Fujitsu should be fined. I mean missing 3 start dates is unacceptable, an of course Fujitsu did not have the balls to say we can't do it. I do believe companies should be heavily fine for agreeing to do work that they can not .
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
Well if convicted he wll lose his license to pratice medicine. For his punishment he should be forced to eat little cesars pizza for a month. Then a month of dominos. Then a month of mcdonalds but make sure the mcdonalds has been left under the heat lamp for an hour before you feed it to him.
So looking tat nude women makes you want to see a nude 10 year old girl ? Damn better hurry up and cover up all women so men won't sin. Men can't help it after all so the women should be punished. Lets just out law sex.
Yep looking at porn turns in to a hard core druggie that kills kittens and babies.
Any one that says or thinks looking at adult porn leads to kiddie porn needs to be locked away and put on list as vulnerable adult.
BAA sues god and nature. Since now one showed up summary judgement was given to BAA. When the CEO of BAA walked out of court her was struck 17 times my lighting. Oddly the burn patterns on his chest spells out don't f with things you dont understand. THis has sent shock waves through out the business world as CEOs offten miss with things they do not understand.
I would imagine that skipping out on a cab, or a restaurant bill would technically constitute breach-of-contract, again definitely not theft.
How is that not theft . You ate the food it's gone. You took some thing physical with out permission and can not give it back. Explain how that is not. For the taxi cab what you stole was time and fuel.
United States, the judge can't just tell the police to go away and charge the video rental chain instead
Hun ??? At any time a judge in the US can do just that. If a judge wanted to he or she could hold a prosecutor in contempt of court for bringing a stupid case to trial. At any point a judge in the US can stop a trial and tell the police and the DA to go pound sand. in the US the judge is the law in the court room. All though rare the proceeding judge on a trial can over turn a jury's guilt verdict.
The US version has no such get out of jail free option.
"Is this law in favour or against bribery"
Both. At first I thought it was a badly drafted stupid law , but then it occurred to me . Big corp gets caught and points to their policy and gets off. Little guy does the same and gets nailed . Some has plans on how to use this law.
To the first AC, we are missing info. I'm thinking that the guy is actying as his own lawyer . In American law the lawyers woukld be the one to be fined because the are the expert. If the client askes the lawyer to do some thing that is illegal or violates the rules of the court, it's the lawyers fault if they do so .
I think it's like the net. You know how the net allowed legions of idiots to find out there are others that think like they and they are no longer scared to say the stupid stuff they would of kept to them selfs. In the case of GPS it allows idiots to leave their houses. I believe before GPS these folks would of gotten lost and after an hour gave up. Besides I think this driver should have his mental status evaluated . How the hell could you possible think the GPS meant turn right now on to a non road and their is a building in front of you . This guy should not be allowed to walk with out another person next to him. Not his wife .