What about Intercourse, PA ?
Posts by kain preacher
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
Facebook disses Effin Irishwoman
Germany gloomy over AT&T merger
"They added that Deutsche Telekom hadn't been given a full picture of the regulatory risks of the merger early enough in the process."
Wait you mean they did not do an independent review of the regulations and laws before hand ? That they were not aware how ATT was broken up do to anti trust laws ? Wow can I go over to Germany and I was not aware of how they do things there ?
Northern Ireland's top cops 'hacked by NotW' - new claim
I still don't know how Phorm made it through in your country. Generally politicians does not like when people can spy on them. People on this site often talk about the Jobs reality distortion field . Thats nothing like the reality distortion politics have . Look at the national ID card scheme . 10 downing street said every one in the UK wants them. I could not talk to my friends from the UK about the ID card with out hearing swearing. Look at Herman Cain and Michelle bachman. The idea that those two could even measure up to the bottom .00003% is laughable but the reality distortion came into effect and said those to are among the best and brightest. I suspect politics into play here.
US Senator demands answers from Carrier IQ
Judge orders search giants: Delist Chanel rip-off merchants
Asset forfeitures laws changed all of that Dani. The concept now is that it's the site that is breaking the law . Since the site is not a person it has no protection under due process. It's this same concept that allows police to confiscate money from you then it's up to prove that it came from a legal source. This can be done with out a warrant any court oversight or permission from police higher ups.
Malls suspend plan to track shoppers' cellphones
And thats were you would be wrong., They care if it affects them. They don't care what country the tech comes from if it can spy on them they want it gone . Phorm is US based company. When they tried that in the US congress ripped them apart. Phorm was first tried in the US, but under a different company name.
European court advisor slams software copyrights
Iran bans Tehran invasion first-person shooter
Kinect 2 said to read lips, sense mood
Ubuntu penguins build Linux TV challenge
"That TV-tuner is unfortunately a controversial feature. If you also add decryption using a valid subscription with a card-reader and a hardware-CAM you'll have TV operators (cable, terrestrial, satellite) screaming bloody murder. Seems they want to maintain their STB-monopoly at any cost and keep insisting that anyone using an "unauthorised" receiver is a pirate"
Not in the US. I'm sure there are other countries were this is true to.
Black Friday: Bargain-hunting mobs on the rampage
When I did retail security you had to observe the following before we could detain them.
Watch them coming in with nothing.
See them select the items
watch them conceal it.
Watch them pass by an open register
Make no attempt to pay.
Then walk out side.
I was never allowed to stop them till they walked outside. That proved that they had not intention of paying and was stealing. For all the cop knows the guy could of been making an exchange.
Radio hams pick up Mars rover Curiosity's signals
Oz ISPs propose copyright enforcement trial
San Diego Baywatch rules out exploding dead whale
Sure blow it up, but this time use C4. If the blast from the C4 does not do the trick the secondary and much bigger blaster from the petroleum pipe lines should do the the trick. Of course it might take a larger section of the city with it but hey it's worth it. Google Texas city explosion to see what happens when a refinery blows .
Netflix shares fall on profit warning
Fake doc cuffed in concrete arse shocker
US quakes before MENACING TURKEYS, snow globes
"You're supposed to fry the turkey in vegetable oil not petrol"
Considering that the first diesel did run on Veggie oil , it would not make any difference . Except for the diesel fumes in your food. What the should show is what happens when you try and fry a frozen turkey.
Russian diplomat caught driving while 15 TIMES over booze limit
FBI: No evidence of water system hack destroying pump
The other explanation could be this. The equipment is so old that hell how can you tell if it was the hack, lack of maintenance or the fact that it's so damn old that caused it to break. American instruction is beyond shambles. We have middle class communities that can't keep the power on cause the power company is to damn cheap to do proper maintenance.
FCC slips dagger into AT&T, T-Mobile merger
Poll: One in six interrupt bonking to answer mobile
The top five spam subjects sullying inboxes
I get the refund processor.
This on cracked me up. You one the Scottish lottery for $50,000 USD .When did they start using USD in Scotland. Of course it's a phone number based in Spain attacked with a French physical address. guess that EU zone is really working out.
I also get your Canadabell is about to be suspended.
Gates: Novell are sore losers, Word trounced WordPerfect
The real issue
The real issue is that Novel gave away their right to sue and already received some money when Correl sued MS. As much as people might dislike MS their has to be and end to it . If MS is going to keep on getting sued for the exact same action against the exact same person why stop until the DOJ makes them ?
BSA marks down SOPA: ‘must try harder’
Sorry for the ,language but that bill must be a real mother fucker . There has to be some thing hidden in there . Either it raises the bar for them or it truly does stop free s peach and stops them from making outlandish comments.
"domain-blocking proposed by the RIAA and MPAA " ah I wounder if they are worried that it will become so easy to do that they might be hit by this.
Microsoft seeks patent on employee spy system
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
I'm filling a patent to disburtse anti psychotics in aerosole form on timer.
Seriously with the economy in the toilet and \people in fear of losing there jobs you want to ad this stress to them ? Have they not heard of work place shootings ? it might not even make it that point. You just pick up the first object and out it through the bosses head . Or run him/her down in the parking lot .
Brussels: Water cannot be sold as remedy for dehydration
Pickles plans curry colleges to halt Indian immigration
Clegg orders fresh review of UK extradition treaty
How do you know the Judge is going to throw the book at him ?
@Graham Marsden
So are saying McKinnon had cause the deaths hundreds in the US it would be ok to bring him back to the US?
Oh and Canada has made the US give back Canadian citizen that were kidnapped and sent back to the US. Do I agree with the law that lets bounty hunters do that no. If your country won't stand up for you don't get mad at me. If your politicians signed a bad treaty thats on them. Mexico and Canada both won't extradite if the sentence is death. Those two country stood there ground. Russia won't extradite one their own.
embarrassed how
Most Americans have never heard of McKinnon . Believe or not most of these types of attacks do not make the news. If this is a show trial who is it a show for who. For those of you that say he i going to get a long sentence how do you do that ? There federal sentencing guide lines. Just cause you can get up to does not mean you will get the max. The made him a deal plead guilty and he can do the time in the UK. If they were really so embarrassed they would of never made a suck deal.
Lets look tat the Lockerbie bombing. The bomb was not planted on Scottish soil but it blew up there.
The people that planted bomb never touched Scottish but it affected Scottish . McKinnon never touched US soil but the crime affected some thing on US soil.
No weeps when the Germany and America went to Africa and extradite 419 scammers even though they never touched American or German soil.
Before you down vote me pleas explain why I'm wrong .
Attention swingbellies: Pizza sauce is a healthy vegetable
First off pizza that they serve in school has no actual food stuff in it. At least not in America. It's this rectangle object. Even hot the cheese still looks like it does when it gets cold an congealed. still believe to this day the pizza served in the schools had playskool stamped on the bottom. Lets not forget about the grey hamburgers. They are grey before and after cooking. You wounder why Americans love McDonalds. That crap is gourmet food compared to what's served in school lunch. Hell serving cat or dog in the school would be a step up. At least it would be actual meat.
Obama says his birthplace is 'in Asia'
US nuclear aircraft carrier George Bush crippled by toilet outages
Assange takes extradition fight to Supreme Court
To the people
To the people that think this is the work of the US government. Why not plant child porn on him. Just the accusation of finding child porn alone would destroy him? Why not plant drugs on him ? Why not get him f\or what the rest of the world calls rape (not for getting to use a condom )/
Naked vegans target Prince Harry over meaty 12-incher
Microsoft moving embedded systems to Windows 8
Fingerprint scanner can detect drugs in sweat
Lego movie greenlighted by Warner Bros
Boozed-up ball-biting mum spared jail
hold on
Hold on , before you guys go on screaming about sexism think about this ? When cops refuse to enforce a restraining orders.
"TACOMA, Wash. – Friends of a woman stabbed to death over the weekend say the system failed after her request for a protection order against her ex-boyfriend was denied. Now, that man is charged with her murder."
I can find tons of head lines like that. Point is you have judges that are twats. They think a domestic disputes are private issue .
Read this one .
New Jersey Judge Rules Islamic Sharia Law Trumps U.S. Law