Re: Thing is, STB ... (was: My email reader/writer is ...)
Edlin any body ? Runs off and hides in the corner.
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
"Honestly, when you read a thread with people alleging that Cisco is complicit in a plot by Barack Obama to cut off the nation's internet access before the election, and it's entirely possible that they're serious, all hope of any kind of sane resolution has passed."
David that's a serrate issue. I understand what you mean but the people that said that are looking for any thing to blame Barack for. They blame him for breathing.
Hey Read stories about people this side of the pond calling 911 for cold food. They really are that thick. It's not that there are crazy but seemed to lack certain cognitive abilities. Likes don't call 911 repeatedly. cause you don't like your hamburger
the difference was one was murder charge the other was civil rights violation. Murder charge you face the up to death and back then civil rights violation was only up to 10 years. It;'s like if you shot some one and are found not guilty but then are tried for discharging a gun in public. Basically the same facts but it is different crimes.
I worked at place that had password requirement as follows. 1 up case and one lower case. had to be 10 charters exactly. No less no more . must have a number. The number can not be at the beginning or end. You You must the password every 30 days. If you forget your account is locked out. You can only change the password every 24 hours.
"Are you American by any chance?" Actually by his statements he I'd say is not for two reason. He has this idea that all American are so arrogant that there is no way Americans would want to live outside. Um look at the economy. That and he is so gun ho that the US wants Julian so bad that Sweden will violate its on laws before deporting some who broke Swedish law and got into Sweden illegally.
So you are saying Sweden is only willing to stand up to the US when the rest of America does not care ? By the way most Americans do not care about Julian. The US Air force really really wants David Hemler. They made him their number 3 most wanted guy even putting out age progression of him. S you think Sweden would bend over backwards and hand over to the US a non US citizen who made or may not broken Swedish law before handing of a US Citizen that broke both US and Swedish law. Oh and that guy that suck into Sweden has been designated a high priority by the US Air Force. Please tell me again why they would hand over Julian first ?
David Hemler is an Airman that deserted and now living in Sweden, Even though he entered the country under a false name Sweden said they will not extradite him. Now he entered the country illegally and is a US citizen that Sweden won't deport.The US Air force wants to prosecute the man What make you think Sweden will extradite Julian.
Mate I suggest to come to the US. Occasionally you might get a call center in the Philippines but most are in Indian. What's worse is this habit of have debt collectors calling from India with no regards to time zone or the law. They tell you if you don;t pay you will be arrested.
AMD developed two Alpha 21264-compatible chipsets, the Irongate, also known as the AMD-751, and its successor, Irongate-2, also known as the AMD-761. These chipsets were developed for their Athlon microprocessors but due to AMD licensing the EV6 bus used in the Alpha from Digital, the Athlon and Alpha 21264 were compatible in terms of bus protocol. The Irongate was used by Samsung in their UP1000 and UP1100 motherboards. The Irongate-2 was used by Samsung in their UP1500 motherboard.
To ever one asking why don't they just stick it under ground it's simple. In order to put these things under ground you have to build a vault big enough for a man to climb in and walk around. Do you think the cites would allow BT to tear up the street to put these under ground. We are not talking about simple trenching that could be done in a few hours. That would mean tearing up lots of streets to put them underground.
So it was the unions that offed shored call centers. It was the unions that cut jobs, It was the union that told HP to reduce the quality . It was rthe unions that slashed R&D If you truly believe that your insane mate. A union can not force a company to have good customer service or have on shore call centers. How does a union force a company to make good products? Answer me that one. Are you saying that the union has say in the materials used in production ?
"customer service, good products and being able to understand the person at the other end of the line. " Please explain how a union can control all of those things.
I'm pro union but in this case there is nothing that can be done. Sure HP might be profitable but this company has no vision other than to make share holders and the CEO money. Slashing R&D means a sloth death. Firing every one just speeds up the death process.If your CEO sees the only way to make the company profitable is by cutting jobs your screwed. How about customer service, good products, being able to understand the person at the other end of the line?s None of those are in HPs near future.
On the Reg I constantly hear about UK gov IT programs turning in to a money pit and nothing coming out of it. I have some questions. How many successful IT projects do happen in the UK ? I would also be curious to see if the rest of Europe has the same problem. I don't know if it's the media or the threat of the feds kicking in the doors but I don't hear of this many screws in America on the federal level. It's usually the local governments that screw it up. Then again over here in America land the federal government can walk away from boondoggle projects. No poison pill prevision. Just walk away and the contractor has no recourse