Re: Clear signs
I understand what you are saying john , but clearly in this case the cops are operation innocent until proven guilty.
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
What US law would allow that ? The charge would be giving material aide to the enemy which still is a civilian not military the max sentence is 20 years. Rendition is carried out by the CIA. If they were going to do a rendition they would not file extradition, Once on American soil he has certain rights. I know you might dislike America, buit please come up with real facts not just feelings .
eVoting will work like a charm. It will cost much less. See since the votes will be counted way before the actual elections happens. This is to make sure that the right people vote, this the web site does not actually need to record any thing. It just needs to be a bland two page web site.
The Developer is not dead he is in hiding. First clue should of been the fact that they said they could not get any one to do it. Either they are not paying enough or people have walked in and pronounced it dead and say there is nothing to be done. making me share monitor tells me every thing I need to know. You should of left after 30 minutes.
Any thing that offends christian fundies is considered porn in the US. In the US we have people freaking out over the fact that the can not discriminate based on religiousness reasons. This has cause some states to institute religious freedom laws. Mississippi went so far as to say therapist can refuse clients based on religious reasons.
I don't know you that I was saying this based on my religious views ?
My religious views forbids me from shoving my region down others.
The reason why I said what I said is just look at the republican platform is.
Unless he plans on leaving the country the UK could pull a page from the US play book. wait five years after he gets out of jail and say based on your income there is no way you could legitimately support your life style. We are going take every thing you own, freeze your bank accounts and it's up to you to prove your innocence.
well to the person that down voted me .
MOVE is a Philadelphia-based black liberation group founded by John Africa (born Vincent Leaphart) in 1972. The group lives communally and frequently engages in public demonstrations against racism, police brutality, and other issues.
The group is particularly known for two major conflicts with the Philadelphia Police Department. In 1978, a standoff resulted in the death of one police officer, injuries to several other people and life sentences for nine members. In 1985, another standoff ended when a police helicopter dropped two bombs on their compound, which was a row house in the middle of Osage Avenue. This killed eleven MOVE members, including Africa and five children. Fire destroyed 65 houses and prompted widespread news coverage
I was told this by a cop. 10% cops are bad. 20% are good. The other 70% follow the lead of the admin. in the US there if you are a cop and turn in a dirty cop are going have problems. here is an example. in Florida a state trooper pulled over a Miami cop for doing 120 she hand cuffed him and arrested him. this was posted on you tube. I saw allot of comments from so called cops saying she was wrong. it was later revealed that she got harassed so much she had to move to a desk job in anther district. She later found out that her information was access 52 times illegally. She had strange cars following her.
Funny thing. My mom has a target charge card. It's chip and pin only. no mag swipe. Wait didn't target surfer a major hack ? I'ts the banks not the merch that that credit card over chip and pin. For some odd reason in the US the merch pays more for using credit card vrs chip @pin/debit network so it's the banks that are refusing chip and pin. they want the higher fees. Walmart is suing visa over this.
You must not be familiar with t America legal system. Not state would go for a national VAT. States,counties and cites all can charge taxes. Getting them to give that money up and sending it to the feds will never happen. In fact Russia would ask to become part of the USA before that would happen.