and the next company is ?
Spins the wheel to seethe next company Ichan want's to screw over.
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
In the when there is a ped signal that controls when you can walk not the light. So if you are walking northbound and the light is green for north bound cars but the hand is red that's jay walking. Now in my state as long as the ped is not jay walking they have the right away. That is not true in all states.
Maryland allows prisoners to vote, Any felony and certain violent, domestic, drug misdemeanors you lose the right to own guns. Most sates you lose the right to vote if you are convicted of a felony. There are a few that restore you rights after you get out of jail or finish your parole/probation.
You logic is flawed. there is no way to hide your phone number from the cops. Lets I'm on sprint and I call some one on ATT. The minute the person on ATT picks up, ATT has my number which they can give to the police. It's Not like it is in the movies it's instant. You can spoof caller ID but not ANI. You can only hide your number from Caller and not the phone company y or police.