First check the OS makes sure it's not windows 10. Then check to make sure it was not windows 7 in a forced up date. Last two things makes sure there are no random USB sticks plunged in or McAfee running .
Posts by kain preacher
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
Flight simulator sets fire to airport
Uber's self-driving cars get kicked out of SF, seek refuge in Arizona
I looked at what it takes to get a permit.
Then you submit proof of insurance or self bond. It cost $150 to file. Makes you wounder are they really that arrogant or are they not caring proper insurance.
As of December 8, 2016, DMV has issued Autonomous Vehicle Testing Permits to the following entities:
Volkswagen Group of America
Mercedes Benz
Delphi Automotive
Tesla Motors
GM Cruise LLC
Zoox, Inc., Inc.
Faraday & Future Inc.
Wheego Electric Cars Inc.
Valeo North America, Inc.
NextEV USA, Inc.
Telenav, Inc.
NVIDIA Corporation
Re: or this version?
It's little bit more complicated than that. Any local police can enforce immigration laws if they have a valid reason to suspect some his here illegally. What they do is hold you till ICE comes. What Sheriff Joe was doing is assuming all Mexicans are illegal and making them carry papers to prove that they were not. So every time they stopped a Mexican they said prove you are here legally. The DOJ said you have to have a valid reason to suspect they are here illegally not based on race alone. The DOJ said stop he did not. The DOJ get federal writ and he still did not. The DOJ then went to federal court and said have joe tossed for criminal contempt
Stupid law of the week: South Carolina wants anti-porno chips in PCs that cost $20 to disable
Re: what makes you think blocking was the point?
Except the law says it can not be sold with out the chip. I's not just so simple as only selling pc to adults that do not want the chip. The chip must still be present. The point as this bill is to block the sales of PC.
thik about how many of us get news via the net.
Now first thing first how are they going to define porn. Are we talking about showing breast or genitals. People screwing but not showing them nude. People having sex in part of a non porn movie (a movie were sex is not the sailing point)but showing the full act. I say $20 is to low. Make it $200 and send the state back to the stone age.
Uber's self-driving cars can't handle bike lanes, forcing drivers to kill autonomous mode
London's Winter Wonderland URGENTLY seeks Windows 10 desk support
Re: Wake up and smell the coffee already.
You seem to think that this is pure windows issue. Any idiot that puts tech in place with no support deserves what they get. You are assuming that windows is crashing or doing some thing stupid rather than end users not knowing how to due some thing. the fact that they waited this long speaks volumes. You also assume that there is a Linux alternative. With out knowing the software you can't assume there is. You also assume that that Linux would make this perfect. The fact that they waited this late to ask for help with known dead line speaks volumes. Having a hard deadline you do not wait two weeks before to start looking for help.
Oracle finally targets Java non-payers – six years after plucking Sun
Dear hackers, Ubuntu's app crash reporter will happily execute your evil code on a victim's box
Banks 'not doing enough' to protect against bank-transfer scams
Why would they it's not their money. They are not going to spend their own money to protect you. You want top stop this pass a law saying that every time there is a breach no bonus can be paid out and no dividends on the stock can be paid. If there are more than 5 beaches in a year the stock can not be traded for six months.
the only way to stop this is to take cash out of peoples pockets. These people care more about money then any thing else.
US Supreme Court to hear case that may ruin Lone Star patent trolls
Sysadmin 'fixed' PC by hiding it on a bookshelf for a few weeks
My problem is Aaron did not look at the device so he had no idea if it was the unit or the user or the device. Make one tempt at educating the user as it is new tech. If the unit is working fine and the user dose not want education then treat him like a dumb ass. I could understand not even trying to educate the person if they have history of not trying to learn.
If you bought a dildo in Denver, the government must legally be told
Yahoo! says! hackers! stole! ONE! BEELLION! user! accounts!
Apple ordered to cough up $2m to store workers after denying rest breaks
Flaws fixed in SAP's police and military software
Major outage at broadband biz 186k
US-CERT's top tip: Hack your crap Netgear router before miscreants arrive
Trend Micro AV nukes innocent Sharepoint code, admins despair
Oi, you, no flirting, no touching in the back of our rides, sniffs Uber
Samsung, the Angel of Death: Exploding Note 7 phones will be bricked
To the people say this is not legal, not right, it's my choice think about this. The unit explodes and catches fire in hotel. What about their rights. You rights end when what you do endangers others. Oh and that would open a sue bucket for sammy.
time for bad car analogy. Suppose you buy a brand new car and the breaks defective. It's you property and it's your choice to drive with bad breaks . But what about the person you hit did they opt in ?
Ugh! Is that your security budget? *Sucks teeth and shakes head*
Has Samsung, er, rounded the corner with Apple court win?
$17k win for man falsely accused of a terrible crime: Downloading an Adam Sandler movie
Qualcomm, Microsoft plot ARM Snapdragon-powered Windows 10 PCs, tablets, phones
Body cams too fragile for Canadian Mounties – so they won't be used
What can we use to hit Intel between the eyes, thinks Qualcomm – a 10nm ARM server chip
Wannabe Cali governor gives up against beach-blocking billionaire VC
Hackers actively stealing Wi-Fi keys from vulnerable routers
Apple blames air for iPhone 6S's narcolepsy
Why your gigabit broadband lags like hell – blame Intel's chipset
Stay out of my server room!
I was on call when My beeper went off. Server room is 100 then 120. Buy the time I got into the car it said 220 and stopped . I get With in a mile and I see fire trucks with lights blazing. I'm like please don't turn left please don't turn left. It did along with five more trucks. There wire fire engines from other cities. Oh did I mention that they had diesel generators in the basement. I call my boos up. He was pissed that I woke him. I told he did not have a job as the building burnt to the ground.