Re: So....
Zog just like it was only 2 engineers that were responsible for VW cheat code. Even though Bosch caught it and warned VW. Yep it was done with out their knowledge.
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
Read Can bus is use to connect all of that stuff. Yes you can access the can bus via the obd-II port. My point still stands . If you have and wi fi or cellar data as part of your infotainment system the then can bus is exposed .
Oh look a can bus logger that works through the OBDII port.
CAN bus is one of five protocols used in the on-board diagnostics (OBD)-II vehicle diagnostics standard. The OBD-II standard has been mandatory for all cars and light trucks sold in the United States since 1996.
"USB/WiFi/whatever protocol converters are CAN"
I never did. What I said is it can be accessed via wifi. OBDII . You don't have to use the dedicated serial port to access CAN
Oh look VW puts the infotainment system on the CAN bus
Oop looks like can bus is access via the OBD II port and is part of the specs.
CAN bus is one of five protocols used in the on-board diagnostics (OBD)-II vehicle diagnostics standard. The OBD-II standard has been mandatory for all cars and light trucks sold in the United States since 1996. The EOBD standard has been mandatory for all petrol vehicles sold in the European Union since 2001 and all diesel vehicles since 2004
"Well, if he's tapping the OBDII connector and exclaiming "Look at all the data that's being shared!", that would be just silly. Like breaking into someone's house by smashing a window with a brick, hiding behind the bedroom door to eavesdrop, then complaining that their intimate conversations are not secure. Just silly."
infotainment systems like the ford sync 3 are connected to the ecu via can bus . They are also equipped with the ability to give you internet via cell network. SO what is being sen over the cell network back to the hive ?
In your rush to make him look like a fool you show your lack of knowledge.
"Which physical layer interface did he tap into? CAN bus? The OBDII socket (<- betcha)"
Can bus is not a physical interface but a protocol. Some can bus networks can be accessed via blue tooth,wi fi, USB and Ethernet on cars. Accessing the OBII port allows you all kinds of access to the ECU and whats running on it.
And yes you can use wire shark to sniff packets on the can bus.
But there are also free packet sniffing tools for can bus. Available for Linux and windows
I feel you. I made the mistake and signed up for mediacom(con). They charge you $5 to use their cable modem. $5 a month to turn on Wifi and $5 a month to have access to the modem. Seriously if you type ion it redirects you to page that says pay $5 to have access or pay $5 every time you want to do some thing like change the password to the wi fi. They have a strict 1 gig cap . Oh here is the kicker if you do a trace route you find out that every thing is going through comcast first. That's right they are using comcast network but comcast is not available here.
In a 2016 telecom report conducted by ACSI, Mediacom occupied last place in customer satisfaction among all companies in the ACSI, regardless of industry.
One thing that amused me is that according to at least one lawyer, geoblocking the EU won't actually absolve an organisation of legal liability if they don't comply with GDPR and someone in the EU uses their service (e.g. using Tor or a VPN).
Would that be computer trespassing if I say I do no not want people from the EU and to lie to hide that you are in the EU
"The fundamental issue is whether you're entering the US at a port of entry or just walking over the border. Walking over the border is against the law."
actually no since they still are arresting and taking kids from those that that come via a legal port of entry and ask for asylum,
"All of this hubalaboo ignores the fact that these families wouldn't be separated from their kids if they hadn't entered the country illegally in the first place. Full stop."
And what about the ones that came a legal port of entry asking for asylum that had their kids snatch? Oh wait that does not fit your narrative.
DougS, If I was Hillary I would say Comeys use of Gmail vindicates me. At least with private server you have control over who reads your email. But yeah used GMail while investigate Hillary looks very bad. Then Making that announcement weeks before the election makes it look like he had an agenda .
TIgra 07 re so wrong about the gender pay gap. First of they don't just compare wages but they compare Jobs. IE they look at a Women that are doctors then a man that are doctors then they compare wages. They calculate by the hour not by total wage which would take in to account if a man works more hours.
So to say it's cause choices women make is bullshit.