Just tell them you are a cleaner and blood stains are nasty.
Posts by kain preacher
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
Walmart workers invited to shuttle packages
CDL is required for transporting haz mat.
" I doubt consumer quantities will require any special endorsements or training."
And you would be wrong. I know a trucker that got $1000 for having four open paint cans on the back of his flat bed. a gallon on motor oil into a river can do a lot of damage
The CDL is need to transport hazmat material . In the US if you are being paid to transport haz mat you need a CDL and haz mat endorsement no matter what you drive it in.
The hazardous materials regulations are applicable to the transportation of hazardous materials in commerce and their offering to:
Interstate, intrastate, and foreign carriers by rail car, aircraft, motor vehicle and vessel.
The representation that a hazardous material is present in a package, container, rail car, aircraft, motor vehicle or vessel.
The manufacture, fabrication, marking, maintenance, reconditioning, repairing or testing of a package or container which is represented, marked, certified or sold for use in the transportation of hazardous materials (49 CFR 171.1(a))
"No person may offer or accept a hazardous material for transportation in commerce unless that person is registered in conformance with subpart G of Part 107 of this chapter, if applicable, and the hazardous material is properly classed, described, packaged, marked, labeled, and in condition for shipment as required or authorized..."(49 CFR 171.2(a))
Underlined in the preceding extract from the Hazardous Materials Regulations are three important terms; "person," "offeror" and "commerce" (See Appendix A Definitions). The word shipper is frequently used by industry in place of the word "offeror." For the purpose of this document only, the term shipper and "offeror" are used interchangeably. These three words are important in that they define when you are subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation. Additionally, you may be subject to the requirements of other Federal and/or State Laws.
Here is some thing to think about. In the US when you get auto insurance they ask is for personal use or business. Obviously business rates are much higher. now if you get into an accident and they find out kiss you insurance good bye.
Oh and here is another sweet gem. Lets say you as an invidious buy 4 bottles of bleach and take it home no problem. If you transport it for money you needs a CDL with a hazmat endorsement. Then requires finger printing and a back ground check. lord have mercy if have some thing like li ion batteries.
Utah fights man's attempt to marry laptop
Re: Marry a laptop?
No he is say the same sex marriage is wrong and absurd , that we must abide be his definition of marriage. In his mind letting gays get married is destruction of marriage (like he has the rights to that word). So in his mind if two guys can get hitched why can't marry my dog, my gun my computer. Wait on second though I would not mind if he married a shot gun and tried to consummate that marriage .
Healthcare dev fined $155m for lying about compliance
Qualcomm names its Windows 10 ARM PC partners
WannaLaugh? Funsters port WannaCrypt to Commodore, Cisco, Nintendo and Tesla
Re: "That is a far too juicy target to not get hacked"
In the US that would be felony murder/capital murder/ murder in the 1st. Which means if you are in the wring state the death penitential. Or the charge under federal law.
In all states there is a rule that says if some dies while you commit a crime that's 1st degree murder.
Crapness of WannaCrypt coding offers hope for ransomware victims
Intel gives the world a Core i9 desktop CPU to play with
'Odour' from AnalTech ramming leads to hazmat team callout
Bankrupt school ITT pleads 'don't let Microsoft wipe our cloud data!'
Re: The law
Jason Bloomberg
IF you are talking about a storage place the law is they auction your stuff off or dispose of what they can not sell. Some times they sell it piece meal some times they sell the whole storage locker and the buyer is buying a pig in the poke as the can only see the stuff at the front of the locker. Either way they are not getting their stuff back if it was physical goods. Physical goods would of been disposed of much sooner than 8 months.
Re: Once you send your data to the cloud
Nope depending on the state it could be as little as 30 days or 90 days and the stuff is considered abandon . Once that thresh hold is met the land lord can do what ever he or she wants. Toss it, sell it, burn it in an open pit. California is one of the few states that you have to hold stuff after an eviction(14 days) but we are talking about some he walked away for over 8 months. There is no requirement to store abandon property.
Re: Once you send your data to the cloud
In the US if a renter abandons the place. Typically after 30 days with written letters or 90 days you can chuck it. Some places once you a court eviction you can toss the stuff the same day with out a judges. Some places make you wait up to 30 days. If you abandon the property and stop paying for 8 months no court is required to dispose the stuff in the US. it will be looked at as abandon property. in fact you could sue for the clean up cost. So to answer your question yes by US law MS should be allowed to delete the data. Since this is in the US.
IT firms guilty of blasting customers with soul-numbing canned music
Scheming copyright scam lawyer John Steele disbarred in Illinois
Re: Needs to be disbarred in each state individually? WTF?
Passing the bar in one state will allow you to practice law on a limited bases in other states. You need to keep in mind in the US different states had different laws on the same subject. Rules of evidence are different. thing like the right to a speed trail are interpreted differently.
Steele will no longer be allowed to practice law in the state, although that does leave many other states, were he could continue his immoral trade once he gets out of jail.
False. My god were do I start. In order to practice law in a particle state in the US you must either be a member of the bar in the state or in good standing in your home state. But but he could just pass the bar in any other state. While that is true they also look at your character. being dis barred and a convicted criminal is almost certain to keep you from being admitted into the bar.
Why Uber threw top engineer Levandowski under self-driving bus
Man sues date for cinema texting fiasco, demands $17.31
Don't gripe if you hand your PC to Geek Squad and they rat you out to the Feds – judge
Wait the fact that these people are paid to discover crimes that are not in plain sight should make them agents of the police. It's like this if I break into a house and see a dead body and call the cops you are screwed. If the police pay me to do that I'm an agent of the police and need a warrant.
AI smut-finder is now an Android app
Three home security systems found to be vulnerable – if hackers were hiding in bushes
Windows 10: Triumphs and tragedies from Microsoft Build
Nukes tests caused space weather, say NASA boffins
Dell BIOS update borks PCs
Re: Dell BIOS update may be a security fix
On dells, HP, IBM(lenovo) when an authorized repair out replaces the MB they are suppose to flash the bios. It's part of putting the service tag in the bios. Doing this has bit me in the ass with and IBM desk top. I flashed the bios and poof. You could no longer boot of a SATA drive. Went through 3 boards before some at IBM figured out it was an bios issue not a defective SATA controller.
Oh and if I didn't flash the bios with our permission and some found out I would not get paid.
Chelsea Manning leaves prison, heads straight for booze and pizza
Posting in an EPYC thread: AMD renames Xeon-bashing Naples
Russian RATs bite Handbrake OSX download mirror
While Microsoft griped about NSA exploit stockpiles, it stockpiled patches: Friday's WinXP fix was built in February
Uber may face criminal charges over alleged stolen self-driving tech
US Coast Guard: We're rather chuffed with our new Boeing spy drone
T-Mobile USA sued by parents after their baby dies amid 911 meltdown
Cloudflare goes berserk on next-gen patent troll, vows to utterly destroy it using prior-art bounties
Mozilla to Thunderbird: You can stay here and we may give you cash, but as a couple, it's over
I know I'm going to get flack but personally I prefer Outlook over thunder bird. The Reason why I use thunderbird over out look Is because after outlook 2007 they did something crazy to the security settings. So if I want to use any version of outlook after 2007 with gmail i must lower the security settings in Gmail.