Whats this RCD ?? Never heard if it. If you brits used proper GFI :)
Oh by the way, in America you will see individual circuits GFI so as not to trip the whole house.
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
"Luckily, my daughter was with me when I opened the bill and told me not to worry about it. "
Its that kind of mentality why we 419 e-mails going around. I know greed is a part of it but if people were able to think and just delete those emails the net would be a better place. Nope we have people like her that think a 90m pound bill could possibly be legit. We are not talking about Bill gates tax bill here.
As I understand it, the US system is as it is because they screwed up the numbering system; so the caller can not tell if they are calling a person's a landline or their cell phone. So, to be fair they get charged the same, and the receiver pays for the convinience of mobility.
Cell phones have their own prefixes separate from land lines. In some states cell phones have a separate area codes .
"one in five jobs in data and network cabling go unfilled, a shortfall representing 61,000 jobs in the UK alone."
Just a stupid yank , but I thought this was about data cabling. I didn't see any thing about cisco training, IT degrees nope just data cabling. Maybe my reading comprehension bad. Yep I just see data cabling .
By the writer of the article if he expects us to believe it.
On the off hand its true(checks the temperature of hell) The person living there would have to be stoned out of their mind every day. In which case why didn't the police arrest the owner of the loft ??
I'd would believe a sales person when they say trust me before I'd believe this story.
"If BT and the IC can treat the law with such contempt I think we should be able to totally ignore the UK crime and punishment statutes and for BT's obviously "special" case reinstate Trial By Ordeal:
Emma Sanderson vs Red Hot Poker
Mine's the black cape & executioner's ma""
I'm cool with that. Since the US dollar is falling I 'll just hop a plane, work in the UK for five years and then fly back home with loads GBP. Oh wait I have a tan I might get shot by the plods on the way in
Simple every time the have a data breach make them pay $1000 to every persons that had their data exposed. If the people become a victim of identity theft they company has to pay. If they don't pay up with in 30 days its a $1000 a day fine. The companies would be automatically responsible for the first two years. No proof needed it. The companies would have a liability for a total of ten years after the breach.
Repeated offense would see the fine double.
Take a look at "Billionaires' Row" (the place where obama belittled Americans behind closed doors...) in San Francisco. There are a lot of gaps in the street views that just can't be explained other than "money talks."
They get the pics from traffic cam. There are plenty of areas in San Jose that have gaps. These are not in the rich section..
In CA a citizen's arrest can be made for:
837. A private person may arrest another:
1. For a public offense committed or attempted in his presence.
2. When the person arrested has committed a felony, although not
in his presence.
3. When a felony has been in fact committed, and he has reasonable
cause for believing the person arrested to have committed it.
Oh and for the folks that say no crime has been committed read the DMCA
"Citizen's arrest is only for felony. Hence this could be charged as wrongful arrest or kidnapping."
um wrong. when you are detained my store security for shop lifting that's still consider citizen arrest. Shop lifting is not always a felony. There is no distinction between felony and misdemeanor crimes for which a citizen arrest can be made in California. This is California not the UK'
"elony" is USian for "crime". His point stands: there was no statutory offense committed -- any offense was civil. Not a felony, not a crime."
Christ you have no understanding of US law. misdemeanor is still a crime . The penitently or which is usually under 18 months in county lock up
Get a court order or f$%$k off!
It's a public open store, so bad luck! You have to suffer the wrath of the public actually entering the store.
Otherwise, get a restrain order from the court.
Now to get one you need to prove you have right to do so. And i doubt that they could do it.
Nope, strange "in-store-policies" aren't valid, whatever they would like to enforce them.
Um you wrong dead wrong. Its private property. Were do get the idea that they can't bar people because its open up to the public ??
First time they are told to leave and they come back its trespassing.
Second time they come back they can be charged with felony trespassing.
@Paul Ryder
In the England and Wales a citizen only has the right to arrest if a indictable crime has is being or has been committed, or a person has reasonable grounds for believing so. Im pretty sure downloading a game to an Iphone is not a indicatble offence and no "reasonable" person would consider it to be hacking. Furthermore as the arrest would be unlawful in said circumstance, it would not be an offence to resist the arrest so long as reasonable force is used.
I of course have no idea what the law would be in the US but would imagine it would be similar.
It is, that's why when I was security guard I was told you better make damn sure you can prove it or you can be sued and the company wont back you
On top of that if the "teenagers" where under 16 then they cannot give consent to be detained putting the store in a very dodgy position. (Although in this case I presume they were older)
Age makes no difference. Its called citizen arrest. The Idea is that any citizen has the right to detain and arrest some one committing a crime . By that logic the police would need consent to detain some under 16
"I recall my reaction on the few occasions an employee attempted to "detain" me, in my teenage years. It usually entailed a simple, verbal response. "Fuck off." In the US (unless some goofy states have other laws that I don't know of) a civilian can only detain another civilian as the result of a felony."
Its called citizen arrest. If the have lawfully detain you for a crime and you run they can add resisting arrest .
With that said I would told you have right to detain me or touch me. Take your hands off me
It's funny how the same browser does not have the same problems on OSX and the more complete Konqueror does not do the same on GNU/Linux systems. Same code, different OS, where could the problem be?! Thanks for the FUD, M$, but security is not your strong point. The more of these problems they point out, the faster users will run for the exits.
really then how come IE and fire fox asks ??
"An HP company. Therefore American companies, therefore subject, by default, to the Homeland Security provisions for demanding access to any data held by that corporation *wherever it may be*.
Add the census data from Lockheed and the US govt will know everything about us.
Welcome to Airstrip One. We have always been at war with Eastasia.
don't worry the CD's in the mail to Langley
"As a (highly) frequent traveler who has small children, I try very hard (usually successfully) to not get overly annoyed by screaming kids on long-haul flights, but I have no patience with alleged adults behaving like two-year olds."
Who her or BA. I understand she acted like an idiot, but what jack ass decided because they lost one piece of her luggage she couldn't fly How would you feel being seated on a plane and then kicked off because they lost one piece of your luggage. not because you did some thing wrong or acted like a fool, but because they screwed up and cost you money you have to get off the plane.
So you log all of this data. You need it for a trial. The isp sends it over. They send every thing over.You now have a 2 gig data file of text. How do you find what you are looking for.
It like this you are suing company A over issue C. You give them a subpoena for any relevant documents on issue C. What you get is every document that ever mentions issue C. You have the smoking gun but they sent you is over 50,000 pages. Will you find it in time for the trial ??
"So when I recover... I'll walk into the copshop and find some officer and kick them so hard in their nuts, they'll migrate to their oesophagus."
Bzzaap! zap! bzappity zap zap! zap! zap! zap! zap! zap! zap! zap! zap! zap! zap! zap! bzappity zap zap! zap! bzappity zap zap! zap!
Report: Prisoner fell into a bin of tasers.
SO how then do you explain the other bruises and the night stick that's hanging out of his ass ???
I belive what happened was the manufacture in china for cisco, started selling the kits directly, and or they fell off the truck on the way to cisco..
Kind of like if you steel all the parts to make a Ferrari from the Ferrari plant . At that point is if counterfeit, or is a stolen Ferrari .
"Islamic fundamentalist terrorists hate us and want us dead. Why would they try to convince us to join them?"
Why, its simple an person that's is fair skin and blue eyes fly's under a lot of peoples radar. Some one thats born in the US with no previous history of violence is the perfect patsy. Sure they hate us and what better way then to us one of us to kill us.
I agree that there is no supposition that the billing address should be shared with the 911 dispatch system.
Any more than I think the phone company should have the innate right to sell said billing address along with suindry other details to "marketing partners".
IT SHOULD JUST BLOODY WORK. Whatever it takes. Whatever it costs, that is what is required from a National Emergency Response system. If you can't do it, get out of the effing market and make way for someone who can.
Well I got one for you. When I worked at SBC the true address accord to the county records office was 300 first street., but they had the building listed by a cname (industry term) This was a street name you only saw once you turned onto first street and then turned into the parking lot.. End result if you called 911 they went looking for an address that was not listed in the county records. Gee if the largest phone company in California can get the address wrong, I wounder. oh by the way having your address pop up when you call 911 is called e911. E911 is not available every were either
The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) is an independent governmental agency created by state legislation. The CTA began operating on October 1, 1947, after it acquired the properties of the Chicago Rapid Transit Company and the Chicago Surface Lines. On October 1, 1952, CTA became the sole operator of Chicago transit when it purchased the Chicago Motor Coach system.
Taken straight from CTA web site. it is a gov agency