@By The Other Steve
know what owl pellets are ??Um its clear you dont. Living in a semi rural area we have lots of owls. No way in hell you can mistake an owl pellet for cat crap
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
My Canadian cousin has this story about a friend (Canadian) who had lived and worked in the US for 13 years. Had a house and family and good job. He returned to Canada for a visit with all his family. When he returned the border he was refused entry because his job could be done by a US citizen. He lost his house (had to sell at below market value for a quick sale), his job. His family lost their home. How often is this being repeated at the US borders.
Sounds like the friend was deported and trying to come back in. I've never heard of Canadian be denied entry to the US unless they were previously deported or bared from entering the US based on a criminal conviction.
There are so many holes in that story its ridiculous. There are so many jobs being done by foring workers on h1b visa its outrageous. I don't here about them losing their jobs, unless it gets out sourced .
If he worked here in the US for 13 years he should of had an alien resident card .. THat means he he is legal to stay as long as he wants..
I have a friend. She's been in US for 15 years, studied there and lives and works there. But she still cannot obtain a citizenship so is still treated as 3rd class citizen.
Again there is something she is not telling you. After five years of living she should be able to get citizenship. If not they would of deported her. There is some thing she is not telling you.
ligibility Requirements: All naturalization applicants must demonstrate good moral character. Other naturalization requirements may be modified or waived for certain applicants, such as spouses of U.S. Citizens or individuals currently serving in the United States military. Additional requirements include:
* A period of continuous residence and physical presence in the United States
* The ability to read, write and speak English
* Good moral character
* Knowledge of the principles of the U.S. Constitution
* Favorable disposition towards the United States
* Pass the United States Citizenship Test
One better for you. about four years ago corn nuts did a major ad campaign. Theme was nut busting fun.
The ad went like this. Bust a nut at work, but a nut at the prom, bust a nut at the park.
Lets look at that again .
Bust a nut at work: I don't want to get fired
Bust a nut at the prom: I'm working on it
Bust a nut at the park: and end up on the sex offenders list..
For you people that don't get it it, google bust a nut. Make sure you are not at work
If she's trying to punish the malcreant, she should be suing the mayor personally for reasonable damages. Otherwise she's ligging off the taxpayers of the burgh. The electorate should be selecting councilmen who will ensure that such bullying is subject to institutional sanction in the future.
She cant. He had the city attorney issue the take down notice, there for it was the city that did it , even though he ordered it . Her use his job to do it . The only way she coulds sue him directly is if he was convicted of criminal charges in this case.
"Afterall, the peon who entered the data is probably union. The contract probably dictates that they can only type 3 characters per airport.
Changing the GUA to GYA requires a total of 7. Obviously the $321 is the union penalty owed to the employee. AA was simply passing their costs of doing business along "
That makes no sense at all except for the fact you hate unions
"The US system does seem to be a mite different to ours; according to a program
on the Beeb they get something like a 90% conviction rate, thanks largely to their very aggressive approach to plea bargaining (e.g. 2 years for a guily plea vs 10 years without).
Also its not generally possible to overturn a conviction unless you can show a legal fault in the original trial - i.e. being able to prove your innocence later will have no effect on your sentence etc. Still, I guess that saves on compensation claims.
Um try more like 50-70% I dont know were they got that stats from.
Oh yeah being innocent does show legal fault. You are allowed to introduce new evidence after you ar convicted, so long as as it would of swayed the jury. Such as a new witness,. a video tape showing you were no were near the crime.
Here's another example. Supposing someone burgles the house of a Saudi prince in Kensington. Should he then be extradited to Saudi Arabia, to face Sharia punishment there, or be prosecuted here as a common burglar?
Well the house would be owned by Saudi Consulates / Embassy . If I remember international law correctly that would make it Saudi soil .
So long get use to prosthetic arms .
the states will need to do what they have been loth to do for decades: get together and regularize the widely varying state sales tax rules.
Um the UK will scrap the national ID cards plan first, issue a hand written apology to every one. Then they will implement a strict protocol for government employee /contractors on handling private data. One that will work. Lastly on both sides of the pond , both governments will over turn these ridiculous laws that were pass in the name of fighting terror .
What concerns me is that the state university bases their objection on the notion that this history class is slanted in its world view. The problem with this ruling is that it sets a dangerous precedent wherein publicly funded state universities have the power to decide that any or all religious group or groups' students cannot pursue higher education unless they go to a religious school, which would further entrench the slanted world view the university is concerned about. Does it make any sense to say that a university will only teach those who already know? Certainly not! As an institution of "higher"
Are you aware that State schools are accredited by a non government agency ?? They are subject to review. If they except course work that the accrediting agency deems as not not up to par they risk losing the accreditation . When that happens every one that graduated from the system has a toilet paper for a degree. Other colleges will refuse course .
So Micheal, is it a case of the State trying screw a hand full students for a religious slant or is it the state trying to keep their accreditation and not screw over thousands of students.