Re: @Ian Michael Gumby
You do know that FDR wanted to declare war against Japan. Congress would not let him. So in response he came up with policies that he hoped would force Japan to attack. Like not giving Japan steel and oil.
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
He is a registered sex offender now. He will never get a security clearance. He can not be around kids or with in so many feet. Every time he moves he most contact the local police and let them know. His name and address will be made publicly available. Wren he is harassed at his home for being a sex offender cops are not likely yo do any thing about. Good luck getting a job with a back ground check.
You now I wish people would stop saying this bull shit out of context. Did you know that the 9th circuit hears more cases then any other district? So of course they are going to be over turned more . Percentage wise they have the same rate as any other district court.
Um they are not even sure if this is going to make it to trial in the US. I really like to know why is it the NZ government doing all the heavy lifting. From what I've read this extradition would of been squashed any were in Europe. I get the feeling this is not about bowing down to America but he pissed some off over there in NZ.
"Despite the fact that the court was in the US there is no guarantee that the crime (if one existed) actually took place inside the borders of the US. If you didn't know it, the US has granted itself jurisdiction over the whole world."
WTF are you talking about no crime was committed and employer fired some. This was all done inside of the US boarders. The article clearly states so.
When My space first came out I had a supervisor tell me never friend management, even if you are in management. Engagement i s not your friend but there to help the company. If Management sees some thing stupid you are gone. If you are in management don't friend people under you. A pissed off employee can come back and bite you. If for some godforsaken reason you feel the need to friend co workers careful of what you say.
In a nut shell don't friend people you work with.
Lets re-phrase that
Suppose he had told a friend in private at a dinner party. Suppose further that he had a spat with one of his friends and he/she then told the employer. The conversation is not public, but it has come to the employers attention through being verbally told. Would it still be legal to fire him?
The Cuban–American Treaty was signed on February 17, 1903, by the first president of Cuba, Tomás Estrada Palma, and on February 23, 1903, by the president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt. The treaty stipulates that Republic of Cuba will perpetually lease to the United States the Guantánamo Bay area (surrounding areas of land and water) for the purpose of coaling and naval stations. The United States will have absolute jurisdiction and control over the area and in return will recognize the Republic of Cuba's ultimate sovereignty over the area. Cuban vessels involved in trade or war will have free passage through the waters
They did not say the US was going to do any thing yet. Some times other countries do consult the FBI, that does not mean they are ceding control. Oh by the way it was the FBI handing over information to the Indian government that got him nailed. So if the feds wanted him they would of did some thing by now
One of things that can screw them is filling a lawsuit in another state. You must sue some in their home state. So what they do is file a discover law suit against a john doe in Fl. Once they get what they think the want they drop the law suit and file against you in your home state. It's the filing the john doe law suit that can get them. Plus ad to that they had no intention of going to court.