* Posts by kain preacher

3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007

Want to visit your loved one in jail? How about Skype instead?

kain preacher

Re: A better solution

Sadly most people ignore that fact and say that bull shot line of if you can't do the time dont do the crime. The forget that that person your turned into a phyco one day will be on the same street as you.

kain preacher

Re: A better solution

It's the same here. We have a case were a 16 year old was locked up for 3 years and never went to trial. He was often tossed in isolation. the Teen end up killing him self.

Google goes home to Cali to overturn Canada's worldwide search result ban

kain preacher

In the other case, Canada is asking that a seller of counterfeit products (which is illegal in both Canada and the US) be blocked from advertising their wares through Google links.

The you would before the extradition of some in the UK that hacked some in the US since both are illegal in both countries. If not why.

systemd'oh! DNS lib underscore bug bites everyone's favorite init tool, blanks Netflix

kain preacher

Re: Underscore?

"For the Netflix problem at hand: isn't the requested server name a hostname in DNS parlance?"

that's allowed.

kain preacher

Re: Underscore?

(RFC 1123) permitted hostname labels to start with digits. No other symbols, punctuation characters, or white space are permitted. While a hostname may not contain other characters, such as the underscore character (_), other DNS names may contain the underscore.

Sweden leaked every car owners' details last year, then tried to hush it up

kain preacher

they only way for us to be truly safe from these data breaches is to have a global data base of people who have had there details leaked. This data base needs to contain things like SS/NI #. home address. Maiden name, drive license detail, bank account details, children and spouse name. Needs to be secured with SHA-0 and hosted by a country with a track record of tight privacy laws. I suggest the United States. To make easy for international police to access this data base I suggest that this data base be accessible by web site. Capita shall be given the contract.

The Italian Jobs: Bloke thrown in the cooler for touting Apple knockoffs

kain preacher

Re: I hope...

After 9/11 the threshold was lowered to $5000. Nut thats to the FBI not to the IRS

Judge uses 1st Amendment on Pokemon Go park ban. It's super effective!

kain preacher

"Then they'll just target those areas. They're based out of state. How are they going to get prosecuted?"

I wounder how you came to that conclusion. Oh and by the way they do exclude areas when asked.

UK mobile number porting creaks: Arcane system shows its age

kain preacher

I know that this might not be perfect but in the US we doing multi ported number differently. If I port a a number from att to T-mobile. ATT and T mobile work it out. IfI then port the number to sprint it goes back to ATT. Then ATT and sprint work it out. The number will always be ATT. If for some reason I stop paying my sprint bill and do not port the number out, the number will go back to ATT.

'Coke dealer' called us after his stash was stolen – cops

kain preacher

In the US it does.

'Millions of IoT gizmos' wide open to hijackers after devs drop gSOAP

kain preacher

Re: Cutting corners ...

you are assume they care. We have seen it time after time. Iot is about making a quick buck.

It's A-OK for FBI agents to silence web giants, says appeals court

kain preacher

Re: Ninth Circus Court

No it's not. Stop spouting that crap.

Jodie Who-ttaker? The Doctor is in

kain preacher

I want kermit as the next Dr who and Miss piggy as Missy.

kain preacher

Re: Er ... Dr. Who canon ?????

Under Tom Baker it was established the reason for not going over 12. He was fighting an evil time lord and it turned out to be him self(13th regen.)

Jesus walks away after 7,000lb pipe van incident

kain preacher

Re: Quite a European Description

UM it's either US route , US Highway or interstate. Never heard of US interstate. And this would be interstate 4 or I-4 but other than that I've never hear of the term Motor way used in the US or Canada for that matter.

kain preacher

Re: You said it, man.

There are people that believe Mary Magdalene was his wife and not a whore. Just that the men at the time a that assembled the bible could not handle the idea of a strong women.

kain preacher

Re: Jesus!

Jesus is a common name in a Mexico and and its produced hey Zeus

IETF moves meeting from USA to Canada to dodge Trump travel ban

kain preacher

Re: Convenience?

Hey try San Jose or Sacramento .

Funnily enough, charging ££££s for trashy bling-phones wasn't a great idea

kain preacher

Thank you Adam as I could not remember if it was for the Android or IoS.

kain preacher

I believe there was an app on android that did nothing but cost $1000. THe point was just to show off

User left unable to type passwords after 'tropical island stress therapy'

kain preacher

Re: Da job Bag

OMG he is the IT version of MR Foxx

kain preacher

Re: Grooming habits... or lack thereof...

I had a co worker of mine puked after having to do a call out on a PC that lived a one room 300 sqft apartment the owners pair a pair of chain smokers. HE described it as yellow tar crap on the windows. He refused to do service on it. My boss thought the issue would be solved by sending a smoker out there. Nope Imagine a pair of fat sweat bastards that think hygiene is a four letter word . My co worker complained that it to a week to get the smell out of his car.

kain preacher

My favorite hell desk ticket. PC fan makes noise when people bump the desk. Just for shits and giggles I walked over and bump the desk. Her response was you have to hit the desk harder. Any harder and I would of hurt my self as this was a solid oak desk. This left me wondering what kind of animals were hitting her desk.

Truck spills slimy load all over Oregon road – drivers slip in eel slick

kain preacher

I feel sorry for the poor bastard that has to clean it up.

Trump tramples US Constitution by blocking Twitter critics – lawsuit

kain preacher

Re: ID 10 T alert

Psst. In the US you need not be a citizen for the Constitution to apply to you . If yu area green card holder but not a citizen you have all the rights of citizen except for voting in federal elections. green card holders can buy guns in the US. When we still had the draft green card holders could be drafted.

Two-factor FAIL: Chap gets pwned after 'AT&T falls for hacker tricks'

kain preacher

Re: Old news

C Hip and pin does exist in the US.

kain preacher

Re: ATT does not use work at home call center.

How is what I said is misdirection ? I've worked at an ATT call center. I can tell you what he did fireable offence.

kain preacher

Re: Bah!

ATT does not use work at home call center.

Dell gives world its first wireless-charging laptop if you buy $580 extra kit

kain preacher

Re: Windows 10 delights?

Windows 10 delights

Ahem steve maybe he is into BDSM . Maybe he likes to torture people. Or he could be a lying bastard politician.

Bloke takes over every .io domain by snapping up crucial name servers

kain preacher

Man I thought el reg folks would never down vote a mans choice of porn. Goes back to drawing huge tits on trump to fap to.

kain preacher

I wanted janet reno hillary porn.

Openreach kicks off 'rebrand' by painting over BT logo on vans

kain preacher

Re: Will it really make any differece?

ATT in the US is going to fiber for one simple reason completion. With copper they have to allow other companies to come in and use their facilities and open up adsl to other companies. By going to all fiber they do not have to allow completion . This locks you in so your only choice is ATT Google(if they are in your area.) and the local cable company. Also fiber band with makes it easier for them to do cable TV.

I went with ATT fiber because they have no data caps if you have direct tv. ( yes there is a data cap on my plan in theory but wevery one I talked to says its waived if you have TV through ATT. So far I've not hit any data cap I'v used as much as 6 gigs in a month before.

'My dream job at Oracle left me homeless!' – A techie's relocation horror tale

kain preacher

Oracle could atleast of taken ou tto dinner before the screwed him over bare bare back then violated him.

Trump backs off idea for joint US/Russian 'impenetrable Cyber Security unit'

kain preacher

Re: Impenetrable Cyber Security unit?

Right because even 2003 people did not us dial up modems to get on the internet. And in the 90's things like PCMCIA did not exist that allowed you to add things like Ethernet.

kain preacher

Re: The horror. The shame.

It will be over soon my friends. Perhaps in a few years we can pretend it never happened.

Sure just ignore the damaged earth that poison us in revenge. The lakes and rivers that catch fire . The excessive radiation that are causing hideous mutations in plant and animal live.

kain preacher

Re: Whats this GUI thingy?

I didn't know Americans did irony.

I think that was more of sarcasm. I think you find we do Irony quit well. Trumps people wanted a politician that would listen to them and make a change for the better. He gets in and tells them that medical it's gone.

His Muskiness wheels out the Tesla Model 3

kain preacher

Re: It will retail for just $35,000

Um check out the price of the mustang in the UK Vs the US. 2.3 eco boost is 20,337.05GBP in the US and in the UK £33,645 Even with taxes and fees that still a big difference.

Most companies seem to do $1 = £1 when pricing things for the UK. Some may add an extra margin for giggles. I'm looking at you Nvidia.

If they did that in my example the mustang would still be cheaper as it $26,195

May the excessive force be with you: Chap cuffed after Star Trek v Star Wars row turns bloody

kain preacher

motherfuckingbastards. Every one knows DS9 was the best sci fi show ever. Well after fire fly that is.

Sysadmin bloodied by icicle that overheated airport data centre

kain preacher

Re: injuries....

Psst. Gillette wishes they could get some thing that sharp. I swear some of those computer cases had insides sharp enough to cut a tank in half and not dull one bit. It's almost as if they were created by master Japanese sword masters.

kain preacher

Re: Have you been injured when fixing a tech problem?

Has a pair of leather gloves in my tool box just in-case I encounter a rouge copaq server.

kain preacher

Only if you piss and crap in it.

Virgin Media biz service goes TITSUP* across London

kain preacher

Re: right! own up!

Are you sure that was not regular copper ? Regular fiber is much easier to splice. I remember when they were doing a BART extension they hit a bundle of 500 pair copper lines from pac bell. The contractor and BART had to pay. Pac bell handed out free cell phones till it was fixed.

kain preacher

When I worked in a data ce3nter by redundant links to mitigated against physicals breaks was a joke. At some point separate physical links end up in the same duct.

kain preacher

Re: One fibre break

In Morgin Hill California they had a break of a fiber ring(every thing was in one duct). THat break took out the net, cell towers and 911(999). Yes you had redundancies but every thing ran in one duct.

Virgin Media admits it 'fell short' in broadband speeds ahead of lashing from BBC's Watchdog

kain preacher

When I worked for ATT any thing less then 80% of contracted speed is considered a problem. Any thing less then 75% allowed you to get out of the contract.

Bonkers call to boycott Raspberry Pi Foundation over 'gay agenda'

kain preacher

Re: Don't Speak for Me

There are still places Were you can be fired or killed for be part of the LGBT. I personal know of of trans person that came to a box on their drive. It had fagot tranny on it. They called the police. The police did not like how it looked. Call out bomb squad. Yes the box exploded Never made the news. Never found out who did it . This was in Sacramento. IF you have ever been to Sacramento and the Lavender district. you see a large LGBT night live out there and I've also felt safer there then in SF and its more friendly, And know this was only about 5 years. SO yes there is still a reason for pride in the US.

kain preacher

Re: @Bob and John

"That's OK as long as they are connected via a switch, which should be called Janet for obvious academic reasons. She's super.

But if you connect Bob and John directly using a crossover cable, you will toast in firey torment for eternity."

Wait when did this turn into BDSM ? Switches, Flogging using cat 5e nine of tails, fire play. Man this sites is kinky real fast.

kain preacher


Q is for gender queer

a person who does not subscribe to conventional gender distinctions but identifies with neither, both, or a combination of male and female genders. the T and I part have different issues then the LGB

kain preacher

"I do have gay friends and I am not afraid of gays nor lesbians nor trangenders , so I am NOT homophobic,"

Cough *bullshit* cough

kain preacher

Wait there is a secret lesbian code? Why didn't any tell me that sooner :). God that to me screams she is in the closet. Women all the time say things like nice dress oh I love your shoes.