* Posts by kain preacher

3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007

Swedish transsexuals offered prosthetic todgers

kain preacher

Free Dick

Um the US has had free dick for the last 8 years. That free dick screwed us over.

Rambus asks ITC to bar US Nvidia imports

kain preacher

ram scum

I hope they lose

Palin didn't know Africa is a continent, McCain aides say

kain preacher

@Geoff Kennedy

Mexico does not count as the do what they want. Afghanistan and Iraq has not worked out so well, so I say they are more or less territories. So I disagree with you. It's only 54 states .

kain preacher


While not one of you liberal jerks don't seem to remember that obama did not even know that we don't have 57 states

Show me proof.

@Ms Bee Omg you said a naughty word

LA engineers cop to traffic system sabotage

kain preacher

There's hope for McKinnon yet then.

Umm they pled out McKinnon didn't.

Yahoo! shares tumble as Ballmer shuts coffin on Microhoo

kain preacher

News flash

Altavista has just hired Yang. They hope that Yang will turns things around for them

kain preacher

Some one is laughing

Why settle for $13 a share ?? wait till the stock complete tanks, then offer to buy them out just for their debt .

Preventive policing? Don't even think about it

kain preacher


So tell me when the are going to set up the road blacks with Concertina wire. Better have those national ID cards ready when the cops stop you. In fact better have your travel papers better.

Porn breath tests for PCs heralds 'stop and scan'

kain preacher

Targeted users

I can see it now.

Customs "Hello welcome to Australia. "

Thank you

Customs " Lets see you just came from Thailand, step this way. Give me your computer "

MPs decry Heathrow T5 fiasco

kain preacher

Neil Hoskin

m thinking mostly of Americans, not known for their tolerance of poor service.

You have never been inside and American DMV

Had to deal with parking enforcement

or had to deal with our IRS

kain preacher

I'm sorry

"What do they expect in a country after 8+ years of being run by pathological liar who was physiologically incapable to admit that something is going wrong with anything he did? Did they do anything about it? Hell no."

But as yank when I read that I cant help and think , when did Dick, and G.W. become in charge in the UK

Academic avoids extradition over Holocaust denial

kain preacher

I'm suprised

That they didn't deport him. He is lucky that they didn't take the attitude not a UK citizen , not our problem. That will teach him. Don't fly any were in the EU. Wonders why they didn't try to grab him in the US ???

Feds indict international cyber crook accused of $1.7m ATM spree

kain preacher


I'm sure thy would love to get their hands on him

Orange ditches Phorm

kain preacher


The clamidia of the net. Remember while on the net practice safe computing..

Notorious registrar gets deactivation notice for president's sin

kain preacher


Its true, because the dont ask about it. They closed their eyes to it. Its like when a landlord collects rent check through the mail. They can say hey I never knew about the illegal stuff that was happening in the house. I don't live there and I did not notice the empty beer bottles, burned out cars, hookers on the side walk. The side walk is not my property

E-voting fears run high as election day looms

kain preacher

Just Say no

TO e voting

No2ID shakes fist at plod print scanner plan

kain preacher
IT Angle


Checks map then history books. I thought Australia was the penal colony?

kain preacher

There IS a need.

Thats funny over here in California you can go to jail for no insurance.

Student charged after alerting principal to server hack

kain preacher

What do you expect

He exposed them. Thats the worst thing you can do to people like that

Raytheon demos new submarine-launched UAV

kain preacher


Silly me. I thought UAV meant Unmanned aerial vehicle.

Financial meltdown hits Hilton where it hurts

kain preacher


For 10 minutes of work ?? That means I'd only have to work for one hour a year to get £1.5m Sign me up

Virgin Media accused of shafting customers on upload rates

kain preacher

you know its bad

When the send you a condom along with your bill.

Man threatens lawsuit after negative eBay feedback

kain preacher

i've come to an conclusion

Pay pal must work differently here in the states. Maybe its cause the are headquarter here and figure its easier to get sued . If pay pal screw me over I could just walk down to their head quarters and serve them. Most of the horror stories I've heard are out of the US. Dont get me wrong I've heard lots of horror stories about paypal in the States, just seems lately the stories seem to becoming over seas.

kain preacher


Business must not be that good if he has that much time to waste

Run Mac OS X on a PC

kain preacher


"The capacitor problems with the first generation G5 iMacs was a complete fuck up on their behalf, all because they wanted to save a few cents per machine."

Talk to Dell. Almost every dell board I've replaced in the last year were do to bad caps.

MEPs warn on 'virtual strip searches'

kain preacher


look on the net before you make absurd comments. It is just an outline

US carriers attack FCC's puritan broadband

kain preacher


There's no way that this should be a censored source of access. That's patently unconstitutional. Not that that simple fact ever bothered the blue-noses in charge of things.

Um if the can censor whats on tv, whats the difference in a government run free network ? Oh did I mention its free, there are other alternatives to get the net

Home Office coughs to Dutch DNA screw-up

kain preacher


Would the Dutch trust that this info would be safe ???

Wonders why the US government even asked for data on UK citizens, all they had to do is ride the bus long enough and they would of gotten every thing the needed. The plus side is no one would of ever known.

Microsoft sued in China for black screen of death

kain preacher

I dont get it

To the folks that say MS is wrong, they are taking control of my computer. The are simpling nagging you because they believe you didn't pay . Explain to me how this is so wrong .

US forces want man-hunting robot wolfpacks

kain preacher

Mike Crawshaw

left out C:) they name the computer network controlling it SKynet

Blundering workmen cut major Docklands fibre

kain preacher


his was a 288 core fibre however, so its not as though it could have been missed...

Um a trencher thats 2 inches (5 cm )wide 5 fee(1.5m) t long can snap that before they know its there .

Gov approval given for Saudi Eurofighter sale

kain preacher

I dont get it

Why was the Euro fighter designed with so much US tech??? I mean as an American I want as much money coming over hear, but why let you military gear be designed by foreigners. Its not like you didn't know what the US was going to do.

Microsoft rushes out emergency Windows security fix

kain preacher

Anonymous Coward

At first I thought they deleted the coments

Speed cams ditched in Wiltshire

kain preacher

lack of speed

Seen more accidents cause by some one doing 40 in a 65. Most accidents I've seen were do to driver not paying attention . were I work the main road is 45. at 8am you are lucky to do 30. I would see atleast one accident a day. People running into the back of stopped cars. If at 25 mph you should be able to stop in time. The other cause see is people cutting people off.

TSA seizes pre-flight terrorist screening

kain preacher

John Dougald McCallum

is a bit much.If they did it to me or mine they would be facing such an expensive law suit that it would be safer for all concerned just to shut up shop and walk away.

One big problem. Its mandate by the gov there for the air lines will be protected. Well two , if you want to sue the US gov you need permission from the US gov to sue the US gov

Bespoke top level domains 'to cost $200,000'

kain preacher


Nope xxx has been banned .

US uni hacker skirts child abuse charges

kain preacher

Must be a UK thing

Calling child abuse. Here state side said its position of child porn, position of images depicting a minor doing lewd acts . So unless they have proof he hurt a child , there would be no child abuse charges. in fact I'm not sure yo even have child abuse laws at the federal level

Dutch court convicts teens for stealing pixels

kain preacher

Um theft

Why is that not extortion, assault, assault with a deadly weapon

Wiggy scuffle pampernaut lawyers back in court

kain preacher

I heard

She is trying to be vice president

Europe gives temps same rights as permanent staff

kain preacher

Temp agencys

I find that often times its the temp agency that screws you over. They lie about the assignment,over state your qualifications. I've worked on jobs were the agency pull out me off the assignment and the client had no clue.

My favorite is when they make you sign a contract stating you wont work for the client for six months after the assignment is over. Thats standard for all temp agencies in the area. Had one try to make me sign a contract stating that I wont be listed or work with another temp agency until one year after I leave them. The funny thing is one of them seem to know that anti compete clauses are illegal in my state.

Bank of England prescribes 'boredom'

kain preacher

Chickens coming home

People were throwing cash around like it was water. Buy now pay later . When laster came we just borrowed again. Then some woke up. People started defaulting, then they said wait, how much money is actually out there .

Prison boss demands right to jam inmates' cellphones...

kain preacher

Anonymous Coward

@nigel - tap all outgoing calls... A clear violation of just about as many laws as you can count.

Um nope . not in Prisons. In the US you can monitor prisoners phone calls with out a warrant.

BBC clarifies location of England

kain preacher

@Markie Dussard

whats the point ? Simple if you are going to rip on me for not knowing you countries geography but dont know mine , that's being arrogant. Thats the same attitude that people complain about Americans. Thinking that your country is the center of the world.

kain preacher

To the UK readers

that think yanks are idiots for not knowing your geography , Can you locate every one of our states on a map ?? Can you name all of our protectorates/ territories ??

Paris ups sticks to London

kain preacher

Lets give them

OJ, John McCain, Sarah Palin, rush, Bill O'relly , Paully Shore.

Top prosecutor warns against growing state power

kain preacher

What if Jacqui Smith is right

The American equivalent would be , what if Bush and Chaney were right ??

The answer to that one is were all fucked beyond believe. Sarah Palin seems to be Jacqui's twin. Do what ever you want, no matter the cost. IF the facts dont support your position get rid of the facts.

Prof: 'Taser-proof vests put cops in danger'

kain preacher

Just few thoughts

One almost al cops in he US were bullet proof vest. That alone should stop most tasers. Aiming for the leg is not an easy shot Secondly if you approach a cop in the US with a taser and they even thinks you are going to use it , bam shot 45 times and you are dead.

Apple and Psystar enter out-of-court counseling

kain preacher

Why oh why

Do people respond to webster. He is not going to respond to you. He does not believe what he is saying , he is a troll

kain preacher

Giles Jones

The XBox was built up of PC components, only the slightly different unified memory architecture set it apart from a PC. I'm sure if someone had made XBox games run on PCs then Microsoft would have sued.

Sony tried and lost. They sued Connectix

Ofcom denies lifeboat spectrum squeeze

kain preacher

Simple soulotion

Strand Ofcom board members some were remote. Hand them a radio. Tell them it will work just as soon as the rescuer organization gets their radio license.