Re: Bhatt missed a trick.
I wish he had of didthat, but some people might take that as a death threat.
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
I've worked in call center 50% the staff should be institutional . About 35@ sould be civil commencement. I had lady of the say the her boy friend got do made att he put his fist through
There was this lady the lad wanted fixed. The rest hr modem pass problem FiX NOT
After 5 mines released she for go the pass word for for XP
On day should me about Mathew
There is a simple more sinister reason. In the late 90's got Congress refine come carry status. Sure if some wants access the the a telco plant they have to let them. Ifthe want access to the last mile of analog they have to let them, But that's the key analog. If the last mile is not analog so long to bad the local telcos do not have to let you have access to the last mile of IP lines
No this is how you punish them. Target must pay off all Target cards. Any CC credit cars that were compromised Target must pay the full balance off. Regardless of were the purchase were made. In the event that the owner paid off the credit card target is responsible for all purchase 30 days of the breach or 30 days after the breach was announced. Which ever is longer. in the event that it was debit card Target must be pay all fraudulent charges. Target must refund the last 50 transaction on the debit card 30 days prior to the breach and the next 50 transaction 30 days after the breach.
Lets try a thing called alcoholic rise. If you have a short drive (lets say a mile to the bar) you can drive home and not be over the limit. With the for the next hour your bac will continue to rise. Are you following? So if the cop busts you and it takes them longer than 20 minute to get you to the station you will be over. Now you blew over the limit at the station but you were not drunk when you drove home.
So you think that texting I'm going to rape and kill you 50 times in one our is not menacing? you think that telling a person I'm going to rape and kill you over 50 times in one hour is not worth of the plod to investigate ? Or should ` they wait till she is dead before some action is taken? Some one tells me they are going to rape and kill me 50 times in one hour damn right I want the police involved. I don't want to be the one to figure out if these people are serious or not. I want the cops to arrest them. Seriously if some tweeted you 50 one hour saying that they want to rape and kill you, leave your body in field, you should be worried. If not I wounder about you.
And of course the DoJ looks at it differently. If Dell knew or should of known that a reseller is breaking they law they should of cut them off.. I'm not saying I agree. They " should of know part is what gets people in the DoJ trap.
It's like saying you should of known that an alcoholic would drive drunk so you should of never given them your car keys. Now the fact that you did not know the person was an alcoholic is irrelevant if your friends knew then you should of knew.