So any country that that has armed regular cops has a gun problem ? Oh and any weapon can be deadly .
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
So if I steal news paper I should not have the right not to be killed . If the cops what to toucher me I should lose my human rights. More importantly if a criminal loses all of their rights would should they abide my societies laws? Since they have no rights people can do what ever they want to them .
"private business is under no obligation to archive anything unless they choose to. "
Maybe in the UK but that's not true in the US. Any publicly trade company must comply with SOX. Part of complying with SOX is you must keep records of important communications. So how to you keep e-mails with out archiving them ?
They did what ? Nope there solution is to build more jails and let less and non violent offenders out of jail. All though they have come close to decriminalizing marijuana for personal use . You get caught with a joint it's the same penalty as jay walking. You pay the fine unless you want to contest it in court .
3 strikes law could cost $20 mil a minute and no politician would get rid of it for fear of looking weak. Well almost no politician. There are DAs that oppose it .
I never said we would let the politicians roam free. The added benefit of them glowing so bright is that they would be dangerous to little kids eyes. Therefore we need to thinking of the kids. We need to lock the politicians away, have them tagged chipped and registered (like cattle). All for the safety of the kids.
Up next make anyone who says think of the kids and comes up with some asinine to follow glow to . Oh and I'm sure you folks could harvest all of that glowing energy too.
A unit selected for punishment by decimation was divided into groups of ten; each group drew lots (Sortition), and the soldier on whom the lot fell was executed by his nine comrades, often by stoning or clubbing.[citation needed] The remaining soldiers were given rations of barley instead of wheat and forced to sleep outside the Roman encampment.
Because the punishment fell by lot, all soldiers in the group were eligible for execution, regardless of the individual degree of fault, or rank and distinction.
so Nick Rutland is right
For some reason some one left the TV on faux news in my house and they were saying Ruppert said he was sorry and it's time to move. That they did not see whats the big deal and that this is just a witch hunt .
I didn't think I could have lower opinion of fox news. Nice to know his shill are still at work.
Are folks not reporting cause of these maps, or is it cause they think the police don't care and or won't do any thing. Ok so thats 2 questions you get my point. I'd also like to see them do a research into underreported crimes before these maps. I'd live in a nice area of town town and yet to meet person that would not report a crime because it would affect property value, just the opposite. If you don't report crime criminals will set up shop and that will destroy your homes value .
I thought that nothing would happen to Ruppert but after seeing that he might of tried to access 9/11 victims cell phones I changed my mind. If true they are going to shove spigot through Ruppert and slow roast him over hot coals. The boy just pissed on a HV third rail. some thing like 1000VDC
Stop repeating the lie that the Americans have not signed the treaty , we have . Contempt of court is misdemeanor here . Not some thing you can be extradited for . Find another reason to hate us for.
Oh by the way , in America a foreign company or person can not own a media company . You might want to give that a try in the UK.
The US going after Murdoch family . News corp ?? You must not read the Reg much or have no access to American TV. Murdoch family >Newscorp> fox news> Great Satan.
That would mean a blow to Fox news and its not like fox news has influenced great deal of nut jobs that still think Obama is foreign born Muslim terrorist . Oh wait they do. These folks think socialism and liberals are bad. They can't even spell socialism let alone know the meaning of the word. Quick whats the difference between a Muslim terrorist and fox news base ? you can't tell ? well neither can I. They both are religious fundamentalists that want a region based state and will kill you for not believing in what they do .
Folks the 2nd amendment was made for these folks. Fox news the official news for the klans men and sheep.
let me Clarify a few things. the FAA does have enough flight controllers , they choose to make them work crazy hours. Not much the union can do about since flight operations is deemed vital and a 1950's law bans them from striking. This law was upheld in 1971 by Supreme Court of the United States. in 1981 when the FAA controllers did strike Regan fired them all and decertify the FAA union.
For those folks that say this thing in Sweden is nothing more than a pretext for the US to snatch Assange , explain this to me . Why would the US need to do that ? I know it makes for some great yanking bashing but in order for that to be true that would imply that the UK would not hand him over . Is there any one here that thinks the UK would it hand him over to America if asked ?