DUI with injury carries much more serious consequences than simple DUI. If the prosecutor charges it as a misdemeanor, the defendant faces up to a year in jail (plus the other standard DUI penalties). If the prosecutor charges it as felony DUI, the defendant faces up to 3 years state prison (plus an additional year for each additional person who is injured).
Worse still, if any of the injured parties is seriously hurt, the DUI defendant may be charged with a "great bodily injury" enhancement. This adds up to three additional years of state prison. Moreover, the "great bodily injury" enhancement makes the DUI offense a strike under California's Three Strikes law."
they could aslo charge him with assault which would be a second strike and he would be looking at 15 years.
"Assault With Deadly Weapon: Motor Vehicle
13351.5. (a) Upon receipt of a duly certified abstract of the record of any court showing that a person has been convicted of a felony for a violation of Section 245 of the Penal Code and that a vehicle was found by the court to constitute the deadly weapon or instrument used to commit that offense, the department immediately shall revoke the privilege of that person to drive a motor vehicle.
(b) The department shall not reinstate a privilege revoked under subdivision (a) under any circumstances.
(c) Notwithstanding subdivision (b), the department shall terminate any revocation order issued under this section on or after January 1, 1995, for a misdemeanor conviction of violating Section 245 of the Penal Code.
Added Ch. 1221, Stats. 1994. Effective January 1, 1995.
Amended Sec. 15, Ch. 606, Stats. 1998. Effective January 1, 1999. "
Its odd that if i'm just charged with a DUI and I hurt some , six months I can drive. If i;m charged with assault and a car was used, I lose it for life.
And for a country that relies on some stupid law allowing everyone to carry a gun
You mean carry the gun in a locked container and in the trunk of car right. Oh that right the US is the wild wild west were every one can carry guns out in the open silly me. Well some better tell the cops that. Try caring a gun out in the open in California.
If you going to bash us on own guns, at least take the time to learn the laws instead of spouting of random US hating BS