@ blake St. Claire
Actually under you example the charge would be 1st degree murder in the state of California. The difference is bank robbery is a felony , street racing the first time is not .
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
surely you mean 'illegal order to disperse', as the right to assembly is guaranteed in the united states constitution. add to that the illegal detention of uninvolved students in their dorms and the intimidation of other uninvolved people trying to get home or pass through
You need a permit to protest.
Had this happened in the US and had the recipient decided to chuck it in the bin, the post office would probably have been forced to board up his letter box.
You know this how ?? If it happened in the US there is nothing the bank could do. Once mail is delivered that's it . No recourse. I don't know why its different with e-mail
What is the bank going to do once they get the detials? Demand that he or she formats their HD?? Take the computer .
@ac 02:45 GMT
"Waiting until a court order before starting any cursory investigation is criminal since the effects could be so long lasting and devastating to the lives of so many people.."
Um so privacy laws many nothing to you..
If the police suspect you have kid napped some they still need to go to court to get a court order to search your house.
"You can legally buy and own semi automatic Assault Rifles in the US"
Really? You mean I can buy and assault weapon in California ? Oh Wait I can't. Look up gun control laws for each of the 50 states. Folks that are not from American tend to think that there is just national laws (Federal law). There are to separate Legal Systems in the US. You can be tried for crimes at the state level and for some crimes at the federal level.
that site has their full personal details + photo + arrest reason for everyone they arrest... that site also has their call logs for every call they've received, i had a quick look at a couple of other US police force websites and they have similar info on all arrests made - what the hell? do they have no privacy laws at all there??? some even included details for minor traffic stops, including a listing that someone was stopped for an improper lane change!
That's all public record in the US , unless you are minor. You`can have arrest removed from you record .
Really Paul, than can you answer this questions. How come the RIAA sent demand letters to people had not illegal shared files ? Their have been cases were they sent demand letters to people with out internet. Those people didn't P2P so how come they got letters ? How come they had to worry ?
You know when you make assumption you make an ass out of your self .
"'Presuming you are a US citizen and therefore know nothing of international news ."
As reg reader I'd have to be blind not to have sen the articles on Gary McKinnon,
What I meant is that has nothing to do with this story. But hey don't let that get in your way of insulting Americans.
Ps I thought thought the Reg was international, silly me .
" No, in the US ex-felons are second class citizens that the Bill of Rights does not apply to. They cannot vote, possess weapons, or "associate" with other ex-felons. These restrictions are lifted after several years, but the sex offender's registry is forever."
Are you aware of the fact that convicts in Marlyn can vote while in prison. Are you aware that you can get your civil liberties restored and vote and own a hand gun. The only thing that convicts are stripped of are the 2nd amendment. The right to Vote is only stripped away from them in 48 states but that can be restored .
Federal Judges are appointed for life. Its hard to remove Federal judge remove . No Back room dealings to become a Federal judge. %99 of all Federal judges were Federal prosecutors.
But sense you know so much please tell me how the process to become a federal judge happens and how you remove a federal judge from the bench ?
Oh yeah why don't you comment on the merits of the case instead of your anti-American stance .