* Posts by kain preacher

3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007

Just in time for the Wiki-end: Chelsea Manning released from prison

kain preacher

Depending on the state if the lawyer knows that the person is likely to plead the 5th the jury must be cleared during questioning .

When a defendant pleads the Fifth, jurors are not permitted to take the refusal to testify into consideration when deciding whether a defendant is guilty. In the 2001 case Ohio v. Reiner, the U.S. Supreme Court held that "a witness may have a reasonable fear of prosecution and yet be innocent of any wrongdoing. The [Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination] serves to protect the innocent who otherwise might be ensnared by ambiguous circumstances." This case beefed up an earlier ruling that prosecutors can't ask a jury to draw an inference of guilt from a defendant's refusal to testify in his own defense.

kain preacher

You wrong . No matter the setting you can plead the 5th except when you have been given immunity which she was .

'Software delivered to Boeing' now blamed for 737 Max warning fiasco

kain preacher

Re: Engineers / management

Three things. Either management knew or they were told not to tell them. Third option QA has been so low and glaring obvious that the engineers thought management would ignore them so they kept quiet .

Read how they are shipping planes with tools and metal debris in the planes .

kain preacher

Re: Red herring


First you write: No, its clear that the pilots in the second crash tried to do what Boeing said.

But then you write: However Boeing gave incomplete information to the pilots. ... In the old, old days the Boeing flight manual gave a real procedure on how to recover the airplane, but it has been airbrushed from history

It seems you disagree with my post, but at the same time it seems you fail to agree with yourself. "

??? They did what boeing told to do but boieng did not give the full instructions . Hoiw is that not agreeing with him self

kain preacher

From what I've been reading QA is non existent at Boeing . First of the warning light was an upgrade and non standard. Now it's come out that boeing was shipping planes with with metal debris and tools left in them. if management does not care about shipping planes with debris and tools in it you think they care about programing bugs ?? Oh a fucking warning light was an add on option.

kain preacher


I read that this was an upgrade option now they saying it was some elses fault

Hey, those warrantless smartphone searches at the US border? Unconstitutional, yeah? Civil-rights warriors ask court to settle this

kain preacher

Re: As a non citizen

At that point you are fucked cause they want you for some thing .

kain preacher

If you can drive a boat on it yes .

kain preacher

Re: As a non citizen

Um what does being gay have anything to do with it

kain preacher

And even though it is not legal or official, the Border Patrol also say they have authority withing 100 miles of every international airport. No they don'

You are correct. It's navigable waterways , coast line and boarders .

Julian Assange jailed for 50 weeks over Ecuador embassy bail-jumping

kain preacher

Re: @AC

But it will once he gets back to the states .

kain preacher

Re: @AC

Rape is low even in high security jails as the punishment would to be stuck under ground and rot away.

kain preacher

Re: @AC

Very federal prisons are rough. Unlike Most state prisons if you act up then can send you off to bumfuck no were and put you in isolation. You really act up and they will stick you in an underground prison . No sun light and only 30 minuets of of rec time.

kain preacher

Re: @Len After 50 weeks

Jellied Eel. In the US prosecutors must notify of intent to seek the death penalty once the charges have been filed. They have so many days to do this after the initial charges are filed . If convicted and the prosecutor asked for the death penalty there is a second trial for the penalty phase . After that if the second jury trial says he deserves to die the judge then can issue a death warrant or give the person life in jail with out parole .

Cool story, brew: Utah karaoke crooners receive cold, refreshing shock as alcohol authority refuses beer licence

kain preacher

Re: me no understand

Coffee(caffeine) became unbanned . I'm sure it has nothingto do with the shares of Coke a cola they own,

iOS 13 leaks suggest Apple is finally about to unleash the iPad as a computer for grownups

kain preacher

Re: An idea...

You mean like the Lenovo yoga I'm using ? MS has this weird feature that lets it switch between tablet mode and desktop.

Starz, meet the Streisand Effect. Cable telly giant apologizes for demented DMCA Twitter takedown spree

kain preacher

Re: Your DMCA privileges have been revoked...

Actually there is huge down side. Most people don't have the money to sue and prosecutors don't have the balls to enforce the law .

User secures floppies to a filing cabinet with a magnet, but at least they backed up daily... right?

kain preacher

Re: stop me if you've heard this one....

Is that air gluten free ?

HMRC accused of not understanding its own IR35 tax reforms ahead of private sector rollout

kain preacher

"While I agree that 50% isn't the "vast majority" I do think it's high enough to say that HMRC don't know what they're doing."

Do have the raw numbers cause if only 50 case are brought and there is 1000 case that means they got it wrong less then 1% of the time.

VMware emits security alerts, Planet Hollywood chain hacked, SWAT death caller gets 20 years in clink, and more

kain preacher

Re: SWAT Death

doublelayer what the phone company can do is pas the ANI to 911 and police controlled numbers. That will stop spoofing.

Yelp-for-MAGAs app maker is warned there are holes in its code. Does it A. Just fix the problem, or B. Threaten to call the FBI, too?

kain preacher

Re: I thought it stood for

Moscow Agent Governing America

kain preacher

Re: I thought it stood for

It stands for my Attorney got arrested . Morons are governing America.

Skype for Web arrives to bring the world together. As long as the world is on Chrome and... Edge?

kain preacher

So google has so much control of the web that even MS is giving up and bending to their will. Were are the regulators at ? Why is this not anti trust ?

IR35 contractor tax reforms crawl closer to UK private sector with second consultation

kain preacher

Re: THis yank hasa question ?

Then what would happen if more people decided to leave then work in the UK as contractors ?

kain preacher

THis yank hasa question ?

So what will happen if you have a hard brexit and UK citizens decides that IR35 shafts them ? Shafts them to the point were no body wants to be a contractor any more ?

NSA may kill off mass phone spying program Snowden exposed, says Congressional staffer

kain preacher

Time senstive

One reason for doping the old data is that it is stale .

Thunder, thunder, thunder... Thunderclap: Feel the magic, hear the roar, macOS, Windows pwnage tools are loose

kain preacher

I see . Short memory syndrome.

kain preacher

Didn't fire wire have this issue ?

In hilariously petulant move, Apple shuts Texas stores and reopens them few miles down the road – for patent reasons

kain preacher

Re: Perhaps an empty gesture

"courts/judges/juries deciding the case are local."

Again the courts and judges are controlled by the feds. The state gov ha nothing to do with it.

kain preacher

Re: Perhaps an empty gesture

To the person that down voted me please explain to me how individual states have control over patents, patent law and patent trolls . All patent law suits are filed at the federal level .

kain preacher

States don't have any thing to do with patents. it's at the federal level.

kain preacher

Re: Perhaps an empty gesture

Ahem one problem with your logic. This is a federal court. The sate has no say in patent disputes .

Fancy a .dev domain? They were $12,500 a pop from Google. Now, $1,000. Soon, $17.50. And you may want one

kain preacher

Re: daffyd.gay


Don;t know what your hostility against trans people is .

kain preacher

Re: daffyd.gay

You do kn ow the term 2 spirit is an old term right ? Native Americans have long held the concept of more than two genders.l

What's in a name? Quite a bit when it's the most hated abbreviation of 2018 (GDPR, of course)

kain preacher

Re: Funny

Big D German translation is sieg heil fuhrer. Trump often calls for the investigation of his enemys . HE calls the media the enemy of the people . His favorite line is fake news . If you are against Trump you are against America, or at leastthat's the party line.

kain preacher

Re: Funny

Make America Great Again it's a trump campaign slogan.

Bad news for WannaCry slayer Marcus Hutchins: Judge rules being young, hungover, and in a strange land doesn't obviate evidence

kain preacher

Re: Doesn’t Work

Here in the good ole US of A most cops have the ability to start and stop the bod cam. Then there is the excuse the cam malfunction. Oh and Philp N you excuse of him grabbing the cam would only fly in the US would only fly if he was tazed and pepper sprayed to the point were had a stroke/heart attack or beaten to the point were he now craps in a bag and slurs his speech possible with a spine broken in 3 pieces .

kain preacher

Re: What was he thinking

any time in jail will count towards his sentence even if has a bail amount set

kain preacher

Re: Hutchins received notice of his Miranda rights?

Actually you are wrong. Miranda plies any time you are in a custodial siltation. If the police stop you and you are not free to leave or a reasonable person believes you are not free to leave Miranda applies is not free .

"So if you're nicked for public drunkenness and start blabbing on the way to the local jail, that's on you" Police will still read you your rights .

I worked a store security guard were we caught a shop lifter . They guy kept on blabbing so the police read him his rights. To my surprise the cop actually told him to shut him and said since you keep on talking I'm going to read you your rights. Moat cops will read your rights just to insure you do not get off on a technicality

National Enquirer's big Pecker tried to shaft me – and I wouldn't give him an inch, says Jeff Bezos after dick pic leak threat

kain preacher

Re: Something just wrong here, on a visceral level

"Does anyone see something wrong about the richest man in the world putting investigators on an organisation (they didnt pull the trigger here) for his personal political ends?"

So the fact that they tried to black mailed him does not factor in ? It's not that he dis liked their politics they tried to black mail him . What would you have do ? Do nothing or use every resource at his disposal to make them pay ?

Microsoft decides Internet Explorer 10 has had its fun: Termination set for January 2020

kain preacher

Ouch. I hope you retire before it breaks

kain preacher

Um wow. Well looks like you will be using IE 7 till you retire since they found a way to keep on using IE7 instead of I don't upgrading the expense system. But hey I guess if it works don;lt change it cause that cost money .

kain preacher

Are you going to pay for that? First question is does it work. Not does it work well. there has to be a businesses case to replace this software . Often times security just is not one of them unless you can convince them that it will cost them much more money not to do it .

kain preacher

Ahem I would firefox would stop changing things

You're an admin! You're an admin! You're all admins, thanks to this Microsoft Exchange zero-day and exploit

kain preacher

Re: Possible quick fix

I've been told that Dominions is an excellent program to use and admin once you understand the philosophy of it

Users fail to squeak through basic computer skills test. Well, it was the '90s

kain preacher

Re: Not sure...

Don;t make me come over there and beat you with Bottle. California has some the finest wines. Often beating the french wines .

The most annoying British export since Piers Morgan: 'Drones' halt US airport flights

kain preacher

Re: Riight

Like I said expect to see more phantom drones. Next one will only be at 500m but with a strobing laser pointer .

kain preacher

I predict more unconfirmed drone sightings at US air ports. Or not do to idiot drone operators or hysterical but as a form of work stoppage.

Dont forget right now in the US ATC have not been paid in 30 days

Lawyers' secure email network goes down, firm says it'll take 2 weeks to restore

kain preacher

Let me guess the one person that can fix it is on holiday or made redundant and they are negotiating the rate .

Man drives 6,000 miles to prove Uncle Sam's cellphone coverage maps are wrong – and, boy, did he manage it

kain preacher

You know they are now going to change the rules and testing methodology. It will now have to with 60 %