* Posts by kain preacher

3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007

World's only twin jet-engine bike drives onto eBay

kain preacher

Even if you do survive you still might need a search and rescue time to find your testicles. I'd imagine with all that speed and no suspension you might rattle your teeth out .

Fanboi called 911 repeatedly because iPhone didn't work

kain preacher

Take the damn Iphone and shatter it in front of him of him.

Az mayor offers Prince Harry beer and pizza in fornication row

kain preacher


But it's a dry heat.

SEC slaps inside trader with record $93m fine

kain preacher


Federal prisons don't suffer from over crowding. If one prison is over crowded they have the entire US to find one that is not over crowded . I've been told that is no time off for good behavior.

kain preacher

Actually they can. The can seize all off his assets and then it's up to him to prove it was bought with legal money.

Microsoft releases fix for Applocker bypass flaw

kain preacher


can the mods please delete any future post saying that MS should not release software that needs patching or has bugs. Can you show me a modern day OS that has been released with a out a single bug ? I get it you have blind hatred of MS. If Bill gates gave away the cure to aids for free m you would accuse him of creating aids.

Feds warn 'pox party' zealots not to send viruses in post

kain preacher

We have not had to lick stamps in long time.

Anti-smut boss: 'We won't be net police'

kain preacher

How ? It's simple you have a group of people that are treating me like child by telling me what I can see on the net .

kain preacher

I would like to know

When did we become too stupid to tie our own shoes with out govt help? Who made that decision for us ? Seriously if the govt wants treat me like a child, then take care of me like I'm child. Children don't work, don't pay bills. Now if you want me to act like an adult you need to treat me like one .

Catholic Bishops: 'Would you mind not bringing guns to church?'

kain preacher


Has the NIV here and it says murder .

Americans to get five-year wireless tax freeze

kain preacher

I want proof

"911 fees (to pad the unrestrained pensions of emergency services personnel)," If you are going to make those kinds of claims I want proof . 911 fees goes to maintenance of 911 systems . Last time I looked at my cell phone bill it has the same fees and surcharges as a land line.

CTIA wins battle over cancer labelling on phones

kain preacher


The under cooked food warning is so they don't get sued .

PlayStation 3 sales catch up with Xbox 360 total

kain preacher

"I'm guessing almost no launch-day Xbox consoles are still working"

How do you know that ?

Activision banned me from Call of Duty gig, says exotic performer

kain preacher

Please explain to me how this would even remotely illegal ? If I want to give away a game with a console please explain how that is wrong ?

Biden: The internet ain't broke, let's not fix it

kain preacher

"But they would have to curb “the dissemination of information that incites terrorism, secessionism or extremism or that undermines other countries’ political, economic and social stability, as well as their spiritual and cultural environment” as part of the pact."

Who needs the great fire wall of China. RIAA would love this. Piratebay and others wiped off the map. This proposal is freaking nuts.

Microsoft confirms Kinect SDK for business in 2012

kain preacher

Hmm Then how come I don't see that many used kinects in my local store ?

Dell bundles Ubuntu Linux on PCs in China

kain preacher


In the US you can get

No Operating System [Included in Price]

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1, Up To 32 CPU Lic, 1 YR Sub, FI, Media [add $279.00]

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1, Up To 32 CPU Lic, 3 YR Sub, FI, Media [add $699.00]

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, SP3, Up To 32 CPU Lic, 1 YR Sub, DIB, Media [add $279.00]

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, SP3, Up To 32 CPU Lic, 3 YR Sub, DIB, Media [add $699.00]

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0,Factory Install,x64,Req Lic&Sub Selection add $0.00

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0 Non Factory Install,x64,Req Lic&Sub Selection add $0.00

I sup

Microsoft® Small Business Server 2011, Standard Edition, Factory Installed [add $1,089.00]

Microsoft®SBS2011PREM,Drop in the box,Pre-requisite STD ED Lic not incl [add $1,489.00]

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Enterprise Edition,x64,Includes 10 CALs [add $2,999.00]

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Enterprise Academic Edition, Includes 25 CALs [add $999.00]

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Standard Edition, Includes 5 CALS [add $799.00]

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Standard Academic Edition, Includes 5 CALs [add $249.00]

In the UK they only offer Red Hat .


Cops find hackers' phone in NOTW office

kain preacher

Industry wide pratice

So it was ok. Introduce them to another industry wide practice of looking these slimly bastards up. I'm torn to weather or not a crime like this she be 1 year or 10 years. It needs to belong enough to serve as deterrent but not be extreme.

Google report reveals YouTube takedown requests... by country

kain preacher


in the US Google is free to reject the request in the US. If the coppers in UK demanded something be taken down do you think Google would refused .

US decommissions massive Cold War nuke

kain preacher

Just to be clear

You are hoping that some sneezes so the bomb goes off killing thousands of people ?

Saddam 'double' kidnapped by smut flick gang

kain preacher

So does that mean we should be looking for G.W. Bush porn, Tony Blair porn or even some Thatcher porn ?

Smartphone black market fuels knife robberies

kain preacher

@Adam Comben

That assumes a few things. I don't know were you live, but here in the states no police dept will take a report for a lost cell phone. So how is E-bay going to get that from the authorities. Now are you aware of a data base that police put IMEI of stolen phones in to ? The other thing is what if the phone is sold in another country. Do you expect Ebay to query every country to see if there is a hit ? The one people that can stop it have no interest in stopping it. Thats the cell phone company.

Cable employee admits replacing Superbowl feed with porn

kain preacher

You would be wrong

What did cost some folks money. Lost money in lower viewer ship and lost money by giving away pay per view.

Reg hacks confront really wide Oz load terror

kain preacher

In the 80's my grand father moved a few houses in San Francisco.Between the hills and over hide wires it was minor miracle You should get a special badge just for driving a big rig in SF.

NextIO punts I/O virtualizing Maestro

kain preacher

EL reg

This has to be the only place were I've seen a site do a review, commentards ask questions as to can the product really do what they claim it can. Then the company that is being reviewed answers back .

Microsoft's saucy compiler exposes privates to devs

kain preacher


I see were yo are going with this banjomike, but should all open source software suffer then I mean the source code is open for all to see. If you need parts of your software obfuscated to create security you have already failed.

MC Hammer getting into search business

kain preacher

Did some out of work comedian bribe some one ? From seaman (he was in the navy no jokes) to rapper to preacher and now this.

Vegas man begs web for $1m to fix gigantic scrotum

kain preacher

$1 mil

IS because they have no clue what is going on. It's exploratory surgery. A kidney trans plant cost $16,043.

4chan founder bashes Facebook, Google+ on identity

kain preacher

Citation please.

Show me that law .

Mass ASP.NET attack causes websites to turn on visitors

kain preacher

did you read

Because it said that you had to badly configure the site. The fact that same can't code is not MS fault. It's the same as having the spare key under the front door mat. It's not the fault of the lock maker.

kain preacher

Really cause. it relies on out dated Java or adobe products. How is that MS fault ?

kain preacher

Crap all around

Crappy web sites. But you make it sound like it's an issue with ASP sites. When in reality it's an issue with configuration. Outed software with holes in it . Finished of with a lousy reporting . In summation this requires a clueless web site designer and a clueless user for this attack to work. Nothing to do with ASP.net

Belkin Conserve

kain preacher

@Jim 59

Every time you cut the power to an inkjet it will reinitialize /recalibrate it self. That waste ink.

Wannabe Obama replacement tried to hire Ballmer

kain preacher

Eh could of been worse

He could of went after Meg or Mark Hurd . Imagine those 2 in the white house .

IRS audits Google for funneling profits to Ireland

kain preacher

"Then why, in 2010, were seven of the eight most expensive places to do business in the world in US cities?"

8 cities out how many in the US ? And how does that negate what I said ? Look at Nevada . It has no corp tax, no personal income tax.

kain preacher


US has one of the lowest Corp tax rate in the world.

Gay-bashing cult plans picket of Steve Jobs funeral

kain preacher

So are you saying you have to be stupid to believe in god ?

Seattle superhero arrested for assault

kain preacher

"keeping it real"

There was comedy show that did skits on how keeping it real goes wrong .

Oh and since I've from the bay it's black and orange . San Quinn.

kain preacher


Wait some here that listens to rap and does not refer to it as crap .are you ok DragonKin37 ?

More like he got drunk and high l watching emneim videos. You know the one with him and DRE dressed like batman and robin.

Microsoft whips Apple with global Xbox TV deals

kain preacher


I hate to break it to you but if you are using U-verse TV then you are using MS.

Would you let your car insurer snoop on you for a better deal?

kain preacher

@Armando 123

What ?? Out here the CHP will give you a nice fat ticket for doing 40 in the fast lane. They have given people tickets for doing 55 in the fast lane when the speed limit is 65. No special law needed it , it's called impeding traffic . There had to be some thing else to the ACLU challenge.

Would you trust a dot-bank site more than a dot-com?

kain preacher

ts ignore the fact that I'm in America. Just look at the URL

Dear customer,

As part of our ongoing program to make our online service easier to use and even more secure, we will like you to carry out some upgrades to our banking systems.

For your convenience we urge you to upgrade your account by Clicking Here <http://www.environnet.in.th/kids/components/com_events/Userterms.htm> and complete the upgrade

Yours sincerely,

Cahoot is a division of Santander UK plc

Job creation better than expected in the US

kain preacher

"You'd be paying an extra $50 for sneakers. Flat panel TVs would cost a few hundred dollars more."

New balance shoes are made in the US and cost the same as other sneakers . THe whole it it would cost way more to make in the US is a bad myth . Now what you get is not having to comply with safety regs .

Microsoft! touted! to! buy! Yahoo!

kain preacher

Oh some screwed up, or should I say Yanged up .

Mobile industry fights San Fran 'carcinogen' labelling

kain preacher

Amish farmers

Wait Amish farmers smokes like a chimney, drink like a fish and snort coke off a strippers ass ??

'Boss from hell' knuckle-rapped for 'firing contests'

kain preacher

business school for dicks

I don't were it came from, but in Americas there is a certain school of thought that says you are not a good boss unless you are an asshole. Being nice means your people are walking all over you. I worked at retail store were the boss was like that. At the time I was 18 and one day I just walked out . He was like well that makes you a piss poor worker. I told him how stupid her was to treat teen ages like that. Lets see no kids no house note no real obligations. Oh yeah teen agers can be impulsive like breaking out the winds in your car. The dick called the cops on me. The cops were not amuse.

kain preacher

This guy is lucky. We are in a recession and it's not like you can go out and just get a job. Add to that convenience stores have a high rate of getting robbed = high rate of stress . He is lucky some of the fired people did not come back and go postal.

Bank of America website disrupted for 4th day in a row

kain preacher

"We're sorry, our site is running slowly.

As a result, you may experience delays or have difficulty accessing parts of bankofamerica.com, including Online Banking.

We're actively working to resolve these issues. You may wish to defer your transaction until a non-peak time."

since when is 2am a peek time .

If it's convenient, we invite you to conduct your banking business at a banking center or ATM.

Otherwise, you may continue to Online Banking. We do apologize in advance if you experience any delay or difficulty accessing the site.

Thank you for your patience.

Hospital data boob: Records left in bin room got binned

kain preacher

No it's not good

What if it was paper discipline documents. Yes that machine was properly maintained oops ? Is that patient a drug seeker .

Bo Peep insures jubs for $1m

kain preacher

@Ian Johnston

You consider Bo Peep Fat ?