* Posts by kain preacher

3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007

Phorm secretly tracked Americans too

kain preacher

@By Kilgaard

And there is the joke. Most people have no clue how much energy it takes to make virgin aluminum . Its far cheaper and echo friendlier to use recycled aluminum.

kain preacher


Please can anyone who insists on calling an ad supported service "free" receive a swift cricket bat to the side of the head.

Well us Yanks prefer Louisville slugger, and the eco friendly tree hugger Yanks use Easton aluminum bats.

Three-alarm fire bakes Apple facility

kain preacher


No but Larry Ellison was seen near by at De Anza college

kain preacher


Looks Apple had a fire sale . Mines the one that says SCCFD on the back. covered in soot.

Pentagon hacker McKinnon earns extradition delay

kain preacher

I'l;l ask agasin

If I hire some in the the UK over the phone to kill you in the UK, but I'm in America which country do I get prosecuted in ??

UK.gov pushes £50,000 fine for online copyright infringement

kain preacher


50grand and lock him up for 10 years? Oh no - sorry I forgot we dont do that to American Citizens, thats only if one of our own sysops breaks into an insecure American military database which should never have been within 200 yards of an Internet connection in the first place.

You're an idiot. If was American on American soil they would nail him just as a hard . If you think any different you just hate America .

Aussies: Eat roos, save the planet

kain preacher


How come no one else has thought of this? If the goal is to stop nauseous gas, why dont we eat politicians ?? Surely all that hot air that comes out of them cant be good for the ozone.

Teens admit to Grand Theft Auto-inspired petrol bombfest

kain preacher

Um a few things

Video game ratings have no enforcement other than a retailers moral conscience .Same thing with movies unless it has porn in it . For some reasons they enforce the ratings on movies but not games.

Ahem its game over for them. They most likely will be tried as adults. They will be facing both state and federal charges > now the feds might not decide to charge them. Funny how you can be tried by the state then the feds for the same crime.

Fringe organisers launch inquiry into ticketing fiasco

kain preacher


Moreover, putting an important IT contract out to tender and then taking the lowest bid is a sure recipe for disaster: you get exactly what you pay for.

And yet no one seems to get that small fact.

Fake feet trip up Olympic opening coverage

kain preacher


The UK CGI version would cost £500 million and be done on a Commodore 64, with an awesome Rob Hubbard sound track.

O c.mon. I'm sure they would spring for an Amiga

Snoop more, share less - Home Office spurns EU advice

kain preacher


Weren't you mad at us yanks for collecting such data ??? Hell at least we told you were doing it. You wanted the UK to be reciprocal. you got it. All you need now is to fly through t5 to get finger printed.

Govt persuades two people to share worst job in IT

kain preacher


IS there such a thing as an IT success in government ?

Verizon faces 65,000 worker walkout

kain preacher

@Solomon Grundy

Have you every worked for a telco ??

"and if anyone else tries to solve the problem the unions tools file a grievance which results in more wasted time for everyone and in the end fails to solve anything (except the union tool gets paid for the time spent in arbitration hearings)."

Thats the biggest load of shit I've ever heard of. IF the workers are not allowed to solve a problem thats a management issue. Unions care about member ship.

I've been part of CWA. please show me were you get paid for filing grievance ..

it's too standardized to screw up so get the Central Americans in here and let them have the jobs.

Um ok let me hand you the tools and you fix a broken T1 line since it so easy.

Slaps AC. yes its in America so there is no "u" in labor

American ISP flashes phantom bandwidth cap

kain preacher


I read it as stop the crap

Hack ushers in the insatiable toll booth

kain preacher

licence plate cloning

There's just one tiny problem, it's a little thing called licence plate cloning. It's apparently very popular here in the UK at the moment, what with us having speed cameras every two feet.

Not a big issue in the states. Caught with stolen tags or plates in a California you can face up to three years in the slammer

Killer Satnavs amok in 'Utah Polyhedron' phenomenon

kain preacher


Few yews back I was watching the news were some Aussie got lost in the Tucson. THe rescuers were shocked that some from Oz would just wander off in the desert like that. No food no water. I could take you i for a 15 minute drive out side the city limits of Tucson and no would ever find you.

Sleazy doctors plead guilty to web drug racket

kain preacher


I want proof that doctors came from hair dressers . Show it to me..

How are Dr thieves ??

kain preacher


You know this how ?? You rather the doc just giver you pills ??

Are you aware that insurgence companies are starting to give bonuses to docs that do less test. Less = more profit. So please show me proof were doctors are running all of these extra unnecessary test to make more money . Show me proof were its the doctor that makes money on the tests not the hospital .

Wünderbra! German policewomen take 'Action Brassiere'

kain preacher

My head spins

Why is it that the female cops I know dont have this issue ??? Oh yeah they figured this out on their own and told other female cops about the proper bras to were. Padded sports bras.

Christ you would think that this is the first year they issued vest to female cops

Intel feeds Portuguese 500,000 Classmate laptops

kain preacher

@ Tom/Drak

Um last I checked Portugal was not exactly a 3rd world poverty stricken country

Dr. Strangevote saves mankind with Luddite voting recipe

kain preacher


"A politician having a reasonable thought.... "

Oh it goes far beyond that. California tested three E voting machines. They looked a the code determined they were crap.No meaningfully audit system When they were able to hack into them Die bold cried foul and said they were not being used in a normal way. Um yeah like some trying to hack the machine in real life is going to use it in a normal way.

K Desktop Environment 4.1 lands

kain preacher

am I ??

THe only one that would want KDE on XP or w2k ???

Sovereign immunity blocks DMCA suit against Air Force

kain preacher


I suspect in the US it's like it is in Canada: members of the armed forces belong thereto, body and soul, 24/7/365 for the duration

GI= government issue . When you sign up you are bound by different set of rules then every one else. If they really wanted to be dicks they could of court martial his ass.

Comcast plays New York anti-porn game

kain preacher

Out here

In California, comcast has not done news group in 3 years . So who's to say Comcast was not going to get rid of news groups any ways

McKinnon loses Lords appeal

kain preacher


If I hire some in the US to kill some in the UK, do I get tried in the US or the UK??? My part of the crime was done on US soil I never step foot over seas .

Alcoholic Malaysian shrews cast doubt on UK booze panic

kain preacher

Only the Brits use booze as an excuse for going Neadrathal.

I disagree Americans are a mix. its like lighting a match to out dated explosives. It might be a dud or it might kill you

Court defends America's right to online smut

kain preacher

Guilty at birth

Just take all kids at birth, bar code them, chip them. Kill any ones that show signs of defects. Genetic screening. Kill every one when then turn 60. Haves aids, cancer, std. Don't worry the state has large ovens to take care of that

Citizens's panel demands policing for DNA database

kain preacher

A minority supported DNA testing every child at birth.

I know I shouldn't be shocked but I am. What kind of fool would want this ?? There are no words to full describe what I feel. The only thing I can realy express is my wish that such people never acquires a potion of power.

US man cuffed for executing lawnmower

kain preacher

I guess

It would not be worth mentioning here if he used a sledge hammer or a sword. Wait maybe in the UK since replica swords are banned.

Oops - SF prosecutors put city passwords on public record

kain preacher


So what kind of protection does the city have now ?? If hacker brings the city to its knees would child be blamed or vindicated . I could see the DA saying the passwords would of never been made public in court proceedings if childs had not of forced them to file charges

Brits terrified of online fraud, but want magic cars, says BT

kain preacher

scoff at you

and any one else that askes was there CC fraud ten years ago. CC fraud has been a problem for AOL for at least ten years.

Security shocker: 75% of US bank websites have flaws

kain preacher

@Mikel Kirk

Try bank of america. When I log in the have a banner stating that they made sure the web sitr works in FF3

MS products just too cool to comprehend, say MS geeks

kain preacher

@Kevin Bailey

If MS was any good why don't THEY produce a PC. Cos they know the support costs would bust them that's why..

Blink, did you hit your head or some thing. IF MS made computers they would be hit with anti trust law suits faster then people here can say F vista

High-priority patch fixes critical vulns in RealPlayer

kain preacher

Hun ??

People still use real player ??

Sabre-rattling Europe threatens US diplomats with visas

kain preacher

no it wont

. When they (US gov) get pissed off with this, they may change their behaviour.

They wont. IF the UK does it it will be done as a validation. Seriously whats with the obsession of will if we do it to the yanks they will get pissed off and stop. Why would the US stop ??? You would be surprised how many people would go along with it if you said its for your own security. What you think just cause the people dont want it it will stop ?? People in the UK dont want a national ID card. I dont see it stopping any time soon. I suspect that the finger printing has deterred very little..

Last thing lets see how folks react when the EU does the same to all foreigners.

Blinking to replace remote controls, claims Japanese boffin

kain preacher

Is just me

or does he look like they are using some sci fi method of tourching and frying his brain ??

Convicted spammer goes AWOL from federal prison

kain preacher

@Ian Michael Gumb

What's dumb is that he could have done the time in club fed and then split. 21 months less time off for good behavior?

No such thing in the Federal system. He can get another 24 months for escaping . Idiot is looking at more time for escaping then the original crime .

BAA 'invented green superjumbo' to OK Heathrow plans

kain preacher

Ha Ha

You can't move to somewhere near an airport then complain about the noise! Heathrow has been there a good while and it probably there when most people moved in, so get used to it. Don't like aircraft noise? Don't live near a f**king airport. The UK is a big place, move somewhere else and let us demolish your house to build a new runway. Less queues and cheaper flights all round. (Almost) everyone is happy

Thats like were I live at. we have an airport called reed hillview. Been there since 1947. People in the are want it shut down do to the noise. Its the oldest thing in the area. I know its a small airport, but how do you not notice an airport thats out in the middle of no were ?

Japan kicks off electric car format war

kain preacher


Has tendency to through you. 120/220 is the on that will cause your muscle to contract and lock. Of course that will kill you.

eBay breaks bread with luxury goods firms

kain preacher

@By Stef

But Ebay is not a pub , more like a land lord at a mall.

Yahoo! hands Icahn board seat, ends battle

kain preacher


So if i send a load of abusive letters to Yahoo can i be on the board too?

Sure if you come up with the cash to buy 5% of the shares

Linux on mobiles will put the squeeze on MS, says Zemlin

kain preacher


When is linux going to knock off windows ???

US court sides with Janet Jackson's breast

kain preacher


What the reaction would of been if it was 2 sec flash of a penis . Sex offender here we come.

But if you wanted to piss them off to the point were their head explodes , Show to blokes kissing.

Ubisoft pirates game fix from pirates

kain preacher

Worries me

That one, the company cant fix their own crap, Two they pulled it from a hackers board. What if the file was infected ???

Funny thing., Creative Labs got all pissy when some fixed their stuff. This company just steals it and takes credit for it.

Hmmm will there be a law suit soon ??

BSA: Software piracy's 'tragic' impact on US society

kain preacher


I've always wounder why companys let the BSA through their doors.

Brits more hooked on mobile tech than Yanks are

kain preacher


We have people here that dont want cells phones. They thinks its an electronic leash .

SAP forces customers onto premium support package

kain preacher



Sad And Pathetic

You are a SAP


A fool; someone who is prone to being taken advantage of, or who has been taken advantage of, usually in a situation that is easily perceived by others as foolhardy.


A commercially sold Enterprise Resource Planning system integrating most business functions into a single meta-program.

SAP is so complicated that for most businesses it's like driving a drywall nail with a B52.

Hmmm which would would you pick


Red Hat scores empty patent pledge

kain preacher

Looser does pay

You just have to bring a separate law suit .

EU tells UK to deal with Phorm - or else

kain preacher

Leason learned

Next time around buy off the EU. Then you cane pimp whom ever you want

ETS apologises for online marking blunders – again

kain preacher

think of the children

Except for when you actually have to spend money ,.