Confused Yank
I thought Big Ben was the bell not the clock ??
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
Last time I checked you cant re cover from death but you can recover from rape. To perpetrate the Idea that rape is worse than death does nothing to help rape victims , in fact it makes it worse . That puts them in a mind state that is likely to led to suicidal thoughts . Yes I do know rape victims .
Penny = Cent
Nickel = 5 Cents
Dime = 10 cents
Quarter = 25 cents.
Yes the refer to the coin but its universally except that in the US penny is - 1 cent . It's whats taught in school. American money American nomenclature. Because the word penny is not stamped om the coin does not make your point valid Jake. In the US penny and cent are interchangeable. No matter how much you don't want it to be, it is Jake. Like I said that is was is taught in schools.
Who let Webster back in ??
All I asked was for proof.
"obviously think like our fascist Whacki Jacqui. Or is it that you simply hold Prez Obambi in such holy regard you believe anyone that would speak against him should immediately be disregarded, no matter what they say?"
Were did I say I agreed with here ?? If you disagree with the president fine, but when you start calling him obamid instead of point out why you disagree with him , it makes you look silly.
For the record I think its sill she didn't let him in .
Please so me proof that Obama was behind this. Is that to much to ask for ? One might infer that is, since you are name calling .
If I'm wrong I will admitted. Show me proof instead trying presume what I believe. Here is a hint. I'm NRA.
Us yanks don't Care. We don't give a shit . I've seen a more about this here in the Reg than I have in the news media. Even fox news have given up on this story.
Disclaimer. I only watch fox news cause some times you need to know what these nutters are trying to push through.
Fail 3 subjects in one school year and your kid is expelled. What state is that in ? Its not in California. In fact I've never heard of that. Can you show me proof. Expel kid and you lose money. Now they will expel you you just stop showing up.
Did read what I posted ? I said 65k I said year round. That's not 8 months She does 230 days in her scool year . Secondly I said 65k for California. You can not us that for the rest of the US. Do you realize that in most of states k-12 teachers max at at 49K
I said benefit packages. How much is her pension, health care and in most states, mortgage discount worth? Easily another 35K.
$600 a month for her and my dad. Mortgage discount ?? that's not some thing you get out here for college teachers. You can get low interest loans as k-12 teacher, but you are teaching in the poorest area for dismal pay. below 39k. In California that's nothing.
I will still like for you to show me how the average US teachers k-12 make 6 figures.
Teachers with less than 10 years under their belts earning 6 figure benefit packages for less than 9 months work,schools given more in terms of government assistance than most counties get in the UK
really tell that to my mom. She works year round for 65k.
Only schools that get free government money are states schools and those are funded by property taxes. Do you even know how schools are funned in the US
?? How finical aide works ??
One problem with that. They will expect you to work a 60 week with 40 pay. Hire an H1b visa and you control them. Oh complain, you're deported . That's the real reason why companys say Americans won t work for them. H1b visa worker means you can fuck them in the ass with rusty dildo. When they complain that you are using any lube, you break out out the KY with sand and metal shavings.
Umm if you are not a local I can see how you can think that silicon valley might be vulnerable but you are wrong. Let me explain. They area that was effect was south county aka southern Santa Clara County. Now to get to there you have to drive down 101. Going down 101 there will be ten minutes of nothing out there , Just wilderness. The link was severed in area that was rural. Another ten minute drive and you are in farm country . Now 45 minutes to north were the cable was cut in two section nothing happened because it was in a urban area.
The message is cut a fiber link in a urban area nothing much mate . Cut a link in a rural. area you are screwed .
Ps no in that part of California would consider it silicon valley .