Reverse engineer
What happens when a company reverse engineers that mac bios ??? Oh I know, go ask IBM.
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
I'm sure its the same in the UK, but here in the US you can go just about any were thats sells food, gas electronics and buy pre paid minutes cards. Just give them cash, call the carier up and read of the serial number on the back and you are good to go. Of course they can always tell which store you bought the pre paid card from, but not much else.
Obama is god. He will solve all our problems. As good Christian he will have the lord on his side. He has been ordained my god him self to be the leader of America. Obama will usher in a new area of piece prosperity . He will be the second coming and all will be right with the world. He will excise this land from the wicked ways of the republicans. He will cast out the heathens known as the republicans from out capitol. When he speaks their heads will explode, for his voice, is the voice of righteousness and truth. Some thing the evil republicans not except. They are the cause of all our suffering. They are the reason god allowed the world trade center attack . We have elected an unholly lot know as the republicans and must repent for that . Electing Obama will change all of that and show that we are truly repentant for our sins.
Yeah and if you followed along this far you should know I'm being sarcastic towards webster phreaky
Was his own doing. AS a yank I'm not going to get into the jurisdiction but what blows my mine is I've read cases were its clear cut that some is a terrorist and should be deported but it does not happen. No wonder people in the UK are pissed over this. I would think the goverment would be happy to get rid of scumbag. I mean if you commit a crime in country thats a crime any were else in the world and the penitently is torcher why am I suppose to feel bad for you.
@Christoph NSA was set up for domestic spying. Since the creation of the NSA they spied on Americans and activates that happen in America . Its the CIA that will be spying you Euros. So please continue on about how only Americans have humans rights and not the rest of the world does, when this agency was created to spy on Americans and not the rest of the world.
Thats why they had to grant immunity because the way the law was written. When I was at SBC I did see people get walked for accessing people records with out cause . Dont know what its like on that side of the pond, but the local telcos will fire people for that kind of crap. In a gov job it takes alot more I'll admit that.
"Again we have another scapegoat hung up to dry rather than admit the authorities screwed up!!! What is wrong with America these days, is McCarthy-ism back all over again???
I used to work on the Council Tax desk and at BT and this was often done when the phones were quiet, for a bit of a laugh, we were even *gasp* allowed to speak to them sometimes.....
so someone can access Joe Blow's records with no consequences suffered but he looks up the records of someone IMPORTANT and he's off to jail!! This is pathetic and America needs a serious kick up the ass and soon!"
a few things you need to know about America. We still have privacy laws. If a government official access your records with out a legit reason that is a crime . If some in the phone company access your records with a legit reason thats a crime. Are you saying that any one inside of company should have access to your records ??? If that's the case sign up for phorm
Two things. They will say you need it to enter gov buildings. Now you will say but I wont go to gov buildings . Well byou cant pick up your kids or go to the DMV.
Second they will just make a law saying that the cops can lock you up if you dont have one on you. Of course they will be just merely detaining you until the can verify your ID , and they will still print you and take your DNA
Can I got to the UK, go on a drunken bender and get off by saying I had no intentions on smacking that girl, its the liquors fault ?? or do I have to be a CEO of company with millions of quid to hand out .
I have feeling this cop was hand a shit pile of a case and was told only file if he finds something. Of course there was nothing to find because the files were redacted and he was bared from asking the right questions.. If his superiors even thought he found something, he would been taken care of. Extreme porn would of been found on his work computer.
"Brilliant news. Why would anyone want to help people who kill wantonly?"
Last time I checked FARC was not killing Americans, but they do love to kidnap locals . and the Palestinians are far more concerned with killing each other and attack Israel. Nice try, and thanks for playing the troll game
ight to refuse what here? Could Texans refuse to be breathalysed in the past or have I got this wrong?
BTW In the UK refusal to provide a specimen is treated the same as providing a failed specimen and gets you a 12 month ban.
Same thing herer in California, except your auto rates go up to