* Posts by kain preacher

3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007

San Francisco's 'rogue' sysadmin still being paid while in jail

kain preacher


El Reg readers need to know that in the US, depending on the state, convicted felons can't own real estate, can't vote, and are subject to a variety of other permanent legal disabilities. It's medieval, in my opinion.

Um thats not quiet right. No state will prevent you from owning land.

In most states being a convicted felon bars you from voting . Cant own a fire arm or be a corporate officer of a public company. There are two states that do allow convicted felons to vote and one that allows them to vote in prison. You can go to court and get your civil liberties re stored and then you can vote and own a gun.

Currently Florida seems to be the only state that seems to refuse to do this.

Unpatched Windows PCs own3d in less than four minutes

kain preacher

@By John Savard

It's not unreasonable to expect that you ought to be able to buy a computer in a store, hook it up to the Internet, and be able to use it with no more fear of someone in the outside world being able to interfere with it... than one would be afraid of having a mechanical adding machine or a rotary-dial telephone "hacked" in some fashion.

Consumers expect their television sets, automobiles, and refrigerators, when made and sold by reputable companies, to work reliably. Why can't the makers of computers meet the same standard?

The difference is you don't have people coming into your home trying to break your tv,fridge or car.

Out of the box it does work. Would you blame the car manufacture if you install radio that killed your electrical in the car ?? Would you blame the auto manufacture if some steals your car ???

FCC boss reshapes hardline stance on Comcast

kain preacher

@James Butler

"Comcast interrupted offending torrents, or throttled them down so they didn't take ALL of the bandwidth on whatever line they were operating, as BitTorrent does."

Err did more than that to me. If I run torrent program my entire internet was throttle for the next hour. Even after I shut the torrent program down.

"and they never once stopped anyone from receiving what they tried to receive "

Um yes they did. The reset the packets thats not shaping thats a form of denial of service.

kain preacher

Whats the point

If you are not going to fine them.

Airshow Blighty hits town - 100 years of UK powered flight

kain preacher

Silly Brits

American invented the light bulb(even though Edison's patent was revoked) Sir Humphry Davy was the first credit with the light bulb.

We invented the telephone . Alexander Gram Bell( well there was this Italian fellow Antonio Meucci , he did invent the phone first in New York but he's foreigner cant let him have the credit.)

We invented the car. Don't believe those nasty rumors about that German guy.

Yep so you see we invented the airplane

Missing Webroot founder found dead

kain preacher


They have to experiment till they get the right combo of meds. The meds them self can leave you feeling like zombie. Often the people say the hell with this. I can be screwed up or a shell of person.

Google releases serialization scheme

kain preacher

50 cent

Actual can do an interview with out street talk. You're think more like ghost face from wu tang. You look at the words individually and you know its English, string to gather and you swear he speaking a forcing language that uses English words .

Chinese earthquake hack scammer jailed

kain preacher


This is a Chinese prison . Who's to say he will survive those two years. You see the way they treat their labor pool.

Rebellious BT computers refuse to take orders

kain preacher


Forking out £120 THEN waiting in on friday for someone to come and hook me up with a phone line only to be greeted with NOTHING really hurts.

Well I guess this side of the pond they do things differently. They seemed to be much more prompt in their install dates. ATT will actually mark the pair, giving you the option to self install. which saves you $70. Only down side is if the pair they marked is bad you have to call them to fix it, bu thats free.

Baptist church in assault rifle giveaway

kain preacher


"Thou shalt not kill*"

Um its though not murder. The old testimate sanctioned state killings of criminals.

IBM's eight-core Power7 chip to clock in at 4.0GHz

kain preacher

and yet

It still cant run crisis is full resolution .

FCC chief wants to throttle Comcast

kain preacher


Ok folks hear is the real reason this is happening. A few months back comcast told the FCC that they could not regulated them over bit torrents. Now a civilian telling a government official what he or sh can not do will piss them off. I suspect that is personal. This is Martins way of saying you cant tell me what my job is or how to do it.

kain preacher


Actualy I think what has happened is Martin sees how this would impact his on use of the net. He might of stop to think , wait whats else might they do to me. Or perhaps he has a huge bit torrent server farm :)

Intel stinks

kain preacher

You knew

You knew the damn ponds were there when you bought the house. Get use to the smell

Smut pop-up teacher retrial stuck in delay loop

kain preacher

By Bucky

Um it was not her computer. Repeat after me it was not her computer. If had you a random laptop for the first time are you responsible for whats on it.

Fears mount over missing Webroot founder

kain preacher


I also believe that the US doesn't have the same sort of powers to allow an unwell individual at risk to be 'sectioned' to a psychiatric hospital for treatent, which is unfortunate in this case.

Depends on the state.

Google out-visions Jobs on Mac roadmap

kain preacher

By Randy

Ok seriously, this was not a bad article, it made me laugh. You guys all sound like you've been reading manuals for your new managed switches all days without taking your coffee breaks. Put down your trade magazines and go outside in the sun for a while.

Are you kidding me ?? some of these folks the completion of butter milk. Sending them into the sun will cause them to burst into flames.

Thieves take out Cable & Wireless centre

kain preacher

Some thing to think about

For all of you that says this single point of a failure should of not happened think about this. It was the cable that was stolen. In certain areas in my state only one company owns the physical copper cables. So it does not matter which company you use, it all goes over one companies copper. That company has a problem nothing you can do. No one else has copper.

Jacqui Smith kick-starts yoof ID debate site, site kick stops

kain preacher

National ID

If the UK really wants a national ID card , do it the way the US sneaked it in. Turn your Driver licenses or state ID into a national ID. This was done with the real ID act.. Now states dont have to conform and its completely voluntary on the states part. Oh yeah any state that does not comply, your drivers license or state ID is no longer considered valid ID in the eyes of the federal government and there for can not not used as ID be used for air travel . Oh yeah and and now for a driver license to comply you must give thumb print.

So just turn the DL into a national ID card. Tell people they dont need it unless they plan to drive or travel.or get a job.

Rogue IT troubleshooter pleads guilty to scamming Cisco

kain preacher


Did you know since 1978 there have been over 12 attempted bombings of an IRS building. None has succeeded, all has been thwarted. I'm convinced that the IRS could find Bin laden, the missing CDs from the NHS.

Prius hybrid to get rooftop solar panel

kain preacher

lexus 0-62 in 3.5

hmmm it takes the ford GT 700hp to do that


UK and US agree biometric heavily vetted trusted traveller deal

kain preacher


Personally I do hope that our upper classes go bankrupt along with the US economy as I see it as the only way that the Middle-East

really then what about ancient tibial feuds and different religious sect.that fight.TO say that would bring piece means you have no understanding of whats going on there. If the US were to pull out today and stop using oil there would still be a mess there.

Thats what I was talking about. Some people want to to see the US economy fail with out think about what it would do to the rest of the world

kain preacher


I am also all in favour of putting in the same checks etc. for US folks visiting the UK. Its really the quickest way to get rid of all this BS.

Two can play silly buggers.

You're kidding ?? You think the US gov would change its mind on that because Americans were inconvenienced , pissed off ??? If that was the case the whole TSA would of been scraped. Hmm government doing what the people want , never heard of that. On both sides of the pond we have government doing what ever it wants no mater how mad the public gets.

kain preacher

Geoff Mackenzie

My countryis not innocent I never did say that. My point which you missed is the that the UK gov is no better than the US gov but people on this board just love to bash the US.

Once again if the US is so evil why is the UK gov so willing to follow the US?

. I do understand that my government is headed in the wrong direction and come this election I will vote for change. I'm not going to bash UK gov I have not have enough time to do that. Please don't sit here and pretend that you gov is so much better than mine.

Read what I wrote again. I never said that America was better than the UK.

kain preacher


To all of you that say we should do this to the yanks and see how they like it, my response is they would take it.

Last time I flew and I had a disc man on me, they made me prove that it was a CD. player. The old guy didn't like NWA. To bad it was not f the police playing .

I watched them make a guy power up his laptop.

When I applied for a US passport I gave them my birth certificate and drivers license.

They sent me a letter saying that was not enough proof of who I am. They wanted five additional pieces of ID.

When you get a DL in my state you must give a thumb print.

So to all you whiny Brits I have this to say to you. If you don't like it don't come here.

With the exception of taking my prints and photo I deal with the same random searches , and having to prove my electronic device is what says it is.If come back from a foreign country they have the right to search my stuff and laptop. Depending on which country its assumed I'm guilty of smuggling some thing.

Lastly , why cant you distinguish US citizens from the government. Some of you act as if being a US citizen means you agree with every thing our politicians do. Some of you would love to see the US economy crash and burn as if that some how is going to take down the evil empire. If you think the US is evil then look at your own country. What does it say about a country that will do any thing another evil country askes it to do.

Judge grants Viacom 12TB of YouTube user records

kain preacher


The judge would be pissed at floppies, even that tool would know better. No give it to them on qic 80 :)

Linspire CEO defends Xandros buy-out

kain preacher


High percentage of users cant install the OS. Most dont want to. The ones that will load their own OS are most likely to build the PC them self.

How many people even know there is other OS's out there. Sure people that red the Reg would know, but the majority does not . They just want some thing they can take home from the shop and use right away.

The Moderatrix will see you now

kain preacher


I suggest silk ropes and tens unit.

Wife-slaying Linux guru may have 'developmental disability'

kain preacher



Silicon Valley has disproportional amount of aspergers and autism then the rest of US .

If you have ever dealt with a person that has aspergers, you know it can be a challenge to keep them focused and not go off on a tangent.

Boozers rejoice - it's the USB wine tap!

kain preacher

le froggie

"You mean that you can't download wine from the internet?"

ask linux people they do it all the time

- isn't there a law prohibiting the use of languages other than French in the names of products?

They try to balance it so that not to many words from a foreign language will dilute the purist language. That's a losing battle since so mane new tech products have English names that the were just giving them a french pronunciation such as le computor , in stead of computer. Recently they have even given that up.

America wakes up to the surveillance society

kain preacher

Chris C

I'm hoping(or hallucinating) that the next election will get a president that wont use the Constitution as toilet paper. This admin reminds of a episode of Sliders. The one they buried the existence of the constitution. and possession of it was capitol offense .

Brit carrier deals inked at last

kain preacher

dont get it

As Yank I want our military using stuff built by American companies in America. Why doesn't the UK demand the same thing. How come during the cold war when America built up it's defense contractors the UK didn't do the same ?? Were they relying on the US to help them out ???

Observers criticise London e-count

kain preacher


"London Elects has been prevented by commercial confidentiality from publishing audits on the source code and the counting infrastructure"

B*ll*cks. There should be a law against it... blah... blah...

If source code audits get published it would be even easier to spot and claim for misappropriation of IP... how on earth... rant... nothing should get in the way of demonstrable fairness and accuracy in elections.

Hmmm... seems I picked a bad day to cut down on the fags.

Paris - because she knows what transparency means.

They tried that over in the US, in fact the company went so far to say if you have an indigent body look at our code we will sue you

Asda declares baby's arse 'pornographic'

kain preacher

Puritan values

You have to remember wal mart embodies every thing that is wrong with the wrong(right wing) christian movement. For those of you in the UK that don get it , you are not alone. The level of insanity is enough to drive you mad. You wonder how some of these peoples are not institutionalized. I mean if you think that a baby ass is sexy you need to be locked away. If you are so worried that some else will find a babies ass sexy then you way to paranoid and need to be locked up. Oh wait I think you elect them. Look at Brown. When I say them I mean both sides of the pond.

kain preacher


hmm if ASDA is wal mart then you are supporting evil,. Every one knows wall mart is evil. Just watch south park

Cable and Wireless left cableless by double line break

kain preacher


Probably installing a fibre optic splitter box to facilitate phishing....... which would be something similar to "Lies and deceit" ... By Bill Loney Posted Wednesday 2nd July 2008 11:20 GMT.

Um the reason why fiber can be secured line is because the moment you splice into it some knows. Plus its not a five minute job. You need the proper tools. So if some did splice into the line and they didn't notice they should be shut down

Tiwi spies on your children, so you don't have to

kain preacher

@By Herby

err its not just 85 last Sunday I was driving up 101 doing 75 and people were pissed. I'm not even in the fast lane.

But here is a story for you. When I was 16 learning to drive , I had a sheriff pull up behind me . Being a new drive I made sure that I was doing the speed limit. THis pissed the cop off. How can you except people to drive the speed limit when cops dont.

Schwarzenegger seizes Tesla Motors plant for California

kain preacher

what to do

With these cars when they are no longer on the road. The batteries are hazmat , cant just be dumped any were.

To Chris : making the batteries for these cars are more toxic then making a standard car.. So the cost of pollution is simple shoved some were else. Like a coal burning power plant.

French handbag eBay over fakes

kain preacher

By Simon B

All I care about is the fact somebody sued Ebay and won -woohahaha! More please! Bring this monopoly down a few more pegs ... and a few more, and a few more

Yep even though this will screw people over. Yep its great day that eBay lost...

I cant understand some people blind hatred of companies

King Arthur was English 'propaganda', French claim

kain preacher

By Dodgy Geezer

Aha! Another American, with their quaint view of history. The one where they single-handedly broke the Enigma codes and saved the world! Rambo 'won' the Vietnam war - who's going to win the Iraq war for you?

I 've never heard that it was the Americans that broke the enigma. I guess I missed US history class when they said bletchley park was myth.

Um its widely held believe that US lost Vietnam . Some take a different view and said that we left after getting a piece treaty, and that it was the so call democratic Vietnamese government that lost to the North.

of course mr Geezer you are being disingenuous, any American reading this site would know the role of bletchley park.

US hackette ponders jub-powered iPod

kain preacher

@ms bee

If you get any more warped, just might have to marry you.

Dismissed deputy head launches legal fight

kain preacher
Thumb Up

@By Paul

"I think the problem is that StopthePropaganda is a Yank, or watches to much TV. In the US liberal is a euphamisum for comunist and a genral insult.

Only if you are a Republican. Liberal= evil. Fox news a s decided that. According to them , the democrats are godless liberals that want to destroy they country. So Paul bot every one in the US thinks like stopthecrap. The ones that do scare me and are the reason why I have a gun. I'm sure his relatives have burnt a few crosses in their day

19-year-old p2p botnet pioneer agrees to plead guilty

kain preacher

@By Elmer Phud

" . . .sensitive information stored in Internet Explorer to spare users the hassle of having to remember passwords . . "

Yeah, well -- it's like leaving yer car keys on a table in the hall. The door's locked but anyone with a wire coat hanger or long pole (ooh, err missus) gets the car. Once again M$ should be partly to blame for leading customers on about what they call 'Security'.

Hmm Firefox store passwords to. I've found that fire fix will store field info. Might not sound bad unless that field is fora CC number.

Fired IT manager accused of venting spleen on organ bank

kain preacher

Only punishment

The only true punishment would to lock her in the room with the relatives of her victims. But we have abolished such punishment. No more eye for a eye. While some times I think this is the most effective punishment , its not the type of world I would want to live in.

kain preacher


So your pissed off at your ex employee and you take it out on people that need a trans plant. Damn thats evil.

Ohio table-shag man gets six months

kain preacher

Chris C

"If something is against the law, it's against the law. It's like those stupid "Drug free zone" signs we have near schools"

That's to let you know if your caught selling in a drug free zone , it's double the penalty

Let air passengers smoke dope, say Denver potheads

kain preacher

Naomi Cambell

Think it would work for her ???

Web browsers face crisis of security confidence

kain preacher

Simon Greenwood

So why is Joe User still getting infected? Because the box shifters of business don't educate.

If you buy a car shouldn't you learn to drive instead on insisting the sales person tech you ??

419 scams have been around before the net people still fall for it. The people that can be educated mostly likely will .

Daewoo's laptop is child's play – literally

kain preacher


lets see I could pay $530 USD for that or $479 USD for this


OpenSUSE 11 a redemptive OS with a Mactastic shine

kain preacher

@ Fonts

Umm True Type is Apple. Apple licensed it to Microsoft so it would gain wide exceptance