US area codes
Um you do know California has added area codes. During the 50's some area codes changed between states.
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
Forget the perv-o-tron. In order to fly you will know need to show up 72 hours in advance. What will happen is this. You show up to the air airport, the will you and make you takes shower. A full body cavity search done with an endoscope. After that the will give you nice orange jump suit and show you to a nice room were you will be observed for at least 48 hours. For your safety they will put you in belly chains and shackle you to the other passengers. For your comfort they will put a clothe hood over you while you fly. When you get to your destination they will repeat the process.
Updates to the Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 installation software are included in this update. The installation software is the component that handles the installation and the removal of software updates, language packs, optional Windows features, and service packs. This update is necessary to successfully install and to remove any service packs to all versions of Windows 7 and on Windows Server 2008 R2.
no black hole update .
"The only way even the tiniest percentage of Mac users might fall for this would be people led to by a scam to a site, that looks like a legit company at a web address that can be spoken"
Really then you need to work at a call center for an ISP. I did. I would get calls from mac users cause they went to a web site , DL a program and it does not work. What happened is they got a pop saying windows has detected a problem.
"OK, admitted, getting a user to click accept is not terribly hard. Getting a Mac user to ckicl accept and ehter a keychains password however, for an app they did explicityly specifiy to download and that does not present a disk image file on their desktop, from a company they never heard of on a site they did not browse to specifically to get this app? VERY high hurdle."
No its not. I'd say 20% of my callers were dumb as a brick. Wait that's insulting a brick. You also have a group of people that are click happy. Will click on any thing . Then there are the class of folks that should only be allowed a type writer. I had call were the customer could not figure out how to do copy and paste. He had never done it before and had being using a mac over 3 years. This person was in their 40's. I just could not believe how clueless people were with computers.
What was more amazing is things that t people expected their ISP to fix, like forgetting their password to their online banking account or help recovering their windows or tool chain password .
If an ATM card is being used in a city different from the one it was last used, a withdrawal transaction should require that the account in question be brought .
Um since people don't always live and work in the same city that might be a nussiance .It's not uncommon for me to travel 50 miles from home for pleasure . Now what I have seen happen is if you travel out of state (in the US) your ATM/card the card might work for one transaction but then is shut down. A much better solution is if the card is used more than once at different ATMs in under 30 minutes .
"And can I please have speakers AND headphones together"
If you can't do that in win 7, the drivers you are using suck. I have a gigabyte mother board and I have that option right here in the their setup program. Thats not an OS fault. USB is not crashing here . See above about drivers .
only way I can see this working for the little guy is if you can make a claim anomalously . Then the gov audits the books of the offending party. Then levy a %15 penitentially thats paid to the people that were paid late. Then a %15 fine that goes to the gov. Make it more expensive to pay late then to pay on time .
Um far as I know its impossible to sync the generators in two different location to the same phase or is hard. The solution is DC interties.
High voltage direct current (HVDC) is used to transmit large amounts of power over long distances or for interconnections between asynchronous grids. When electrical energy is required to be transmitted over very long distances, it is more economical to transmit using direct current instead of alternating current. For a long transmission line, the lower losses and reduced construction cost of a DC line can offset the additional cost of converter stations at each end. Also, at high AC voltages, significant (although economically acceptable) amounts of energy are lost due to corona discharge, the capacitance between phases or, in the case of buried cables, between phases and the soil or water in which the cable is buried.
HVDC is also used for long submarine cables because over about 30 km length AC can no longer be applied. In that case special high voltage cables for DC are built. Many submarine cable connections - up to 600 km length - are in use nowadays.
HVDC links are sometimes used to stabilize against control problems with the AC electricity flow. In other words, to transmit AC power as AC when needed in either direction between Seattle and Boston would require the (highly challenging) continuous real-time adjustment of the relative phase of the two electrical grids. With HVDC instead the interconnection would: (1) Convert AC in Seattle into HVDC. (2) Use HVDC for the three thousand miles of cross country transmission. Then (3) convert the HVDC to locally synchronized AC in Boston, and optionally in other cooperating cities along the transmission route. One prominent example of such a transmission line is the Pacific DC Intertie located in the Western United States.
That theory has already been tested. Were I live ATT was about to go on strike. Some how a key fiber ring was cut and about 50,000 people lost phone and internet. Even though the fiber was owned by ATT , it also took out about 8-12 Version cell phone towers in addition to ATTs towers in the area. 911 in the area was shut down too.
The orderlies in mental hospitals deal every day with far harder cases. They don't threaten the patients with violence and they don't shoot them with tasers. (Or at least not usually.)
Thats when they get six or seven people to hold him down and sedate him. The problem with that is if he is on drugs sedating him could kill him, drug interaction. If he is on drugs struggling can lead to a condition called stressed induced heart attack. But most of the times the cops just wrestle the guy to the ground like what the orderlies in the hospital would do.
Last comment. Before every tars th US police with the same brush, I've seem to notice that alot of these cases come from Florida and Texas.
Please tell what your definition of in entrapment is. He already once tried to commit a crime and was tipped off. He was willing to commit a crime and was not tricked into doing so.Would you prefer that the cops try and stop a crime or wait till it happens ?
In criminal law, entrapment is constituted by a law enforcement agent inducing a person to commit an offense that the person would otherwise have been unlikely to commit. In many jurisdictions, entrapment is a possible defense against criminal liability. However, there is no entrapment where a person is ready and willing to break the law and the Government agents merely provide what appears to be a favorable opportunity for the person to commit the crime.
] The words acetaminophen (used in the United States, Canada, Hong Kong, Iran,[11] Colombia and other Latin American countries) and paracetamol (used elsewhere) both come from chemical names for the compound: para-acetylaminophenol and para-acetylaminophenol. In some contexts, it is simply abbreviated as APAP, for N-acetyl-para-aminophenol.
"Tylenol to be fair is paracetamol and codeine and not just paracetamol. Commonly called co-codamol"
Wrong plain Tylenol has no codeine in it. Tylenol 3, Tylenol 4. Tylenol 5 have codeine.
There are a few facts missing. Did she choose this topic or was it assigned to her? When starting out as journalist you don't always get pick what you want to report on. Was she required to contact apple directly and get info from them? Yes the professor could do some thing silly like that. You know make her get a first hand information rather than just searching the net. It's crazy thing that editors like to have from their reporters . You know having them have first hand sources instead of just taking stuff off a companies website . But I could be wrong .
I would to see were you got that stats from. The 9th circuit court of appeals statistically gets over turned no more than any other appeals court . People often through out the the 9th circuit gets over turned more then any other out appeals court with out telling you they hear more appeals than any other court .
Require 100 hours book work, then 500 hours of driving practice. Create over passes for bikes and pedestrians . Make it a $1000 fine for pedestrians , bicyclist and cars to cross against the light. $1000 fine for pedestrians and bicyclist to cross at non designated spots . Make all moving violations a crime . No trees near the roads.
Sounds bat shit crazy right ? And yet if we did that I believe you will still have morons on the road .
and who do the criminals steal these guns from? Yes - it's the law abiding citizens who went into a shop and filled out all the paperwork.
Nope . Must guns crooks get come from crooked gun dealers or illegal straw purchases. Most AK's on Americanstreets were illegally imported. nice try though.