* Posts by kain preacher

3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007

Child abuse suspect won't be forced to decrypt hard drive

kain preacher

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The British way of thinking

Warrants in the US have to specify what they are looking for . So unless it's in plain sight they have to specify what they want and just can't look for any possible crime.

kain preacher

Re: Re: Re: The British way of thinking

"Unless they have some evidence that I'm committing a crime, they have no right to rifle through my private things."

Yes, they do have that right. Always have. The question is, how does that extend consistently to the digital domain?

Not in the US. Unless you arrest some right then and there you need a warrant to go through my stuff. Even then the validity of the warrant. You don't like the 5th amendment . Now you want to toss out the 4th amendment . While you are at it lets toss out the 8th amendment . First off you are getting US law wrong then you substitute your opinion as fact . When people explain this to you you get mad and say no is explaining to you and just down voting you . On top of the the values that are expressed in the 5th and 4th amendment is some thing most reasonable folks want in civilized world. I mean what wrong with making the government give you due process and getting a warrant ? whats wrong with banning forced confessions and self incrimination ? The thing is you can not pick and choose who gets what rights. No has a the right to deny rights to any one with out first being convicted of some thing.

kain preacher

Re: Re: Kiddie Porn and Speeding

From the time the charge him they have 180 days to bring him to trial.

For possession of child porn they have up to 20 years to bring charges from the original date of the crime .

kain preacher


"Can you imagine this hypothetical situation, the police will probably clone the disks, this guy will walk away bacause of the 5th amendement. A couple of months down the line, one of the agencies will crack the code and find the some disturbing images and will be able to do nothing about it........And you don't find that sad." Under what theory of the law would they not be able to charge the person. I'm going to go out on a limb and saw that you do not live in the US. If you do you have a sever ignorance of American law .

kain preacher

Re: Re: Kiddie Porn and Speeding

If you scroll down you will see were one poster said all logic seems to go out the window when it comes to kids and terrorist. Then they subscribe to theory you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet, even if that egg you crack is innocent .

kain preacher

Re: Re: Re: Cmon guys read the paper

Lets stick with the porn theory . There is a charge in the federal and most local statues that makes posing obscene porn illegal. What is obscene porn ? It's defined by the local community. So just because it's legal in one area does not mean it will be legal some were else in the United States . Oh and people seem to have this twisted notion that only perverts look at porn. So even if it's legal you are pervert and must be kept away from kids . Look at the GOP and these so called family values.

kain preacher

Re: Re: Double standards

Um it would work that way. It would set precedence for all cases involving encryption .

kain preacher


Look up the McMartin trial.


All some has to do is make a complaint and the cops will haul you in for questioning . Even anonymous complaints will be investigated by child protection services. You have cases of kids being ripped out of homes for 30 days only for a judge to say it's unfounded . If you have to many complaints even if the all are unfounded they will take you kids away to air on the safe side. That kind of stuff shows up on an enhanced background check .

We're! not! a! social! network! yells! Yahoo!

kain preacher

Is there such a thing a shrink for a corporation ? If so Yahoo needs to book an appointment right away .

Wang charged in inappropriate electricity socket use

kain preacher

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: More WTF....Daniel 4

nope a 3 phase has 4 wires

Goldman Sachs developer cleared of code theft

kain preacher

Re: Goldman Sachs and Open Source

No over turning a convection is not the same . Being found not guilty means that's the end of it . I don't know how I can make this any more clear . A conviction that is over turned can be appealed . If there is an appeal the next judge can sit aside the previous judges ruling . If that happens the person goes back to jail . Now do you see how over turning a convection is not the same as being found not guilty. There is a difference between a conviction overturned and set a side . overturned means the conviction is gone and if the DA does not appeal the process is done and over . when a conviction is set a side it means that verdict is nullified and a new trial is ordered . In this case it was over turned and the judge feels like there is no chance that the DA an win an appeal so he set the guy free right away .

"> The reason for holding is to see if the DA plans to appeal

They're not holding him, "the court ruled that he should be released from jail immediately."

I don't if you misunderstood what I was saying or intentional adding thing that are not there My entire response was a into answer of why a person would be held in jail after there conviction has been overturned and not specially about this case so I'm well aware that he was let go .

kain preacher


JaitcH you do know it's easy to have arrested were there was no conviction removed from your record in the US?

kain preacher

Re: Go directly to jail, do not pass go...

What they are talking about is over turning a conviction, That is not the same as being found innocent . The reason for holding is to see if the DA plans to appeal. Depending on what the charge is you may or may not be granted bail. But usually winning your appeal does not take weeks or months to be freed but matter of days .

Police probing ‘threats’ over Canadian internet privacy bill

kain preacher

Short translation

I thought the people were to stupid to notice, to disinterested to do any thing .

Texan TSA crew accused of nude scanner ogling scheme

kain preacher

Re: Who knows *how* the TSA decides who is a threat?

It was to show that they are even handed and will rectally probe a white person the same.

kain preacher

Re: Re: Just employ lesbians and gays

More like the GOP would have a shit fit and say we are promoting the gay agenda .

kain preacher

Re: Yep, TSA@DFW has a bit of a reputation...

I'm not saying every one at the TSA is a HS bully just the ones that do this kind of crap. The kind that would make a cancer patient remove her breast forms. The kind that decides every one brown is a threat .

kain preacher

I'm shocked . I mean who would expect HS bullies that could not become cops to do such things .

Satnav blunders blamed for £200m damages

kain preacher

The GPS on my Android 2 is far better than my friends Tom tom.

UK crime-busters knock hiphop site off the Internet

kain preacher

Odd thought

It's dot com site hosted by go daddy , Could go daddy just say see you when you come to America and serve us ?

Cable thieves wreak havoc for cops, BT punters

kain preacher

Back in the 80's this happened in Oakland,Ca. During a BART extension they manged to cut a 500 pair cable. The had to re-pull half mile of cable . I took 911 out . They had to hand the locals cell phones because it took them I think 4 days to fix it . Over 30,000 customers were affected .

Portland Jedi jailed for lightsabre rampage

kain preacher

Well let me rephrase . California does have the money but choose not to fund mental health services like they should . Recently they have cut even more money. It started when guvnor Regan closed down state run mental facilities .

kain preacher

If your "example guy" was that far out of whack, why was he out in public, sans chaperon?

Because California does not have the money to house people like him or to help people like him out .

"They pulled over a known drug dealer, the dealer pulled a gun, and the cops shot him. The interviewee's comment was "Why did they have to kill him? He was only trying to earn a living!". The mind boggles ..."

Not even close. If you are not ape shit insane and pull on cop you deserve to die . I'm not one pf those folks that thinks cops should shoot some in the leg and arm. Most folks who work with the mental ill share my views on cop.

Jake if you live in California you should know that it's extremely hard for people to get help fro mt he state for mental illness.Often times it's not till the person is arrested before the state even looks at them . You have an easier time getting welfare an food stamps then getting help for mental illness if you do not have private insurance .

kain preacher

Jake were in my statement did I say that ? How can you even think that's what I meant? What said is cops and mental illness do not mix well. The end results winds up bad for the person . Cops are not trained to deal with people who have mental illness . Often times when a mentally ill person does not respond to what the cops tell them to do , they don't think gee it's not there fault. Lets try some thing different . No you don't comply we will use force. Don't understand whats going and struggles we will use more force .I've seen it with my own two eyes. This guy was off and when the cop told him to come here he did not. The guy kept on arguing with him self . The cop tasred him .

I stand by my statement. Please do tell me how you read that I said people with mental illness should not be in public ?

kain preacher

He is lucky they didn't kill him. Mental illness and cops don't mix .

Music fans not welcome in RIAA-backed .music

kain preacher

Nah the domain should be .211


SECTION 211-215

211. Robbery is the felonious taking of personal property in the

possession of another, from his person or immediate presence, and

against his will, accomplished by means of force or fear.

Barack Obama: Bland, predictable and cheesy ... on Spotify

kain preacher

That's not his real play list

Were is bush killer : Paris

Who shot ya : B.I.G. (thats some thing he said to Osma )

Remix of why

Microsoft to send users 4 critical patches on Valentine's Day

kain preacher


The first two post are not about how crappy MS is and how they should just do it right the first time .

Taps foot and waits for the post about how we should all be using Linux instead.

IT guy answers daughter's Facebook rant by shooting her laptop

kain preacher

I say the best rounds to use are JSP

UK gov rejects call to posthumously pardon Alan Turing

kain preacher

Really ? In parts of the US it was illegal for men to have sex with other men. It's asexually offense that can lead you on the sexual offenders list .

Job-seeking Marriott hacker gets 30 months' porridge

kain preacher

There is the cost to check each computer. How do you know that they are only checking computers in the US and not world wide ? Even if they were just checking PC in the US Marriott has alot of properties in the US.

Biz urged to blast DNSChanger Trojans before safety net comes down

kain preacher

had at least one computer or router on their network still infected with DNSChanger.

Do you see were it saws router ? When is the last time you have seen a windows router?

Fraud baron forced henchmen into S&M orgies to prove loyalty – cops

kain preacher

Oh wait they pleaded guilty. If Mckinnon pleaded guilty he was offered a year . But hey don't let facts ruin a good rant.

America abandoning DSL in favour of faster cable

kain preacher

ATT calls it FTTC DSL or optical DSL.

kain preacher

in the US

Digging up the street is not a big deal in the US. Both come cast an ATT have with the done digging up the streets . The phone company doing more often than cable . To expand DSL services they had to dig up the road here too. Adding remote COs so people could get DSL .Watching those free channels over the net will burn through you data cap.

ICANN responds to smut portal antitrust lawsuit

kain preacher

a 501c is a non profit put fit a 501c3 is a non profit out fit and must give away all of their money to the the local community to which they physically reside in .

Telly makers aim to put OLED in your lounge in 2012

kain preacher

I didn't pay $8,000 for the car I'm driving .

US Supremes: GPS tracking requires warrant

kain preacher

Now only if they could over turn DOMA, The patriot act and DMC this Yank would be ok. Oh I'd really would be happy if they put copy rights back to 20 years but hell I'd settle four 40 with no extensions allowed .

kain preacher

Not a a day late more like 10 days late. It's not like they got the warrant Monday then attached Wednesday and the court tossed . The warrant was for 10 days they waited until the 11th day. Why did it take so long ?

Feds: Apple, Google, Adobe, Intel, Pixar had wage-fixing no-poach pact

kain preacher

Remember this

The next time some says well if you are worth it you can get better pay. No need to form a union if the job is crap just get another one. If you are skilled it should not be that hard .

American search team fails to find women's G-spot

kain preacher

Serious questions

Did they use just college kids or seasoned vets . Did they use any lesbians . Oh by the way did you really think lab rats would be able to find the g spot ?

Redmond campaigns for gay marriage rights

kain preacher

huh ?

Since when does cross dressing tell sexual orientation. Oh and it's also about the right to inherit money, the right to marry and bring some else into the country . It's about having medical say so over your loved one .It's bit more than just taxes

Blogger bully site yanks MPAA's chain in poison-pen letter

kain preacher

Come on you can troll better than that.

kain preacher

███ █████ █████ ███████ ███ █████ ██ █ ███!!!! This comment has been found in violation of H.R. 3261, S.O.P.A and Senate Bill 968, P.I.P.A. and has been censored for your benefit.

Two PROTECT IP sponsors drop support for their own bill

kain preacher

Rep. Allen West (R-FL) has been active on Twitter today, and this afternoon he notified his followers that he opposes the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) while implying that SOPA is somehow supported by or the fault of President Obama.

Wow are you sure you wantto give Obama credit for this. Great for his re election campaign

The Register to publish other sites' blacked-out content in SOPA protest

kain preacher

Stupid ?

If it's so stupid then why has three congressmen back out of this bill.

From the LA TIMES


Three co-sponsors of the SOPA and PIPA antipiracy bills have publicly withdrawn their support as Wikipedia and thousands of other websites blacked out their pages Wednesday to protest the legislation.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) withdrew as a co-sponsor of the Protect IP Act in the Senate, while Reps. Lee Terry (R-Neb.) and Ben Quayle (R-Ariz.) said they were pulling their names from the companion House bill, the Stop Online Piracy Act. Opponents of the legislation, led by large Internet companies, say its broad definitions could lead to censorship of online content and force some websites to shut down."


Fresh Apple lawsuits target 15 Samsung gadgets

kain preacher

Oh look they are suing Samsung and Motorola . I wounder who is next TI, IBM. How insane do you have to be to sue Samsung and Motorola if you are making cell phones. I'm sure between the two they can find enough patents to shut you down.

OCZ refunds punter for dud drive shortly after El Reg steps in

kain preacher

I wounder did any one at el reg send him a link to penny arcade and ocean marketing .

Barclays axes 422 UK IT staff

kain preacher

I've always wondered

What will happen when you off shore all the entry level IT jobs. How will you get experience? What happens when a company needs some local but none of the local people have the experience ?

Microsoft postpones plans for web telly service

kain preacher

Comcast cable here in the States does just that