What exactly do you mean?? If some does not take direct debit thats not a fault of the banking system. If you have checking account in the US then you have a visa debit card. Some folks prefer checks .
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
Had the political roles been reversed, had it been a right-wing group spoofing a left-wing group, the former would have been lucky to avoid arrest, never mind have their "right" upheld.
And how would they be arrested in the US ? Hmm ever seen the site god hate fags? Its right wing and spews hate speech. Yet those evil left wing folks have not manged to get the site shut down.
"The Obama administration can change this very easily by passing a bill that changes the status of pot from no medcinal use to some medicinal use."
Really,cause I thought its congress that has write the law, pass it then , president signs off on it. Glad to know the president can do any thing with out congress.
I thought SARs was suppose to wipe me out
I want to know why this flu is more lethal in Mexico. With Mexico being so close to the USA you think they would see the same results If you are going to say the USA has better health care look Guatemala. Is next door to Mexico and does not have the same death rate. Not sound cruel, but more people have died from the regular flu t hen people that have been infected with swine flu. You want me to panic? Let me know when its killed 300 people in on week, in one city.
"From a US based legal site:"
And lee thats were you went wrong. You have federal employment law, then you have employment laws for each of the 50 states., In my state employers can only verfiy dates of employment and say weather they would hire you back. Some states they can only verify sates of employment
I am no expert on city sewage design but normally the manholes are placed in the road (street to our US friends) and as such was she not breaking the law at the time by jay walking. She should nicked and counter-sued, if on the way down, she damaged any municipal equipment.
Nope there are man holes in side walks here, some are in the cross walk.
As for saying well we need this or that and it only runs on windows then pull your fingers out and port them to a real OS
Do you think that they write these programs them self ? How do you suggest they port a commercial app? Do think the companies are going to give them the source code?
"Our media is the laughing stock of the world, imagine anyone being able to criticize China/Iran/Russia now.
What an f-wording joke!"
No sadly that distinction goes to the US. We have fox news. Blame the Aussies for Rupert Murdoch.
On another note , when I worked for Voip company I could listen to peoples voice mail with out entering their pin. So before you slag on some for default pass words think about this . Does the phone company have a back door way to listen to voice mails? Do they have a back door way to reveal the voice mail password ?
why give discount for removing some thing you can download for free Does not make since dose it. Buy a discounted product, download the missing comments and you have a full version at a discount. Only way that would work is if MS locked that version of windows so it could not use media player. Think the EU would of liked that ?
"worrying that some individuals may too easily rearrange their gender and then regret having done so"...
In the UK you go through NHS b you have to live full time for a year before they give you hormones. Before yo get there you have to see a shrink for 6 months. Then its not like you can just go see any doc for SRS. The hole process can take up to 3 years.
If I buy a product in New York but live California, I'm required to pay the tax in California. Good luck on getting New York to refund the taxes so you can pay them in California.
Here is some thing else people might know, If you are visiting the the States from another country you don't pay sales tax. IF you are charged sales tax , you can fill out a form at the airport to get your money back.
I want to know what charges can be filed against debt collectors and telemarketers for spoofing their numbers and calling from fake ones. I know when I call Verizion about telemarketers they say "we can't do anything".
You find the phone carrier that the spoofed number belongs to. File an FTC complaint against that company.
Ps Verizion does all kinds of nasty shit to prevent numbers from being ported . My personal favorite is disconnecting the number before it ports. Then telling you its the other phone companies fault .
'but the bottom line is that the Governor in question did nothing that could or should make him leave his job"
Are you shitting me ?? He left the country for 5 days and didn't tell any one. Had No way of any one contacting him. Plus now it looks like he spent state money to see his mistress.
How does the fact that I can't uninstall IE prevent me from having a choice of which browser to use ? I use FF e xclusively . This is not a fan boi then I want a serious answer. Not from some that says MS is evil or they hate MS. Next question. If MS is forced to distribute other browser how do you choose which one ? Last question , if one of those browsers has a major flaw in who is responsible for it ? Now you might say well its the browser company. Then there will be others that said its part of what you sold to us. We didn't have choice but to take those browsers.
What would you have the cops do ?? The guys was destroying property and he assaulted a person . Would you preferred the they clubbed the guy ? There is a chance that he was on drugs, if he was running around naked destroying things.
By they were there has been lots of cases were comes struggled with suspect on drugs and the suspected died . It was not cause the cops beat the shit out of them, but do to the stress of the incident .
in all 50 states you will be arrested for not signing the ticket. Signing the ticket is your promise to appear in court. No the officer does not have the right to walk away . Its mandatory for the cop to arrest. I've yet to seen a police dept that would allow the office to simple write refused to sign ticket. In most DMV hand books in the US, it tells you refusal to sign a ticket will land you in Jail.
Now here is the question. You have some that's is 72 and wont let you cuff them ? Do tase them , or use physical force.