Re: A better solution
Sadly most people ignore that fact and say that bull shot line of if you can't do the time dont do the crime. The forget that that person your turned into a phyco one day will be on the same street as you.
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
In the other case, Canada is asking that a seller of counterfeit products (which is illegal in both Canada and the US) be blocked from advertising their wares through Google links.
The you would before the extradition of some in the UK that hacked some in the US since both are illegal in both countries. If not why.
'oh! DNS lib underscore bug bites everyone's favorite init tool, blanks Netflix
they only way for us to be truly safe from these data breaches is to have a global data base of people who have had there details leaked. This data base needs to contain things like SS/NI #. home address. Maiden name, drive license detail, bank account details, children and spouse name. Needs to be secured with SHA-0 and hosted by a country with a track record of tight privacy laws. I suggest the United States. To make easy for international police to access this data base I suggest that this data base be accessible by web site. Capita shall be given the contract.
I know that this might not be perfect but in the US we doing multi ported number differently. If I port a a number from att to T-mobile. ATT and T mobile work it out. IfI then port the number to sprint it goes back to ATT. Then ATT and sprint work it out. The number will always be ATT. If for some reason I stop paying my sprint bill and do not port the number out, the number will go back to ATT.
I had a co worker of mine puked after having to do a call out on a PC that lived a one room 300 sqft apartment the owners pair a pair of chain smokers. HE described it as yellow tar crap on the windows. He refused to do service on it. My boss thought the issue would be solved by sending a smoker out there. Nope Imagine a pair of fat sweat bastards that think hygiene is a four letter word . My co worker complained that it to a week to get the smell out of his car.
My favorite hell desk ticket. PC fan makes noise when people bump the desk. Just for shits and giggles I walked over and bump the desk. Her response was you have to hit the desk harder. Any harder and I would of hurt my self as this was a solid oak desk. This left me wondering what kind of animals were hitting her desk.
Psst. In the US you need not be a citizen for the Constitution to apply to you . If yu area green card holder but not a citizen you have all the rights of citizen except for voting in federal elections. green card holders can buy guns in the US. When we still had the draft green card holders could be drafted.
ATT in the US is going to fiber for one simple reason completion. With copper they have to allow other companies to come in and use their facilities and open up adsl to other companies. By going to all fiber they do not have to allow completion . This locks you in so your only choice is ATT Google(if they are in your area.) and the local cable company. Also fiber band with makes it easier for them to do cable TV.
I went with ATT fiber because they have no data caps if you have direct tv. ( yes there is a data cap on my plan in theory but wevery one I talked to says its waived if you have TV through ATT. So far I've not hit any data cap I'v used as much as 6 gigs in a month before.
It will be over soon my friends. Perhaps in a few years we can pretend it never happened.
Sure just ignore the damaged earth that poison us in revenge. The lakes and rivers that catch fire . The excessive radiation that are causing hideous mutations in plant and animal live.
Um check out the price of the mustang in the UK Vs the US. 2.3 eco boost is 20,337.05GBP in the US and in the UK £33,645 Even with taxes and fees that still a big difference.
Most companies seem to do $1 = £1 when pricing things for the UK. Some may add an extra margin for giggles. I'm looking at you Nvidia.
If they did that in my example the mustang would still be cheaper as it $26,195
Are you sure that was not regular copper ? Regular fiber is much easier to splice. I remember when they were doing a BART extension they hit a bundle of 500 pair copper lines from pac bell. The contractor and BART had to pay. Pac bell handed out free cell phones till it was fixed.
There are still places Were you can be fired or killed for be part of the LGBT. I personal know of of trans person that came to a box on their drive. It had fagot tranny on it. They called the police. The police did not like how it looked. Call out bomb squad. Yes the box exploded Never made the news. Never found out who did it . This was in Sacramento. IF you have ever been to Sacramento and the Lavender district. you see a large LGBT night live out there and I've also felt safer there then in SF and its more friendly, And know this was only about 5 years. SO yes there is still a reason for pride in the US.
"That's OK as long as they are connected via a switch, which should be called Janet for obvious academic reasons. She's super.
But if you connect Bob and John directly using a crossover cable, you will toast in firey torment for eternity."
Wait when did this turn into BDSM ? Switches, Flogging using cat 5e nine of tails, fire play. Man this sites is kinky real fast.