@ ac 14:44 GMT
Lets review these statement
“1 Texas was originally part of Mexico.”
And the local inhabitants revolted and becacaqm a seprate contry before aplying for state hood
Prior to becoming and indepant country Mexico was owned by Spain
“2 Spanish was the oringinal language of the European settlers in North America (so who was lazy to learn another language?)”
Um do you know how many Indian langues there were in this couintry
“3 America is second only to Mexico in numbers of people who speak Spanish
Why do you think it is against the Law for people who speak Spanish to take jobs as driving instructors?”
Show me that law. I couldn’t find such a law in Texas . In California they do hire spanish speaking instructors
“If you are so set against illegal aliens I hope you also are prepared to pay more for
1 The products that rely on their labor”
you mean like non union contructuion workers vrs union constrution workers.
“2 Agree to higher Tax's to pay for raising the children who you intend to replace them as workers.” That makes no sense.
“3 Agree to higher Tax's again to support low paid workers in their old age.”
That’s called medicare. We all pay into it , we all get it at 65 regaurdless of income
“4 It's one thing to steal another country for it's mineral resources, but stopping the people living in an occupied territory from having their family over to stay is wrong on a whole new level.”
Texas is not an occupied territory
Reason why to use illegals.
You don’t have to pay pay roll taxes
You intend to abuse your workers
You don’t want to comply with saftey standards
You want to cheat your workers .