Re: Time to bring in some STALIN to expedite processes
Man you are dick. Did you read the article at all. It says they were not given a meal break at all.
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
Why do people keep on trotting this bull shit out. lets put this in context. The 9th circuit hears the most case in the country so yes if you look at the raw numbers they do have more case over turned but percent wise it is no higher then any other court.
I was late paying a bill.(yes I know its my fault) they jack ass called me then wanted to verify my address, phone number and last 4 of my ss# The lady at the other end got weird on me when I asked her for her full name, home address, phone number and SS#. I told see you would not give that out to some random person over the phone why would I.
is available for the following operating systems: Windows (NT, XP, Vista and 7) and Linux (kernel 2.6 and 3.0). if you are running an ATM on windows NT 4.0 I'm not sure what to say.
I've never seen an ATM that ran on linux. It's either been windows or OS/2
This is not the first time this has happened. There is a guy that has been sitting in a federal jail cell for 19 months for refusing to hand over the password to his computer. Ruight now it looks like they plan on holding him indefinitely.
In the US if you do not turn over all the money a in a scam like this you can face additional charges. Even after you conviction ift hey catch you spending the money from illegal source you can be hit with money laundry. If you use electronic means to shift the money it's wire fraud.
In the US red light cameras are operated by a third party. For long time this tickets were not revived by a police or even a government body. it has found that these deals often cost the cites more money then if there were to have a dedicated trafffice cops. now lets talk about the issues with red light cameras, They are treated like they are infallible . Lets take DC the nation's capitol. Marked cop cars with seirns and lights on were getting red light tickets. Once again no government or police over site.(hey what police agency is goingto give it's self a ticket.) There has been cases were people got tickets for going through yellow lights.
"With trademarks, companies have to defend them, as that is the law." yes defend them when there is confusion. If cant teal the difference between a pear and apple logo you are fucked. This is a map company and does not compete in the same market. Following your logic if I had a plumbing supply store called Apple, Apple would have to sue me or lose the rights that is not the case. if that was so then you would see apple sue applebee's which has an apple logo.
Now if I were to start a computer company called apple V anda apple logo similar to apple computers I would expect to get sued.
"Joseph Thomas took a job at the taxi-hailing app in 2016, turning down an offer from Apple in the process, and moved from Atlanta to San Francisco with his wife and two kids."
You turned down a job from Apple, moved across the country to work for a sketchy outfit. I'm not an apple fan boy but i'm will to bet the job at apple would of paid more and is more stable.
Sadly Uber does fill a void When I go out drinking, thre are lots of cabs to take me home from the bar. Now getting a cab from my house can take up to an hour were as uber is 5 minutes. Cab want to be were the can can get a quick fare so no cabs driving around housing. I've ran into issues were the cab did not show up.
Then there is San Francisco. were you have a 50 50 chance of get professional driver. But hey at least they dont take you the long way around. In fact they take you the fast way possible to get more fares. That means driving like they are on a race track and running red lights. w Worst cabbie was during pride. I should gotten out but hey I wanted to go to the next party. The Guy craned up the radio playing EDM me and my friends were sliding around. You would of thought we were in the movie bullit . We got out ofthe cab and walked a mile in heels.