I hope IGEL takes them to the cleaners.
Posts by kain preacher
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
VMware 'pressured' hotel to shut down tech event close to VMworld, IGEL sues resort giant
Voting machine maker claims vote machine hack-fests a 'green light' for foreign hackers
Well, can't get hacked if your PC doesn't work... McAfee yanks BSoDing Endpoint Security patch
Intel rips up microcode security fix license that banned benchmarking
Texas ISP slams music biz for trying to turn it into a 'copyright cop'
A third of London boroughs 'fess to running unsupported server software
Fire chief says Verizon throttled department's data in the middle of massive Cali wildfires
Apple web design violates law, claims blind person
Prenda lawyer pleads guilty to moneyshot honeypot scheme
Boss regrets pointing finger at chilled out techie who finished upgrade early
EU wants one phone plug to rule them all. But we've got a better idea.
Florida Man laundered money for Reveton ransomware. Then Microsoft hired him
America's top maker of cop body cameras says facial-recog AI isn't safe
Phased out: IT architect plugs hole in clean-freak admin's wiring design
Top Euro court: No, you can't steal images from other websites (too bad a school had to be sued to confirm this little fact)
Re: Prepare for...
"This all really depends on how one defines the acting stealing.
For me, there are two core acts involved: the first is the act of taking something in the knowledge that you may not take it and the second is the act of depriving somebody of something without their consent."
Definitions some times can be hard to nail down. In My country America, Theft is simple taking some thing that does not belong to you , hence copy right can be seen as theft but is prosecuted as counterfeiting if you deiced to make a commercial enterprise out of it .
Batten down the ports: Linux networking bug SegmentSmack could remotely crash systems
Dear alt-right morons and other miscreants: Disrupt DEF CON, and the goons will 'ave you
Facebook deletes 17 accounts, dusts off hands, beams: We've saved the 2018 elections
Re: Moron!
Facebook is NOT a source for information!
It is when you don't trust the media or your source is people like Alex Jones .
Information doesn't work like that. Pizza and beer don't become health foods just because your normal diet consists of Cool Ranch Doritos by the pound,
But try and convince those people that it's not. THat's why I mentioned Alex jones . Any sane person would dismiss him as a loon People see face book as a way to share the truth.Their truth The truth that the regular media is to scared to report . IE they already have a position and just looking for some thing to back them up. Facebook is not what I would considered a primary source on info . Any thing I read on face book I fact check. The more it agrees with my position the more I fact check it before I repost.
Nokia scores a $3.5bn deal to inflict 5G on T-Mobile customers
FBI boss: We went to the Moon, so why can't we have crypto backdoors? – and more this week
Politicians fume after Amazon's face-recog AI fingers dozens of them as suspected crooks
Do Optane's prospects look DIMM? Chip chap has questions for Intel
Spectre/Meltdown fixes in HPC: Want the bad news or the bad news? It's slower, say boffins
Sysadmin sank IBM mainframe by going one VM too deep
Octothorpe was coined by AT&T who invented the symbol so I wouldn't be surprised if they use it sometimes. Why leftpondians call it a pound sign is just an indication of their strangeness
It is believed that the symbol traces its origins to the symbol ℔, an abbreviation of the Roman term libra pondo, which translates as "pound weight"
Coined yes, invented um no # was around for some time
Either my name, my password or my soul is invalid – but which?
US voting systems (in Oregon) potentially could be hacked (11 years ago) by anybody (in tech support)
No, seriously, why are you holding your phone like that?
Insurers hurl sueball at Trustwave over 2008 Heartland megabreach
Mastercard goes TITSUP in US, UK: There are some things money can't buy – like uptime
Re: Backups and redundancy, FFS
The reason why they don't use paper slips any more is cause the baster CC companies started processing them as a credit card not present . If find a processor that does not charge them as credit card not present you get hit with higher fees. Then you have less protection from charge back. Oh wants it gets processed and the card gets decline you most likely will not get paid . So most places rather lose a customer/sale then risk getting burned like that .
US taxman wants AI to do the security checks it seemingly can't do itself

I can see it now IBM will get the contract. It will be behind schedule and over budget. Midway IBM will say we need to switch the data base to our proprietary data base. After a decade of being late and years of congressional hearings the contract will go to MS and housed on azure. At this point in time they few have way sane devs at MS will say we won't touch this kick it over to the windows 10 team. Sure it will be over budget and not do what the specs call for. But it will be a win as it will tie the IRS data base into the windows 10 spy server so the IRS can monitor your computer.