To all of you that say we should do this to the yanks and see how they like it, my response is they would take it.
Last time I flew and I had a disc man on me, they made me prove that it was a CD. player. The old guy didn't like NWA. To bad it was not f the police playing .
I watched them make a guy power up his laptop.
When I applied for a US passport I gave them my birth certificate and drivers license.
They sent me a letter saying that was not enough proof of who I am. They wanted five additional pieces of ID.
When you get a DL in my state you must give a thumb print.
So to all you whiny Brits I have this to say to you. If you don't like it don't come here.
With the exception of taking my prints and photo I deal with the same random searches , and having to prove my electronic device is what says it is.If come back from a foreign country they have the right to search my stuff and laptop. Depending on which country its assumed I'm guilty of smuggling some thing.
Lastly , why cant you distinguish US citizens from the government. Some of you act as if being a US citizen means you agree with every thing our politicians do. Some of you would love to see the US economy crash and burn as if that some how is going to take down the evil empire. If you think the US is evil then look at your own country. What does it say about a country that will do any thing another evil country askes it to do.