"Does that mean if someone sends me child porn I can go to jail, even if i abhor it?"
"but just being sent it I doubt would be covered by the law."
If you are in possession of it when the cops come yes . Think of it like this. If I send a pound of weed to 100 Clifford Ave but I mess up and say 100 Clifford St, the person at 100 Clifford st is screwed if the cops find out. Does not matter. You are in possession
"Exactly! Surely, even in the US, it is illegal to confiscate someone's personal media and then peruse them without a warrant or similar?"
First off minors have less rights than adults. Secondly it was done in school. Schools have the right to confiscate items from students that is on the prohibited list . Here is another twist. Do to the rabid nature of the anti drug people, it was decided in some states that a minor would have no legitimated use for pagers /cell phones in school setting . There for the made it illegal for minors to have them on school grounds