Yes since they both are electromagnet(spectrum) radiation. Wi Fi use the non visible light waves
Posts by kain preacher
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
NASA to fire 1Gbps laser 'Wi-Fi' ... into spaaaaace
Strike that: 17,000 AT&T workers down tools in California, Nevada
Ubuntu splats TITSUP bug spread in update
Microsoft cloud TITSUP: Skype, Outlook, Xbox, OneDrive, Hotmail down
User jams up PC. Literally. No, we don't know which flavour
Microsoft kills Windows Vista on April 11: No security patches, no hot fixes, no support, nada gears up for IR35 private sector crackdown – say industry folk
Do you use .home and .mail on your network? ICANN mulls .corp, .mail, .home dot-word domains
Thousands of NHS staff details nicked amid IT contractor server hack
UK Home Office warns tech staff not to tweet negative Donald Trump posts
Fraud detection system with 93% failure rate gets IT companies sued
Re: ...get five times their losses...
In cases like these , if the state loses they have to pay the lawyer fees. In fact lawyers line up for these cases if the think they are winnable. They rack up more billable hours and fees then they would on contingency cases. End result the lawyer gets more money then contingency cases and the client keeps all of the money won.
Family of technician slain by factory robot sues everyone involved
America's Marine Corp steamy selfies scandal, a Senate probe – and El Reg to the rescue
Oh my God, 911 is down. Quick, call… aaargh!
Tesla 'API crashes' after update, angry rich bods complain
Video intercom firm Doorbird wants $80 for device password resets
Help wanted: Uber boss Travis seeks babysitter for him and his execs
Linus Torvalds lashes devs who 'screw all the rules and processes' and send him 'crap'
It was a low cost broadcom. Back then broadcom was having weird issue. You might have to broadcom chips that look identical but the issue was they had different drivers. There were also different version of the drivers depending on the version of the chip.
I wound up going to a electronic scrap yard and score a dual intel nic that was also a TCP accelerator.
WiFI seems to be hit or miss. I've seen intel wifi do weird things even under windows that required and update that was buried deep in the web site. But it's not limited to just wi fi. I had a gigabyte mother board with an on board NIC that hated Ubuntu. It would disconnect and reconnect to the network every 30 seconds. Worked fine on windows 7 and PCBSD. The real problem is these OEM folks that write drivers that are just good enough for windows and all other OS be screwed. Hell the drivers are flaky on windows and you want other OS support. I'm looking at you hapauge . Your USB products are shit.
Few things that was tame for him. You must have a set of balls and be the ultimate narcissist to send code to Linus that does not even build.If you are stupid enough to try and ship code that does not build you should be perma banned from touching anything thing. Sounds like these people did not do a single test or had some ultra weird setup requiring vague modules,api to build right.
Watt the f... Dim smart meters caught simply making up readings
The reason why the bills are so high is do to fraud. The dumb meters measures your daily total usage. These new smart meter takes a snap shot of the highest peak usage in 15 minutes increments. It works like this between 1:00pm-1:15pm you use 30 watts of power. Now the company says you used 30 watts for that hour. Now lets say for the next 23 hours you use one watt. You would expect to pay 23+30 watts. You will be wrong thats were that 15 minute snap shot comes in. They assume you used 30 watts per hour for 24 hours. So instead of paying for the 53 watts you actually use , you pay 24x30 or 720 watts.
Any think that creates a surge starts the snap shot process over again. It's looking for the highest snap shot to bill you for.
This is being done in Oklahoma. any other industry would be done in for fraud. Hell even the bankers did not screw you like this.
Solarwinds sends customers each others' complete client lists
America halts fast processing of H-1B skilled worker visas
Re: why was this called 'discrimination'
Disagree with Obama did not make you racist. Asking for his birth certificate was. Calling his birth certificate fake also made you a racist. Oh an I for one would love to seethe H-1b visa revamped.
The minimum $200,000. If you truly need a specialist that is in short supply you should have no problem paying that price. Also shorten they stay to six months.
UK's Virgin Media subscribers suffer fresh email blocking misery
Passport and binary tree code, please: CompSci quizzes at US border just business as usual
Intel's dying Atom chips strike again: Netgear recalls four ReadyNAS, Wi-Fi management lines
User rats out IT team for playing games at work, gets them all fired
81's 99 in 17: Still a lotta love for the TI‑99/4A – TI's forgotten classic
US military drone goes AWOL, ends up crashing into tree 623 miles away
Jesse Jackson to Apple CEO Cook: Hire black
Re: Kook Jesse Jackson
"When people of color start creating communities that encourage success, and higher education, and science THEN we'll see some of those trees bearing fruit. "
Are you aware that blacks make up 2.3% Santa Clara county and make up 2.0 of the PhDs in Santa Clara county? I saw plenty of black and latino people when I went to NASA AMES. Yeah that does not quite work in Silicon Valley which is mostly Santa Clara valley.
AWS's S3 outage was so bad Amazon couldn't get into its own dashboard to warn the world
Hopefully a wake up call for connected device makers, don't make your tools reliant on the internet!
Wake up call ha. more like they hit the snooze button. The wake up call should of been when video game makes made single player mode require an always on intent connection and made the game save to the cloud. I believe gears of wars players ran into issues were the servers crashed for days and you could not play.
One of the congress critters actually bought clue and the DMCA was update for games that require an always on internet for single player mode.
As of October 2015, always-online games with single player modes that now have had dead servers for six months and longer are now exempt from DMCA prohibitions on circumventing copyright protection
HSBC Business internet banking goes TITSUP*
Alcatel wants to be Android, but different – and another crack at the Windows market
I have a Samsung galaxy and and so far it mostly does what I need. After 12 months I'm still getting up dates. Has removable batter and sd card. Only draw back is now they are pushing preview of apps I might want to install. If they got rid of that and allowed me to remove the bloat ware it would be perfect.