* Posts by kain preacher

3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007

Petty PETA rapped by judges over monkey selfie copyright stunt

kain preacher

you are so wrong. In 2008 the 9th heard 114,199 cases. 107 were over turned by the supreme court 33 were vacated 35 were affirmed . So over the cases that went to the supreme court yes 79% was overturned but that's 107 out of 114,199. Were are talking about les than 0.001% of all cases being over turned.

6th Circuit - 87 percent;

11th Circuit - 85 percent;

9th Circuit - 79 percent;

3rd Circuit - 78 percent;

2nd Circuit and Federal Circuit - 68 percent;

8th Circuit - 67 percent;

5th Circuit - 66 percent;

7th Circuit - 48 percent;

DC Circuit - 45 percent;

1st Circuit and 4th Circuit - 43 percent;

10th Circuit - 42 percent.

Still wrong

kain preacher

No because they made a settlement before the judge made this verdict. What happened is every time PETA lost they appealed . Fucknuts (AKA PETA) had more money then him so he settled and both asked for the suit to be dismissed. The judge said no for two reasons. One they already started deliberation two they said there was an interest in making a legal finding that animals do not have rights. the reason for this is peta has brought similar law suits and when it looked like it they were going to lose the dropped the suit. The judge felt like this was gaming the system. For now on the west coast PETA will have to appeal to the supreme court or except in the 9th district they can no longer bring these kinds of law suits


What makes you think the 9th does not routinely hand out sane judgements ?

'Your computer has a virus' cold call con artists on the rise – Microsoft

kain preacher

Re: Number Witheld.

Steve I've learned that calling them Pakistani drives them through the


kain preacher

The solution to the problem is use the ANI and not CLIP for caller ID.

UK consumer help bloke Martin Lewis is suing Facebook over fake ads

kain preacher

If I was him I'd sue in the US and this is why. Under the DMCA you can force the hosting company to pull face book dot com( I know you are going to say face book host them selves but you can force the issue with ICAAN) Then you can face book with civil RICO(Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) which gives enhanced/extended penalties .Predicate acts for RICO (which there must be two of) are fraud, counterfeiting(one could are those are counterfeit ads)Criminal copyright infringement( what most would call piracy but this is when you make money off copy right infringement )

Oh and since Corporations are people in the US I'd look to have criminal charges against face book.

Eight months after Equifax megahack, some Brits are only just being notified

kain preacher

Re: Timely

Naw I expect the response to get lost in the post .

BT pushes ahead with plans to switch off telephone network

kain preacher

Re: Oh well

that’s not the job of the ONT as it only has an RJ 45

Super Cali health inspectors: Tesla blood awoke us

kain preacher

Re: Workplace accidents

In California the police only come if there is a loss of life.

kain preacher

Last time I check Tesla was non union.

Checks. Yep still non union .

Windows Admin Center: Vulture gets claws on browser-based server admin

kain preacher

Re: "you open up a browser (must be Chrome or Edge)"

Not sure if it's blocking FF. I'm running into sties that work correctly on every thing but FF.

Sysadmin’s worst client was … his mother! Until his sister called for help

kain preacher

I love my mom

If 'm 1500 miles away she can fix just about any issue she has with out calling me. If I'm with in a mile I

get pestered to death with simple questions. Lord help me if I'm five feet in front of her.

kain preacher

Re: and also Ahh sub folders Ahh, parents

if you are using share point I suggest you see a a shrink. TGhat's the same as giving an over worked, suicidal person a a load gun.

kain preacher

Re: and also Ahh sub folders Ahh, parents

I saw the sub folders issue on early macs. Iv'e seen rare cases it crash the unit.

When SecureRandom()... isn't: JavaScript fingered for poking cash-spilling holes in Bitcoin wallets

kain preacher

If this is in Florida you will either eventually have a sink hole or a storm will blow down that castle.

Airbus plans beds in passenger plane cargo holds

kain preacher

Re: At 6ft8

Two things he said wake up and arrive were he wanted to. I don't think he wants to wake up in gitmo. Nope better off pissing of the Russians :)

'Our way or the highway' warranty scams shot down by US watchdog: It's OK to use unofficial parts to repair your gear

kain preacher

Re: Enough with the replacement part conspiritards.

John it's worse than that. If you replace he screen on the new Iphones with a non apple part then update the os it will not work.

Penis pothole protester: Cambridge's 'Wanksy' art shows feted

kain preacher

There was a chap in the Netherlands that went around planting flowers in the pot holes. On bloke in NYC started planting trees. Here in the US i've been on some roads that were so bad the best options were to turn them in to dirt roads . These roads could not simple be repaved. You need to remove the crumbling roads and level the road bed.

kain preacher

Re: A council wonk said:...

"“Every penny that we have to spend cleaning off this graffiti is a penny less that we have to spend on actually repairing the potholes.” "

Um wouldn't paving the damn pot holes get rid of the graffiti or am I missing some thing ?

German sauna drags punters to court over naked truth

kain preacher

Re: Badewelt

." And everything else that would horrify an English vicar's dull daughter."

You might be shocked at what it might take to shock that dull daughter. Watch out for those batter cables .

kain preacher

Re: Big John

Wait el reg use to be a tabloid ? wait when was this ? I'm shocked. I will not be a part of this. Goes off to read the daily mail while watching fox news.

Fear the Reaper: Man hospitalised after eating red hot chilli pepper

kain preacher

Re: Bah!

Actually all chemical weapons including pepper spray is banned in the Geneva accords

kain preacher

Re: Hey thanks for the head's up!

Um watch on you tube first we feast. See peoples reaction to that pepper.

kain preacher

Depends on the rabbits. I raised a few rabbits that attacked cats.

kain preacher

Re: Nominative Determinism?

More like blow it out your ass. Cure colon cancer by cauterizing .

kain preacher

Re: How?

I saw them mowed down A thai dragon pepper plant. I thought hell they cant be that hot and ate 4 at once.

kain preacher

Re: In my youth

Actaully ice cream is the best as it has sugar and milk.

kain preacher

I found out the hard way that rabbits love hot peppers.

Gmail is secure. Netflix is secure. Together they're a phishing threat

kain preacher

I had some thing weird happen 4 months ago.. GMail was asking me to take ownership of an email address that was similar to mines only mine is a doted email address.

Mad March Meltdown! Microsoft's patch for a patch for a patch may need another patch

kain preacher

Maybe MS should stop trying to fix Intel's mistake. Intel just admitted that they can not fix it .

Are you able to read this headline? Then you're not Julian Assange. His broadband is unplugged

kain preacher

Re: It would take a heart of stone not to laugh...

The Russians thinks it's ok.

Donald Trump jumps on anti-tech bandwagon, gets everything wrong

kain preacher

Re: Amazon? Postal Service?

Yep then you have smart post. Which starts off FedEx but is delivered by USPS even on sundays. Then you have DHL which acts as a drop off point for the USPS>

Microsoft's Windows 7 Meltdown fixes from January, February made PCs MORE INSECURE

kain preacher

Re: Re. Game over, Microsoft

You can't upgrade 32 to 64

User asked why CTRL-ALT-DEL restarted PC instead of opening apps

kain preacher

IF you had a mac you had a scsi Sony CDROM. My first CD ROM writer was a a SCSI Sony. It cost me a mere $600 back in 1995

kain preacher

Re: Feeling Old...

Third option was ide

it goes Panasonic,ide mitshi, sony

Uber breaks self-driving car record: First robo-ride to kill a pedestrian

kain preacher

Re: Didn't happen

Bikes are legal on the road int the US.

kain preacher

Re: Why did the algorithm break the law?

IN California you are not goin to get a ticket for any thing less then 5 miles an hour unless you can prove speed caused the accident.

kain preacher

First glance my emotions wants to blame uber, but I need more data. Iv'e seen bikes cut across a major road( ie not crossing at the intersection) I've seen bikes cut people off an run red lights.

Bad blood: Theranos CEO charged with massive fraud

kain preacher

Re: She should do serious jail time

I dont know were you live ar but first time shopper lifter is no likely to jail time. Then lets look at pharma bro Martin Shkreli who is doing a 7 year bid for the same thing. Oh and the SEC can referrer criminal charges over to the DOJ

HP is turning off 'Always On' data deals but won't say why

kain preacher

Re: As to HP

IF all you are doing is printing b&W documents you can not beat an old HP laser jet. Damn things are rock solid, just change the roller feeds .

Screw everything! French swingers campsite up for sale, owners 'tired'

kain preacher

Not dating a women that look like she could go toe to toe with mike tyson back in the day and not feel a thing.

Will the defendant please rise? Utah State Bar hunts for sender of topless email

kain preacher

This is Utah to the most you are going to get a one piece bathing suit.

Your entire ID is worth £820 to crooks on dark web black market

kain preacher

Re: New business ...

I was thinking you could up on the naughty list of the five eyes. In that case Cement shoes might be some thing you want. S sort of fast death,

Fresh docs detail 10-year link between Geek Squad informers and Feds

kain preacher

Re: A level of indirection

"Your 4th amendment is pretty much irrelevant as it only applies if a government employee is doing the initial looking, and even then...."

That is so wrong. Lets say you ship some drugs ad fed ex suspect there are drugs in your package an open it. That's ok. Now if the police suspect you are shipping drugs and asks fedex to open up the package with out a warrant or some probable cause that's a no no because at that point they are acting as an agent of the police .

If this was not true police could just ask a so call concerned citizen to break into some house or search packages . It would be a great end run around your 4th amendment

Shock poll finds £999 X too expensive for happy iPhone owners

kain preacher

spending more the $300

you want me to spend more than $300 on phone I have a wish list, it might be insane.

I want above any thing else a removable battery. Can I get phone around 4-6mm thick. I'm not a fan of these super thin phones. 64gigs of internal memory and a dual sim card. I don't care about the camera or stuff like finger print scanner . Or since we are going for full on sanity a phone that has dual SD card. The Second SD card would be able to have a second phone OS or a clone os. Each OS would have a different password on it and can not peek in the contents of the other OS .Great for customs ass holes that insist on seeing you phone contacts. You could boot into a clean phone and they would never know.

My PC is broken, said user typing in white on a white background

kain preacher

This when the core 2 first came out. The lady had a solid wood desk. She also had sticky finger prints all over the desk

kain preacher

My favorite is still this. Computer makes noise when people hit the desk and monitor goes blank when people trip over the cord.

First one is easy tell people to stop hitting the desk. Second one well, how the hell are people tripping on the monitor cable . It's a freaking 1.5 meter long cable

kain preacher

Re: Noisy Business!

User is having difficulty getting a shit to come out, it is making squeaking and clanking noises.

First step, laxatives, next step man get some fiber in that diet. Seriously you can pass out from low blood pressure trying to push to hard

kain preacher

maybe cause I it's early or I'm just jaded from IT but I read that as a mental service center.

OK, who is shooting at Apple staff buses in California? Knock it off

kain preacher

Re: Gun fire triangulation by sound

Um want o try that again. oh and .45 is not a auiet gun and most rounds are under 1,110 fps.

Like getting 2 rifles for the price of one! Includes .177 caliber and .22 caliber barrels. Red fiber optic front sight and green fiber optic rear (fully adjustable). The Beeman 4x32 scope will help get the most accuracy possible from the gun. Everything fits neatly inside the included soft carrying case. Velcro tie-down straps secure the barrels, gun, scope & rings to stop things from shifting during transport.

Max velocity in .177 is 1000 fps, and in .22 it's 830 fps. You could use this rifle for plinking, small game hunting, shooting cans and just plain fun

30 gr (15 g) FMJ, Winchester 835 ft/s (255 m/s) 356 ft⋅lbf (483 J)

165 gr (11 g) Hydra-shok, Federal 1,060 ft/s (320 m/s) 412 ft⋅lbf (559 J)

230 gr (15 g) FMJ, Double Tap 960 ft/s (290 m/s) 471 ft⋅lbf (639 J)

185 gr (12 g) JHP, Underwood 1,100 ft/s (340 m/s) 497 ft⋅lbf