That's what makes this massive data slurp silly.
Posts by kain preacher
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
Facebook, Microsoft beg Feds: Let us tell users what YOU asked for...
MacBook Air now uses PCIe flash... but who'd Apple buy it from?
Hacker who helped find Steubenville rapists threatened with decade in prison
Problem with that is then any evidence they collected gets tossed. It's like this in the USA. If I break into your house and find drugs, and give the drugs to the police you are screwed. If I break into your house for the sole purpose to find drugs and turn them over to the police that evidence can not be used against you . AS it can be argued that you were acting as an agent for the police and there for would needed a warrant.
So, who ought to be the next Doctor Who? It's up to YOU...
Students outraged: Computer refuses to do any work for entire week
Ecuador: Let's talk about not having Julian Assange on our sofa
Doctor Who? 12th incarnation sought after Matt Smith quits
Motorola shows off tattoo and swallowable password hardware
Kettle 'which looks like HITLER' brews up sturm in a teacup
Tea, Earl Grey, hot! NASA blows $125k on Star Trek 3D FOOD PRINTER
Tipsters exposed after South Africa's national police force hacked
New York cop in alleged love-polyhedron email hack spree
SCADA security is better and worse than we think
Things that cost the same as coffee with Tim Cook - and are way more fun
Alleged CIA spook cuffed by Russians: US Gmail 'spycraft' revealed
Oracle updates Java versioning to allow more security fixes
Hemp used to make graphene-like supercapacitors
All aboard the patch wagon! Next stop: Microsoft, Adobe, Mozilla
Japan's XP migration solution: Remove network cable
BT unleashes SIP licensing troll army
Re: How does this work?
SIP was originally designed by Henning Schulzrinne and Mark Handley in 1996. In November 2000, SIP was accepted as a 3GPP signaling protocol and permanent element of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) architecture for IP-based streaming multimedia services in cellular systems.
So some is late to the party.
Master Beats: Why doesn't audio quality matter these days?
Virgin Media: SO SORRY we fined your dead dad £10 for unpaid bill
Chinese IEEE members want MAC control for cognitive radio
US Senate vote to add internet sales tax this week
Re: Long live...Die poor.
"-If you bought a car online the merchant/seller would collect sales tax per their states laws from you & you would pay registration & title fees in your state of residence. Assuming you bought it from someone who sold more than $10mil worth of car a year (that's a lot of cars)."
Actually you pay the taxes in the state you live in, not the state you bought the car from. In the US you are suppose to pay the sales tax to the state you live in, not the state you buy from. Realistically there is no system set up for this.
Blogger, activist pals answer Anons' CISPA website blackout call
Report: Apple returned 8M shoddy iPhones to Foxconn
Chinese firm deluged with applications for e-smut appraising job
Google shakes up US utility with green power tariff
jQuery 2.0 kicks old Internet Explorer versions to the curb
Rotten spam causing more infections than ever – study
Dubai splurges on 700hp, 217mph Lamborghini police cruiser
US spies' crazytech branch asks chip firm for 8-BIT-PER-CELL memory
Tax man to take a bite of tech employees' free meals?
Windows XP support ends a year from … now!
Android's US market share continues to slip
Re: Androids are Instantly Obsolete
" Androids is that they are basically unsupported, and once you buy one the typical manufacturer has no further interest in you. If you want a bug fix, buy a new phone (in two years when your contract is up, or right now with a fat roll of cash)"
clearly that's not true. I have gotten bug fixes.
You said you will get the latest OS update the Iphone can handle. my Andriod phones has the latest OS it can handle. Right now my Driod 4 has 4.1.2 on it. Considering that 4.2 is the latest OS I would say that's damn good.
Of course you hole premise was that andriods do not get updates. When I proved that wrong you changed to well does it get the latest up date even thought you said the Iphone gets the latest update it can handle. latest update and latest update it can handle are not the same.
Google goes on the Blink in WebKit fork FURORE
Anti trust
Is just me , or does any one else see this coming. You are using google products and a it says best viewed with chrome. You are using google products and it's not quit working right with your browser and you get a pop that says best viewed with chrome as it's code for some non standards HTML that chrome does.